Data Policy

Last revised on November 13, 2024

Data on The Org comes from a variety of sources including publicly available pages on the internet (company websites, news articles, social profiles, etc.) and our active community of contributors. Registered users can join their company using their company email address and make edits to the information on their company page.

We only process professional data, regardless of where an individual is based, across all of our solutions. This includes, but is not limited to, employing company, job title, and professional contact information. We do not provide or collect consumer data, which includes, but is not limited to, age, health, web browsing history, health records, or economic status.

Users can choose not to appear on The Org by going through the opt out flow. We need to verify your work email because that is the unique key to identify positions. Opting out may not work if you use a personal email address or an anonymous email provider. We will only keep your work email to prevent your information from being added again. You can also send us an email at [email protected] or contact us via our LinkedIn page.

Companies are not protected by the same privacy laws as individuals but we still honor most takedown requests. When evaluating a request, our team looks at whether the company is publicly funded, publicly listed or otherwise in the public interest. Due to our crowdsourced nature, information may be added again in the future. Removal requests should be sent to [email protected] by an authorized company representative.

We take privacy very seriously and are continuously working on ways to improve our processes. Please let us know if we can improve through our support channels.

By using our service you are accepting our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.