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Are You Listening?

by Tiger Nguyen

00:00 / 03:57
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I just strum, I don't pick my strings correctly
I am out of tune, out of touch with the ones that I love
I just strum, I don't pick my strings correctly
I am out of tune, out of touch with the ones that I love
With the ones that I love

This guilt is setting in quick
It hurts to talk about it, I don't want to talk about it
So let me sing instead
I feel so misled by every thing that you said

If this is your truth, then here's my point of view
The notes in the sky are there for a reason
I wrote them in the blue for you,
I wrote them in the blue for you

Can you hear it, are you listening
Can you feel it, are you listening
It's getting nearer, are you listening
Are you here now, please, please, listen


released February 18, 2019
Written by Amy Nguyen. Guitar and vocals performed by Amy Nguyen. Additional instruments and vocals performed Rob LeCheminant.


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Tiger Nguyen Salt Lake City, Utah

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