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Careers in farming and growing

Careers in farming and growing

The UK agriculture and horticulture sector faces an exciting, yet challenging future. Its goal is to produce safe and nutritious food that meets the needs of a growing population.
There is a place for everyone in farming and growing, regardless of their prior experience or skills.
Farmers and growers work hard to put food on our plates while also protecting the environment.

Huge range of exciting careers in diverse sector

Few sectors feature so many rewarding careers, working with modern technology to protect the environment and improve animal welfare.

But that's exactly what farming and growing offers, with a range of roles so wide that there really is something for everyone, regardless of their experience in the sector or previous qualifications.
Find the right support for the first steps in an exciting career in farming or growing.

Careers Advice Hub

There are loads of competitions, bursaries and organisations out there to help careers seekers get started in farming and growing, regardless of their backgrounds.

If you're a careers seeker, or you know someone who is, then our Careers Advice Hub can help you find the right support to help careers seekers get their first start in this exciting industry.
Find the right support for the first steps in an exciting career in farming or growing.
Whether you're starting your career or looking to change career, farming and growing has a host of sustainable opportunities with rewarding roles.

Pathways to a sustainable career

Get an insight into the wide variety of tasks and responsibilities involved in all the different sectors of farming and growing with our free online training modules.

Plus, you can take our test to see how ready you are for a career in this exciting sector and hear from real farmers and growers who have found their place in the industry.

Find the right support for the first steps in an exciting career in farming or growing.

Putting food on the nation's tables

Farming and growing is hugely varied across the UK, providing the vegetables, fruit, grain and meat that keeps the country fed.

And with around 105,000 farms in England, employing about 300,000 people, the industry has developed specialist niches across the country.

Find out more about the sectors, their value to the economy and how the industry near you is different to that in the rest of the country.
Farming and growing is changing, and there are more opportunities than ever to develop your career in this sector.

Grow your sustainable career - Work experience in farming

With many schools and colleges now recommending students take on virtual, rather than on-site, work experience placements, we've worked with Springpod to ensure farming and growing careers are better represented online.

Developed in collaboration with our Industry Careers Action Plan Group, our Virtual Work Experience (VWEX) programme gives careers seekers a real insight into the incredible work farmers and growers do in producing food while managing the environment in a sustainable way.

Optimise your chances of success when applying

Applying for jobs can be daunting at the best of times, but there's no reason to fear it.

Our Employment Toolkit can help you find roles you're interested in, strengthen your application and ensure you stand out when you apply.

Follow the step-by-step advice in this toolkit to give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding in you application.

You can give your self the best chance to secure a rewarding role in agriculture or horticulture by following the steps in our Employment Toolkit.

Diverse range of exciting roles

We recently worked with Careermap to emphasise the range of engaging and progressive careers available in the industry. 

Our eight-page spread - which you can read here - was included in Careermap’s Parents and Guardians online careers guidance magazine.

This industry spotlight explains why the modern agriculture and horticulture industry is right for today’s forward-thinking and talented youngsters.

To read the full issue and to sign up for future issues, visit the Careermag website.

More careers information

Find out about the organisations which offer support to those wanting to start their career in this exciting sector. 

Our toolkit is packed with resources and advice to help you land a new job in farming and growing.

Find out how farmers and growers are keeping the nation fed while also protecting the natural environment. 

Get to know more about the huge range of rewarding farming roles with our detailed job profiles.

Access the resources and organisations which can help careers seekers get started in farming and growing.

Uncover the truth about working in farming and growing, and find out how ready you are to work in this sector.

Working to improve careers information

We are working with partners across the industry to improve the careers information available and help attract more people into farming and growing. Find out more about our careers action plan.