When he spoke, which wasn’t often, his breath commonly smelled of alcohol. His bloodshot eyes seemed sad, drooping like those of a hound dog. His arms were strong, the result of years of servi…
President Joe Biden needs to secure the nation’s southern border -- if not for its national security implications, then for Biden’s own political benefit and the welfare of our republic.
In the wake of last month's elections, the bulk of media coverage and analysis has understandably focused on whether Democrats or Republicans have more momentum going into 2024. But Election D…
U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., posed the same question Tuesday to the presidents of Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Pennsylvania, proxies…
Former President Ronald Reagan once noted, “No government ever voluntarily reduces itself in size.” That’s true, which is why what’s currently happening with Medicaid is so remarkable.
George Santos, the infamous fabulist, got the boot from Congress last week. The first member to be expelled in over 20 years and one of only three members to be kicked out for something other …
The hyped debate between Gavin Newsom and Ron DeSantis last week was never going to be more than a brief sideshow running parallel to the main attraction — the actual campaign for the White House.
Saying that public officials should be “ethical” is like saying that sunshine and puppies are good things. The tougher questions are what “ethical” means, how to tell if public officials meet …
The Supreme Court’s new code of ethics is weak and insufficient after a year of disturbing reports showing the justices have been engaged in highly unethical conduct.
With just over six weeks until Iowa voters cast the first official 2024 votes, the Republican race has come into focus: former President Donald Trump maintaining his big lead, and Ron DeSantis…
Republicans have one thing right about the border: The Biden administration’s strategy to keep asylum seekers from flocking to the United States is not working.
As if Texas didn’t already have enough disasters — floods, fires, tornadoes, explosions — it has added a new kind to the list. At around 4:30 a.m. on Nov. 8, Texas recorded the fourth-largest …
Politics seems to have invaded nearly all aspects of our lives, and not in a good way. Research by the American Psychological Association shows that the stress of following daily political new…
After Hamas massacred 1,200 Israelis, gang-raped teens and kidnapped hundreds of innocents, 30 student groups at Harvard issued a statement reading, "We, the undersigned student organizations,…
According to a recent poll conducted by the Democratic firm Blueprint, only 5% of Americans say that President Joe Biden is "far more conservative than me."
In the thick of the COVID-19 pandemic, Congress sent $190 billion in aid to schools, stipulating that 20% of the funds be used for reversing learning setbacks. At the time, educators knew that…
Congressional dysfunction took a dangerous turn recently. In the House, former Speaker Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., allegedly elbowed Rep. Tim Burchett, R-Tenn., in the kidney (McCarthy denied th…