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Welcome to Tour&TravelBlog.com- A multi-author travel content publishing platform designed for travel enthusiasts, travelers, travel bloggers, and writers who want to share their personal stories and travel ideas with the world.


One of the biggest perks of becoming a contributor at Tour&TravelBlog.com is that it offers recognition like no one else. But becoming a contributor isn’t as simple as you think.

It all begins with creating unique, error-free content that is relevant to our website niche- traveling. Once you have submitted it, our dedicated team of professional editors will review and publish it. 

We always welcome unique, original, high-quality, and creative articles that cover the following topics:

  1. Adventures
  2. Destination
  3. Travel News
  4. Culture
  5. Trip Ideas
  6. Travel Ideas and more.


  1. Familiarize yourself with the article topics that we accept. Make sure to check out other articles shared on our website. 
  2. Shy away from submitting articles on topics and themes that have already been written about or covered on the website.
  3. Write 1000 to 2000 words, as well as posts and articles that are not promotional in nature. We always prioritize quality over quantity when it comes to our readers. 
  4. Based on the quality of the article provided, we reserve the right to edit or remove the article for one reason or another. The same will be communicated to you!
  5. Since we are immensely quality-based, we do not receive spammy, broken, or poor-quality backlinks. Hence, refrain from producing content just for the sake of link promotion.  
  6. Your article must be helpful to the readers, unique, error-free, high quality, and well-researched.
  7. We make no payments for article submissions nor do we require publishers to pay for the article submissions. The primary reason you submitted your article to Tour&TravelBlog is to enhance the possible views of your content by our targeted audiences.
  8. If your article doesn’t meet our editorial guidelines, we may recommend editing of do the editing before submitting it.
  9. Tour&TravelBlog is advertiser-supported, and thus, we reserve the right to display ads on the pages as your article.
  10. Try to avoid keyword-rich anchor text and keyword stuffing.
  11. Use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) Keywords.


We don’t ask much. Here’s a brief list of guidelines that we attend to our guest posts: 

  1. The article should be 100% unique and fresh. The length of the article should be 1000 to 2000 words. Once we have published the article, it should not be published elsewhere on the internet.
  2. We welcome only informative, knowledgeable articles or personal experiences. It should include various tips, lists, opinions, case studies, and personal travel stories. We prefer you add references like bibliography, dates, and link information related to any Tour and Travel Topics.
  3. Be keen to include a bio for the bottom post with your travel blog and all social media accounts linked so we can promote your article on your behalf.
  4. The title of the article should be more than 65 characters. Each article should not be more than 2000 words and must have a summary. The article needs to have the right punctuation, sentence structure, capitalization, grammar, spelling, and proper English.
  5. We don’t accept excess self-promotional content, sales letters, promotional copy, and press releases. Do not include any violence-oriented or hateful content, have an obscene, insulting, or degrading tone, advocate against any group of individuals, or use profanity. The content should not violate any laws, be libelous, be considered infringing, or be defamatory to other people’s legal rights.

Additional tips to keep in mind are: 

  1. We do not accept any copyrighted images. It should be royalty-free or self-made. Pictures from pexels.com, pixabay.com, and unsplash.com are accepted. 
  2. The body of the article can have several outgoing links to relate it to the social media platform for purposes of reference. However, we cannot confirm that we will publish all your links. Our editors and moderators will review all the links before publishing them as long as they find them necessary. In general, kindly be aware that all the links may end up not coming with the Do-Follow tag. Our editorial team will evaluate your links and make a decision on which links will have the No-Follow or Do-Follow tag according to Google’s quality guidelines.
  3. Please fill in the SEO info in the SEO Yoast Settings towards the post button and fill in tabs on the post’s right-hand side. This assists the search engines to pick up the post.
  4. It is important that your article is SEO-friendly. This helps the organic reach and increases keyword efficiency.
  5. If you are looking to promote your brand, please contact us here.


Once you are all set, submit your article yourself. We will review your content ASAP.

Use the contact form or email us at [email protected] for any Blogging queries, feedback, guest post requests, and advertisements. We request that you fill in all the necessary details so that we can get in touch with you ASAP.

