Bestow and Impart


Bestow verb - To make a present of.
Usage example: bestowed a new car on their son for graduation

Impart is a synonym for bestow in give topic. In some cases you can use "Impart" instead a verb "Bestow", when it comes to topics like grant, allocation, transmit, empower. popular alternative

Nearby Words: bestowal, bestowing


Impart verb - Bestow a quality on.

Bestow is a synonym for impart in give topic. You can use "Bestow" instead a verb "Impart", if it concerns topics such as action, grant, allocation, transmit. popular alternative

Nearby Words: imparting, impartible

Common collocations

ability bestow ability impart ability
power bestow power impart power
strength bestow strength impart strength
kind bestow kind impart kind
Other words: blessing, luck, justice, techniques, memories, superpowers.
Cite this Source
Impart and Bestow. (2016). Retrieved 2025, March 27, from
Bestow & Impart. N.p., 2016. Web. 27 Mar. 2025. <>.
Impart or Bestow. 2016. Accessed March 27, 2025.
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