A Tour Of Belgium’s Monastic Trappist Breweries

Of the eleven recognized breweries run by Trappist monks in the world, five of them are dotted across Belgium. Surrounded by tranquil, green scenery and with brewskies that have been named the best in world many times over, these monasteries form an essential part of Belgian beer culture. A large part of their profits even go to charity – we’ll drink to that!
St. Sixtus Abbey in Westvleteren
Architectural Landmark
Abbey of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart in Westmalle
Historical Landmark
Adhering to the rules of St. Benedictus, Trappist monks are always responsible for their own livelihoods and live a life not only dedicated to prayer, but to work as well. It’s no wonder then that so many of them have developed a taste for brewing beers, besides producing other artisanal products like cheese or bread. Another incentive might be the fact that the monks themselves are allowed to drink these beers during lunch or dinner, and in the case of Westmalle this has been true since 1836. The Westmalle Tripel – the most famous of their three beers – has gone from being sold at the gates of the monastery to being another frequent contender for the title of best beer in the world. Like at most of the monastic breweries, there is no chance of witnessing the process, since the quiet life of the monks has to be respected. However you can still drink their acclaimed Tripel at the café across from the abbey, as well as watch a documentary on how it’s made.
Abbey of Our Lady in Orval
Historical Landmark

Abbey of Our Lady of Scourmont in Chimay
Historical Landmark
Unlike its Westvleteren sister, the Scourmont Abbey has embraced a larger production of its beers. Still on the abbey domain and under strict supervision by the monks (a requirement to carry the rare ‘Trappist’ label), all of the beer is made exclusively with water from the two wells on the Scourmont grounds. Chimay beers were the very first ones to be honored with the Trappist label and they’ve recently launched La Chimay Dorée (Chimay Gold) to the public. A surprising choice, since this originally was the abbey’s patersbier, a light ale (4,8 % in this case) that usually stays within the monastery’s walls, only to be consumed by its monks.
Abbey of Our Lady of Saint-Rémy in Rochefort
Historical Landmark
A tranquil atmosphere permeates the monastery of Rochefort, where the rather secluded monks only see tourists if they come to visit the church, since there is no café or community center present on the grounds. To taste the Rochefort beers – strong and with a spice that’s normally reserved for barley wine – close to where they were brewed, you’ll have to pay a visit to one of the town’s bars instead.