Victorian Tumblr Themes
The Stuarts



With rounded skull formed in two pieces joined along a low roped medial comb, pierced at each side with four circular hearing-holes and flanged outwards at it base to form an integral rear gorget-plate.The pivoted peak fitted with a mask-like face-guard cut at its upper end with semi-circular eye-openings and embossed beneath them with a nose and grinning mouth, the latter pierced with seven circular ventilation-holes and outlined with a roped rib.Hinged cheek-pieces flanged outwards at their bases to form an integral front gorget-plate, overlapping at the front and joined there by a swivel-hook and stud similar to that securing the face-guard to the right cheek-piece, the main edges of the helmet finished with roped inward turns accompanied in the case of those of the gorget-plates by brass-capped lining-rivets, all surfaces blackened.

Source: Peter Finer - Fine Antique Arms, Armour & Related Items 

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