Cinebench R20
Cinebench R20 is a benchmarking tool that measures the performance of a computer's processor by rendering a 3D scene using the Cinema 4D engine. The tool uses all available cores and threads of the processor to complete the rendering as quickly as possible, providing a score that reflects the overall performance of the CPU. The score is then used to compare different processors and systems, allowing users to identify the best options for their specific needs. Cinebench R20 is commonly used by professionals in the film and video production industry, as well as gamers and enthusiasts, to evaluate the performance of different CPUs and make informed purchasing decisions.

3DMark is a benchmarking tool that is used to measure the performance of graphics cards (GPUs). It does this by running a series of demanding 3D graphics and physics tests, which simulate the kinds of tasks that are commonly encountered in gaming and other demanding 3D applications. The results of these tests are then used to assign a score to the GPU, which can be used to compare its performance to other GPUs. 3DMark also includes a range of presets for different types of use cases, such as gaming, VR, and professional use, as well as a feature that allows users to create custom benchmarking scenarios. This allows users to test their GPU's performance in a variety of different scenarios.
THEMVP Scoring
How theMVP score is calculated ?
To assign scores, we evaluate the benchmarks of all components before assigning the score. We take into account factors such as CPU speed, memory, storage, and graphics card performance to ensure that you get the best machine for your needs. So, whether you're a gamer, a content creator, or a researcher, you can trust our scoring system to help you find the perfect machine.
To assign scores, we evaluate the benchmarks of all components before assigning the score. We take into account factors such as CPU speed, memory, storage, and graphics card performance to ensure that you get the best machine for your needs. So, whether you're a gamer, a content creator, or a researcher, you can trust our scoring system to help you find the perfect machine.