This story is from October 11, 2022

Why do women fight Covid-19 better than men?

According to a recent survey, men were at a higher target for COVID-19 too as compared to women.
Why do women fight Covid-19 better than men?
While diseases and death spares nobody, women tend to prevent it better than men. According to a recent survey, men were at a higher target for COVID-19 too as compared to women. But why does this bias against men exist and what makes women immune to the virus.
Is this true at all?
Dr. Vichar Nigam, Consultant - Internal Medicine, Manipal Hospitals, Kharadi-Pune, says “It is true that women handle COVID better as compared to men and there are many reasons for this which can be broken down to even molecular level.
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It is true that women are less susceptible to fall prey to COVID-19 and its many mutations in comparison to men.”

Less COVID-19 receptors in women
Genetically, the receptors of COVID-19 virus, called ACE 2 are found more in men in comparison to women. Therefore, due to this receptor, the virus can go to multiple organs and this causes men to suffer from the infection more than women.

Women adapt better
In women, this receptor is found less and hence, they are able to adapt and fight the virus better than men. Though the prevalence of the virus is the same in both genders, it is due to the difference of this ACE 2 receptor, women are able to fight COVID better. There are many studies that have claimed this theory.

Staying indoors
Apart from that, the majority of the women are confined to their house. As a result, they are less exposed to the outside environment and allergens. Men, on the other hand, are more exposed to the outside environment due to their daily activity. Women comparatively stay in and choose jobs that let them stay in a closed environment.
Women take better care of themselves
Moreover, women are most likely to follow home remedies as compared to men which builds their immunity system to fight the infection. One must have heard about old home remedies that come from ‘daadi naani ke nushkhe.’ So, women actually follow these household remedies that actually work wonders in boosting their immunity and this is true to women of all age groups.
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