Transformer romance
From Transformers Wiki
Some will vehemently refuse to admit it exists. Others really don't care about the brand beyond it. Regardless of opinions, Transformers engaging in or pursuing interaction of a romantic nature is a well-established element in pretty much every continuity. For the most part, Transformers are observed searching for romantic partners amongst their own kind, but attraction to organic lifeforms and even non-living objects has been documented as well.
Some wonder why a species that likely does not reproduce sexually would participate in behavior that in other creatures exists as a means to promote sex and thereby new life. While a definitive answer to this has yet to be given, the question as to why Transformers become romantically involved with one another can be approached from a different angle. Transformers are a highly social species. This is shown through their very human-like society, interpersonal interactions, familial relationships, and even the fairly common practice of merging bodies and minds. If these are not frowned upon, then why should social connections of the romantic kind be regarded much differently, if at all? Perhaps there is no reason for them to engage in romance, but then there is equally no reason for them not to.
Though rather obscure, there is even an official term for two Transformers in a relationship: "sparkmates". Existing as a fan term mostly, it has been used in two official sources: the end-of-game bio for Airazor, in reference to her and Tigatron, in the Nintendo 64 version of the Beast Wars Transmetals video game;[1] and again in Venus, a sub-feature of The AllSpark Almanac. In addition, Downshift's Cyber Key Code info appears to refer to Transformer marriage in stating that he and his lifebond partner "joined together under the Covenant of Primus".
The 2005 IDW continuity ongoing series, More Than Meets The Eye, refers to a Transformer in a committed, intimate partnership as a "Conjunx Endura". Issues #32, #38, and #56 of this series have various characters use the term "sparkmate" as a synonym.
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The most common observation of Cybertronian romance is between a male and a female Transformer. [citation needed] Considering the general scarcity of female Transformers, and perhaps the absence of sexual reproduction, this is a rather interesting if odd situation. Second to that are the number of noted relations between a Transformer and an organic, equally so almost solely between a (nominally) male and female. These become more frequent as the gender balance becomes less even, even if that is a direct result of Transformers allegedly being genderless. Third in line come "couples" that consist of a Transformer fawning over a not-living object, often regarding it as of the opposite gender.
Until recently, same-gender interests were comparatively rare. The Japanese version of Beast Wars had Airazor as a male, making his relationship with Tigatron the first known instance of a homosexual Transformer couple.[2] At a distance follows Energon Mirage, who had the (unrequited) hots for Galvatron. (Dick Gautier jokingly "confirmed" that Rodimus Prime is gay at BotCon 2002, in response to panel-mate Michael McConnohie being asked if Tracks was. This is obviously not canon.)
Transformer/organic relations are not any richer in this regard. Paddles had a clear fondness for the humans Randall and Ed, and Magnificus and Ga'mede might have something going between them, but that's about it. A note could be made on the fair chance that Tigatron's beast mode represents a female tiger and was scanned from his partner Snowstalker, yet that is speculation at best.
The real-world explanation for the overall scarcity of anything specific between two of the same gender is that Transformers above all exists to sell toys to children and so has to play in on the wishes and expectations of the assumed general audience. Even if attitude is improving, heterosexuality is still the default assumption and least controversial option in all-ages fiction. Outside of an accident in translation[2] and a few sneaked-in jokes for older viewers, the default is still for writers to haul up Arcee or insert a new female (Transformer) to fill the romance niche than play up that sort of interaction in same gender context.
However, the IDW comics have a traditionally older audience. This led to the glass ceiling being shattered when More than Meets the Eye depicted Chromedome and Rewind in a millennia-long relationship, in which they were named as each other's "significant other"... and this relationship was not the first either have had, and Chromedome may or may not have been dating Prowl before that.[3] The relationship is perhaps not out-and-out romance as humans would think or feel it, but author James Roberts has commented that this is because he imagines Transformers don't have relationships in exactly the same way humans do; he leaves no doubt that "Chromedome and Rewind each regard the other as the most important person in their life."[4] That Rewind out-and-out says "I love you" in a message to Chromedome only hammers it home. Cyclonus and Tailgate have also shared a close bond over the years that gradually evolved into a romantic relationship. Hasbro has been totally cool with IDW doing this.[5] This measure was later followed up by the introduction of the first same-gender female married couple in Transformers history in the form of Anode and Lug, An Axe to Break the Ice after the first depicted romantic female pair of Greenlight and Lancer, The Will of the Few as well as the first example of attraction between members of different genders in IDW in the same issue where the gals Proxima and Acceleron's relationship was mentioned by Nautica. The Sensuous Frame The late bigot Sentinel Prime expressed vague misgivings about how modern-day Conjunx Endurae on Cybertron would "swap fuel in public" as one of several reasons for his violent attempt to reinstall his brutal regime. Ten to Midnight IDW capped all of this off with the first genuinely romantic, on-the-mouth, unobfuscated, fully-on-screen/panel kiss between Transformers in recorded history, and by extension, the first same-gender kiss between Arcee and Aileron. The Falling, Chapter 6: Unforgivable
(And yes, there is the fact that IDW has previously established that Transformers are genderless in their continuity, but let's not kid ourselves about what we're seeing and reading here.)
Of note, in the My Little Pony/Transformers: The Magic of Cybertron crossover, when Arcee and Greenlight encounter Holiday and Lofty on Cybertron when the two ponies are looking for their niece Scootaloo, Holiday introduces Lofty as "my gal", and Arcee in turn introduces Greenlight as "my 'gal.'" Greenlight bemusedly remarks on this to Arcee as an astute move to copy parlance to make the ponies more comfortable, and Arcee happily confirms that was her plan. Linguistic hang-ups of not needing translation between species common to Transformers stories aside, the writing seems to suggest that transformers of this crossover do not use the same language for relationships and/or possibly gender that the ponies do. Whether that means simply that they have different understandings of either or both that are comparable to the ponies or are an alien context is unclear from the text itself. A Real Mother

(NOTE: We didn't make that up. That actually, canonically happened.)
The hints are few and far between, but Transformers is not devoid of the possibility Transformers might engage in sexual activities (for recreational purposes, usually). Kissing is a regularly observed sign of affection and in The Headmasters episode "Return of the Immortal Emperor", Chromedome was rather thrilled he got to see Arcee transform. Nevertheless, Beast Wars was the first to pick up the subject in a more direct manner: in the episode "The Agenda (Part 1)", Rattrap offers to take Silverbolt to what sounds like a Cybertronian version of a strip club, and later slyly makes a double entendre regarding Silverbolt's suspected kinky activities with Blackarachnia. Botanica also makes a lewd-sounding comment about him interfacing with a computer, which he retorts "is more fun than plowing your little field of dreams," followed by the two sharing a knowing smirk.
Sexual assault euphemisms are commonly inserted in the Japanese dubs of Western Transformers programs for, uh, "humor". The Japanese dub of "Maximal, No More" has Rattrap, thinking himself about to be stabbed by Dinobot, ask his attacker to penetrate him "gently, because I've heard the first time can hurt." The Japanese dub of "Predatory", reworked from a slasher movie homage to a parody of Pepe Le Pew cartoons, has Airachnid spewing a lengthy string of sexual declarations (some thinly veiled, some not-so-much) as she amorously pursues Jack (including singing a Japanese folk song about a woman assaulting a man).
References and innuendos have become increasingly more common in recent years. Scarlett and Bumblebee had a suggestive conversation about "riding" him in "Wolves", and in "The Art of War issue 3", Arcee promised Bumblebee to "rotate his tires" if he could beat her, to which he responded with a most enthusiastic "Wooo-Hooo!". In the Dreamwave issue "Infestation", one remark from Sunstreaker might suggest the existence of Transformer S.T.D.'s. In the ever-questionable Kiss Players double-entendres ran rife, with one of the most disturbing involving Optimus Prime deriving pleasure from Marissa Faireborn polishing his stick shift and rubbing the rim of his gas tank, which are pretty clear metaphors for... well... y'know. And in Rise of the Beasts, Mirage loudly exclaims "you've been inside me!" in offense when Noah called him a work friend.
And that's about as far as we're going to broach the subject. If you really want to know more on the matter of Transformer sex, an exciting world of fan fiction awaits you. Take note that doing so will be at your own risk, and TFWiki accepts no liability for any psychological trauma incurred.
Transformer - Transformer
“ | But me Grimlock still taller than you. That why Spider-Lady like me Grimlock best. | ” |
—Grimlock, making sure no one else tries a move on his love interest, "Black Friday" |
Most commonly, Transformers stick to their own kind when becoming romantically entangled. In at least one universe, a Transformer can designate another Transformer their Conjunx Endura, or significant other.
Generation 1
- Generation 1 cartoon continuity
- Elita One (Ariel) - Optimus Prime (Orion Pax)
- Chromia - Ironhide The Search for Alpha Trion
- Moonracer - Powerglide The Search for Alpha Trion
- Inferno - Firestar The Search for Alpha Trion
- Arcee - either Hot Rod, Springer or Chromedome The Headmasters
- Wreck-Gar - Nancy The Big Broadcast of 2006
- Octane once tried to tune in an image of a disturbingly sexualized unnamed female robot. Make of that what you will. Starscream's Ghost
- Technically or something, Overlord is married to him/herself. Super-God Masterforce
- Esmeral - Deathsaurus who, unique to other Transformers relationships up to this point, are explicitly stated to be husband and wife. Victory
- Clipper - Holi Victory
- Star Saber blushed and was a little lost on words when Clipper complimented him. Holi didn't like this. Planet Micro - The Mysterious Warrior
- The rest of Holi's team is sad they don't have girlfriends. Resurrection!? The Decepticon Fortress
- Megatron - Blackarachnia Transformers Legends
- 2005 IDW continuity
- Rewind - Dominus Ambus Words Hang in the Air
- Chromedome - Pivot The Gloaming, Mach The Gloaming, Scattergun The Gloaming, Prowl Shadowplay (possibly), and finally Rewind Before & After
- Brainstorm had an unreciprocated love for Quark Predestination: An Expert's Guide and was later "simpatico" with Perceptor How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2
- Proxima - Acceleron The Sensuous Frame
- Sparkstalker - Lightbright Choose Me
- Needlenose - Horri-Bull The Transgressors
- Greenlight - Lancer The Will of the Few
- Swift - Barricade
- Strafe assumed Slug was hitting on her The Transformers: Redemption.
- Knock Out - Breakdown Windblade vol. 2 issue 4
- Jumpstream - Dust Up Ghost Stories
- Blast Off - Onslaught The Price of You
- Anode - Lug An Axe to Break the Ice
- Metrotitan was Chela's mate. Origin Myths
- Cyclonus - Tailgate You Are Here
- Arcee - Aileron The Falling, Chapter 6: Unforgivable
- Wreck-Gar - Rum-Maj Time Will Rust
- Drift - Ratchet How To Say Goodbye And Mean It: Part 2
- 2019 IDW continuity
- Arcee - Greenlight The World In Your Eyes Part Four
- Glyph - Tap-Out Transformers Valentine's Day Special
- Cosmos - Blast Off Open Comms
- Cyclonus - Paragon Hunt
- Knock Out - Breakdown Tread & Circuits Part 2
- Both Proxima and Crosscut had a crush on Nautica The Change In Your Nature Part Four
- Other
- Arcee - Bumblebee The Art of War
- Overkill is planning on getting himself a whole harem of girl-bots. The Art of War issue 5
- Devcon found himself some pleasant company on Spaceport CSSB-16. Disclosure
- San D-Go once had plans to marry Discharge, apparently directly inspired by that aspect of human culture. Whether there was an actual romantic relationship involved is unknown. San D-Go's Micromaster toy bio
- Raker is a shameless flirt to female robots. Raker's Micromaster toy bio
- Magnum has a girlfriend. Wings of Honor
- Wheelie had parents when he crashed on Quintessa. The Story of Wheelie, the Wild Boy of Quintesson
- Swindle once dated Thunderblast, and is a bit of a skirt-chaser in general. Flames of Yesterday
- Side Burn has a thing for fembots (specifically ones in red) and isn't above impersonating an elite guardsman to get sympathy. Battle Lines, Part 1
- And thinks Lyzack, a femicon with a sword, is hot. Battle Lines, Part 3
- Alpha Bravo and Offroad, though not officially described as anything other than "friends", had a relationship practically swimming in romantic undertones. Foundation and Wreckage Part 1: Deadly Aim
- Arcee - Greenlight A Real Mother
- Knock Out - BreakdownThe Beauty of Cybertron
Beast Era
- Airazor - Tigatron
- Blackarachnia - Silverbolt
- Cheetor, Quickstrike and Waspinator all had crushes on Blackarachnia. Tarantulas had feelings towards her that we'll leave to the imagination.
- Botanica - Rattrap
- Strika - Obsidian[6]
- Scylla and Artemis both fancy Scuba. In turn, Bighorn has a crush on Scylla, while Artemis also likes Starscream.
- While technically not a Transformer, DNAVI is in love with Guiledart.
- Rage - Stampy To Jellyfish with Love! Cry Out, Stampy Blade
- Z Grill and Kitte Shūshū fell in love and made a kid. Andromeda - Axiom Nexus News, 10/5/2015
- Bazooka - Crazybolt Intersectionality Cultural Appropriation
- Nucleon - Kari[7] A Brush With Infamy–Prologue
Unicron Trilogy
- Mirage displays romantic interest in Galvatron. Energon
- Downshift - Joyride Downshift's Cyber Key Code info
- Shortround fancies Thunderblast. Naturally, she does not reciprocate.
- Thunderblast - Just about anybody who's big and powerful.
- Ransack is quite the skirt chaser. He used to have a relation with a "cute scooter",[8] but eventually dumped her. Landmine He also harbored a secret crush on Override, Ransack's Cyber Key Code info and tried to win over Thunderblast by winning the Speedia 500. Beginning
- Buzzsaw tried to cheer up the Upstart's crew by reminding them of the perks of seeking out the colony worlds. Starting his list came "naive small planetoid femme-bots." ...Yes. Let's hope that when he closed his speech with "all of it untouched for centuries or more... until we show up," he was only talking about the energon reserves at the end of the list. Force of Habit
- Vector Prime and his bodyguard Scorpia had a love that bypassed rank but, in the end, his duty meant he had to leave her. Answering questions about this left him quiet and sad. Ask Vector Prime
Live-action film series
- Jetfire claims to have a mother and a father. Primus knows what that means, but we might as well try to be complete about this list. Revenge of the Fallen
- In her spare time, Arcee runs a lonely-hearts ad column called Arcee's soulmates. Many 'bots write letters in for it mostly expecting replies from other 'bots. Star Screams
- In the letters page of the comic of the films, Barricade flirts right back with a cop-cycle OC called Hotwire.
Transformers Animated
- Sentinel Prime used to date Elita-1 until, well... The AllSpark Almanac
- Grimlock, Snarl, Swoop and Wasp/Waspinator each have (had) a one-sided crush on Blackarachnia. Black Friday
- Blackarachnia and Optimus Prime seem to have feelings for each other. Along Came a Spider
- Starscream flirted with his female clone upon meeting her. A Bridge Too Close, Part I
- Sari Sumdac once considered Afterburn dreamy. It is unclear if this opinion is to be attributed to her dormant Transformer half. Transformers Animated
- Strika - Lugnut. Strika's tech spec bio The AllSpark Almanac
- Ratchet has an unnamed girlfriend from Crystal City. The AllSpark Almanac
- Wreck-Gar once believed Sari Sumdac wanted to go steady with him. Human Error, Part II
- Botanica - Rattletrap. The AllSpark Almanac II
- Flareup - Warpath. The AllSpark Almanac II
- Glyph and Volks used to date long ago. And Volks is something of a Ladiesbot217-type. The AllSpark Almanac II
- Jackpot is obsessed (but very unlucky) with fembots. Among his unsuccessful projects are Roulette and Airazor. Gone Too Far
- Crystal Widow had Skyfall before becoming stuck in Axiom Nexus. Withered Hope
- One of the ways Airazor can be bribed is by "providing her with a handsome companion", according to Crystal Widow. Withered Hope
- One of the Swindles running Swindle, Swindle and Swindle has hinted that all three of the Swindles are in some kind of polyamorous relationship. One of them tried dating a different Swindle, but one of the other Swindles took a dislike to the newcomer and the relationship went nowhere. Swindle's Spiel
Shattered Glass
Aligned continuity family
- Megatronus and Liege Maximo had feelings for Solus Prime Exiles. She returned Megatronus's feelingsCovenant of Primus, but may have had eyes for Nexus Prime as well.
- Breakdown once expressed feelings for Airachnid. Stronger, Faster Looks like even Cybertronian love hurts too. Crossfire
- Ratchet, in a Synthetic Energon-induced daze of strength and adrenaline, flirtatiously winked at Arcee, causing a very awkward response from the latter. Stronger, Faster
- Sideswipe frequently flirted with Windblade on multiple occasions throughout the show. The Buzz on Windblade She seemed relatively amused by this. Overloaded, Part 2
- Burgertron - Ulf the Orange Mall Than Meets the Eye
- Dimlit - Jacqueline Dimlit in Love
- Clogstopper flirted with Fottle Barts, asking if she wanted to see his used ear-swab collection. She strangely seemed into it. The Goldrush Games - Part the Second
- Clogstopper also expressed an infatuation with Spud Muffin, calling him a "hunk" (Never) Be Yourself
- While not explicitly stated it's implied Bonz-Eye and Lady Macaron may have a romantic connection. Lone Bot and Carb On the Bot Prom Dance Floor
Transformer - organic
“ | We don't have to be the same outside to share the same feeling inside. | ” |
—Alana speaks words every Autobot Commander dreads, "Sea Change" |
Perhaps because reproduction does not seem to be a motivation for them to become romantically involved, or perhaps because finding a proper partner among their own kind is not always an easy task, more than one Transformer has made nice with an organic lifeform. However, virtually nothing is known about how the long-term cases worked out, what with physical differences such as size, lifespan and aging, and cultural differences - even without the constant influence of the war.
The reason why organic lifeforms sometimes go head-over-heels for giant mechanical beings is another matter. In the case of humans, several authoritative works have been written on relevant aspects of their biology. Readers are advised to seek them out for further reference -at their own risk.
Generation 1
- Skids and Charlene Showdown!
- Sludge took a deep liking to Joy Meadows UK Marvel comics
- Wreck-Gar believed Ultra Magnus's care for Cindy Newell was of the "nudge. nudge. wink. wink." variety. Fire on High!
- While Cloudburst clumsily tried to explain to the First One why he wasn't interested in her, Landmine got cozy in the next room with several other Femaxians. Recipe for Disaster!
- Stranglehold had a dream involving two ladies there for his affections. They are supposedly organic-based, because while Stranglehold's humanoid appearance is his Pretender shell, female Transformers officially don't exist in the Marvel continuity, so it's not likely they are Pretenders. End of the Road!
- Powerglide - Astoria Carlton-Ritz The Girl Who Loved Powerglide
- Seaspray - Alana Sea Change
- Michelle totally got it on with Rodimus Prime. Though to be fair, he was human at the time. Only Human
- Wheelie had a thing for Papika. Head Formation of Friendship
- Lander went on a date with Madonna at least once.
- Starscream fell for Jenny's charms. Full Throttle Scramble Power!
- Jazz - Marissa Faireborn Generation One
- Bumblebee - Scarlett Transformers/G.I. Joe
- Glide is known to pick up cute human girls and give them rides on his motorcycle mode. Glide's Micromaster toy bio
- Autorooper - Atari Hitotonari Kiss Players
- Hot Rod - Shaoshao Li Kiss Players
- Optimus Prime - Marissa Faireborn Kiss Players
- Sunstreaker drives faster if he smells Junko Shiragami's marigold-scented hair. Make of that what you will. Binaltech Asterisk
- Paddles took a deep liking to Randall and Ed. Paddles
- Brawn and Cover Girl got married. The War Never Ends
- Crankcase - CONS4EVA Nothing Will Ever Be the Same Again!
- Rapticon - Ne'll [9] The Inexorable March
- Action Man tried to flirt with Arcee, which repulsed Kup. Unification Day: Dawn
- It's never called out, but Thundercracker based the lead female character in his script partially after Marissa Faireborn and the male lead partially after himself. They also act like an old married couple.
Beast Era
- Tigatron - Snowstalker
- Possibly, Optimus Primal once fell for a female gorilla. A Greater Ape
- When Diver was singing, he attracted a lot of female frogs out of his expectation. Demolish the Superdreadnought Tank!
Live-action film series

- Wheelie thought that Mikaela Banes was hot. Revenge of the Fallen
- He later shifted his attentions to Carly Spencer. Dark of the Moon
- In the Japanese dub, Airachnid is head-over-heels in love with Jack, even going so far as to aggressively propose marriage to him (Jack, incidentally, does not reciprocate the affection). Mystery Insect Transformation! Forest of the Spider Woman!
Transformer - non-living object
“ | And when we get back home, I want Bumblebee to meet my brother's convertible. We call her Juanita, and I think the two of them will get along just fine. | ” |
—Luisa, quite likely one of the very few humans who does not find this an awkward subject, "Fire on the Mountain" |
While the ability to at least exchange thoughts can explain the interest some Transformers have for beings not belonging to their own kind, that pretty much doesn't go for the interest some of them have for non-living objects. Unless the fact they often treat them as if they are alive has something to do with it. This is possibly not as odd as it seems: Transformers are, after all, part object themselves, some even having been upgraded from a mere piece of machinery. In that sense, it is perhaps harder to understand why it doesn't happen more often.
Generation 1
- Luisa wanted to introduce Bumblebee to her brother's convertible "Juanita". Bumblebee seemed to appreciate that plan. Fire on the Mountain
- Iguanus and his own Pretender shell Iguanus's toy bio
- Rook and the Running Cogs Award for Captivating Journalism Around Cybertron #17
Robots in Disguise
- Side Burn has a thing for pretty red sportcars.
Unicron Trilogy
Live-action movies
- Dialog from their trans-scan of new alternate modes may suggest Skids and Mudflap had sexual thoughts towards their new alternate modes.[10]
Transformers Animated
- Scrapper and Mixmaster like sportcars almost as much as Side Burn does. Rise of the Constructicons
- ↑ Beast Wars Transmetals end-of-game bios - transcription
- ↑ 2.0 2.1 The reason the Japanese Beast Wars dub made Airazor male is unknown, but was possibly because Takara hoped to increase toy sales that way. Therefore, the relationship with Tigatron was initially played off somewhat differently to avoid complaints of homosexuality. Tigatron was presented as a samurai retainer with protective feelings towards his young ward, their closeness addressed in a "brotherly" sort of way. Despite that, there was still enough innuendo left over for the gender-bending to become noticeable. The end of the matter came with the sequence in "Other Visits (Part 1)" when Airazor and Tigatron stare into each other's eyes while holding hands and slowly leaning in for a kiss. Since little could be done with that scene, the dub team had Airazor fully "come out" and begin to express his affection for Tigatron just before the two of them were abducted by the Vok. Japanese magazine editors, responding to letters from confused young fans, gently explained that "some people are just like that".
- ↑ "The Underbase Podcast Deconstructs Shadowplay", 17:17 - 14:58
- ↑ James Roberts on Chromedome and Rewind on the IDW forums
- ↑ Moonbase2's second interview with James Roberts - 01:40:47 to 01:41:24
- ↑ Transformers: Beast Machines Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) Wed, 19 Jan 2000, by Bob Skir
- ↑ Kari is a Cyberdroid in the Beast Wars: Uprising continuity rather than a Nebulan.
- ↑ From context, the best guess is Crumplezone was talking about a Transformer.
- ↑ As Ne'll is stated to be a cybernetically enhanced specimen of humanity, it's unclear just how much of her body is still organic, which makes this something of a borderline case.
- ↑ Mudflap: "This is my booty call right here. Time to get my sexy on with the green. (beatboxes)" Revenge of the Fallen