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Funny Moments in OverSimplified
Wanted Criminals during Prohibition, with Mr. Al Cohol at the top of the list.note 



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    World War I 
  • 1914 Europe being described as the "height of civilization" while showing a picture of a man riding on an ostrich — in California, no less.
  • "Let's play 'Spot the French soldier'!"
  • The narrator describes how a group of German spies tried to infiltrate Afghanistan and convince the Arab tribes there to revolt against the British and attack India, but the plan failed because they got bored, brewed their own alcohol, and got super drunk — which is a bad thing to do in Afghanistan.


    The Falklands — Mini Wars 1 
  • The Englishman who discovered the Falklands described the islands as being "cold, wet, and miserable".
    "Just like home!"
  • Spain asking their French allies to aid them in a war against Britain goes as well as you would expect, particularly with the French minister of war's response.
    Choiseul: Yeah! And we'll launch a full scale invasion of England and party like it's 1066!
    King Louis XV: 1. You're insane, and 2. You're fired.
  • Since the U.S.A. was backing the Argentine dictatorship at the time of the invasion, President Reagan went to Margaret Thatcher to ask if she could just let Argentina have the Falklands. Thatcher refused.
    Reagan: ... Ok. Here, have some weapons.
    (cue a box labeled "U.S. Weapons (For literally anyone who isn't a Communist)")

    World War II 
  • Mussolini's passionate speech about creating the fascist movement is delivered to his reflection in a mirror. But then the camera pulls back, and he's in a barber shop.
    Fabio: That's all well and good, Mr. Mussolini, but what kind of haircut am I giving you today?
    Mussolini: Let's go with....bald.
    (Tchaikovsky — 1812 Overture blares over several pictures of a now bald Mussolini flying across the screen)
  • One of the things that the Treaty of Versailles apparently allowed was for anyone visiting Germany picking out a random citizen and spanking the hell out of them. The narrator then clarifies that he made that up.
  • Chamberlain returns home from meeting with Hitler in triumph, only to discover that Hitler went behind his back and invaded Czechoslovakia anyways.
    Bystander: Hitler's invading the rest of Czechoslovakia.
    Chamberlain: What?
    Bystander: (While a scene plays of Czechoslovakia being invaded) He's invading the rest of Czechoslovakia.
    Chamberlain: Oh. (Points to Hitler) You lied to me.
    Hitler: What did you expect? I'm Hitler!
  • Hitler forming an "alliance" with Stalin.
    Hitler: How about we both invade Poland, and split it between the two of us, and I definitely won't not refrain from not betraying you sometime in the future.
    Stalin: (Eyes narrowed with suspicion) Sounds.... good.
  • OverSimplified accidentally put the American flag over Canada when describing the Commonwealth nations, then sheepishly sliding the proper Canadian flag overtop of it with a text box reading "woops, sorry Canada!"

    The War That Changed the English Language — Mini-Wars 3 
  • The opening narration:
    OverSimplified: England in the Middle Ages. The sun is shining. The birds are singing. The children are playing in the village square.
    Villager: What a wonderful time to be alive!
    Doctor: Hey, you're dying of dysentery. Aaaand also we're being invaded by Vikings.
    Villager: What an awful time to be alive!
    (The doctor randomly gets decapitated by a thrown axe)
    • As a bonus, the birds are singing "Never Gonna Give You Up".
  • William of Normandy's reaction to learning his cousin Harold Godwinson usurped the English throne:
    William: THAT BASTARD!
    Messenger: Wait, I thought you were the bastard.
    William: Dude... uncool.
  • The Overly Long Gag of William waiting for the weather to get better so that he can safely cross into England.

    Emu War — Mini-Wars 4 
  • The hilarious introduction to the nation of 'Straya:
    For the man who imagines himself being strangled by a tarantula while a kangaroo breaks his kneecaps and thinks, "Mm, yes please." For the man who imagines himself being eaten by a snake in a burning outback while eating a vegemite sandwich and thinks, "Mm, YES PLEASE." And that man was Governor Arthur Phillip, who landed in eastern Australia in 1788, presumably saw a dingo being eaten by a crocodile being eaten by a death adder being eaten by a koala being eaten by Mel Gibson, and thought to himself, "Yes. Good."
  • How OverSimplified manages to oversimplify the economic downturn in the wake of the stock market crash, and its effects on Britain and particularly Australia:
    Australia: Hey, UK! Looks like my car has broken down. Wanna give me a tow?
    UK: No problem, my friend. I got you. (Attaches a tow rope and walks back to his car)
    (They end up driving off a cliff and crashing in a huge explosion)
    OverSimplified: More economic downturn.
    • The subtitles have the UK "walking in British" while plodding back to his car.
  • The nations introduce their national birds in a brief cultural exchange. USA boasts of the mighty and patriotic bald eagle, while India talks about the peacock's beauty and elegance. Both mentions that the birds are listed as protected species in their country. Australia brings up the emus, and immediately calls them a pest, and that they're delicious to eat.
  • How OverSimplified portrays the emus finding the wheat:
    Emu 1: Oh my. Look at all this delicious wheat that so happens to be growing here in large quantities.
    Emu 1: Hey guys, get a load of this!
    30-40 other emus: (talking over each other as they eat the wheat) Oh my. Look at all this delicious wheat that so happens to be growing here in large quantities... (They run away)
    • And then the rabbits:
      Rabbit 1: Who left this big hole in the fence? Guys, get a load of this!
      20-30 other rabbits: (talking over each other as they eat the remains of the wheat) Oh yeah! Nom nom! (They also run away)
  • Farmer Bruce goes on a tirade against the emus, calling them bullies, and his wife points out that they're just animals and that it's not personal. But then...
    Emu: Hey, Farmer Bruce! Where'd you find that hat? The toilet?
    Farmer Bruce: ...Yes.
  • George Pearce trying (and failing) to convince the Australian parliament that he doesn't just want to turn the emus into feather hats.
    Member of Parliament: This is barbaric! We can't go slaughtering thousands of our own national bird!
    Pearce: Aw, c'mon guys, the machine guns will make it quick and painless.
    Member of Parliament: Machine guns?! You're using machine guns?! This is animal cruelty!
    Pearce: Look, I know it's unusual, but it's not like we're poachers turning the birds into feather hats. Think of the benefits. It'll be good target practice for our boys, the government can show it took action, plus, I can get myself a nice new feather hat!
    (Crowd gasps)
    Pearce: Uhhhh, did I say "feather hat"? I meant I want to-gether chat, with you, about getting you all some feather hats.
    (Crowd gasps again)
    Pearce: Uhhhh, did I say "feather hats"? I meant I want to wage... terror at! These emus! And turn them all into feather hats!
    (Crowd gasps once more)
    Pearce: Dammit!
    • And the feather hat? Just an emu head.
      Pearce: (Whispering) At least I got a feather hat.
      Member of Parliament: What?
      Pearce: What?
  • The many misadventures of Major G.P.W. Meredith and his men as they try (and fail) to kill the emus all while a camera crew watches.
    Meredith: CUT!
    • The funniest would have to be Meredith driving a truck while his aide Jones fires a machine gun mounted in the back. Not only is Jones catapulted from the truck, but the truck ends up flipping over the emu they do kill.
      Meredith: I'm gonna shove that camera up your a
    • Even better, when the military do make a successful move, the camera people are filming something else.
      Meredith: I hope you boys are getting good footage of this— what on Earth are you filming?!
      (The camera crew is shown to be filming Mel Gibson eating a koala)
  • Speaking of Jones, he's shown to be so illiterate that an emo is killed.
    Meredith: Dammit, Jones! Learn your vowels!
    Jones: I'm surry.

  • OverSimplified posted a GIF of Hitler's dad punishing 2020 severely. If any year deserved severe punishment, it was 2020.
    • 2021 also got punished severely by Alois Hitler on OverSimplified's Twitter account.
  • To celebrate the YouTube channel hitting 7 million subscribers, OverSimplified' uploaded a massive portrait with characters from all of his videos, major or background characters. Here are some highlights:
    • Presidents Washington, Kennedy, Reagan, Nixon, and W. Bush worshipping The Bucket.
    • Louis XVI being horrified by Assy Steve's "booty".
    • Marat, the hulked-out Carrie Nation, the American tax collector from the "Pig War" video and Winfield Scott chasing after Harney.
    • Kerensky, Thomas Cromwell, and Kornilov trying to catch Stalin, who is falling off a stack of barrels while Francis I is cheering at them.
    • Lincoln infiltrating Jean Chouan's The Owls by wearing a knit cap and Groucho Marx glasses
    • Alois Hitler being filmed punishing Adolf severely.
    • Marx and Lenin helping out Wayne Wheeler with an exercise bike.
    • Henry VIII and Marie Antoinette (with a boat haircut) and a Carthaginian politician having a fancy meal with Charles Griffin's pig... who has Cutlar pointing a gun at his back while Griffin screams in rage.
    • Rasputin trying to hypnotize President Buchanan, who is hiding behind a statue of a naked Regulus.
    • The goat is up on the roof again... along with Capone dressed as Santa Claus.
    • General Grant and General Lee having a game of checkers with each other. Grant is very clearly hammered while this is happening.
    • Emo, the Pope, and Monopoly Man are being picked up by a forklift.
    • Trotsky and John Wilkes Booth as train conductors or drivers.
    • The witness in Lincoln's almanac case from the "American Civil War" video mooning an eunuch.
    • Sun Hao and Lord Piddlingham catching a ride on Meredith's emu-killing truck, while Charles V takes one of Sun Hao's concubines for a ride on a war elephant just behind them.
    • General Sherman, General Rosecrans, and a knight engaged in tug of war against a single Carthaginian rower. The rower seems to be winning.
    • The British mapper from "The Pig War" video pointing a nail gun at his American counterpart.
    • Batman about to guillotine Maximilien Robespierre. Extra irony points for Louis XVIII joining Batman on the podium.
  • Another massive portrait was released to commemorate 8 million subscribers, which also had several gags. Highlights:
    • Fabius is screaming while flashing Louis XVI, Varro, James Buchanan, and a random lady. All of them are horrified, with the lady even vomiting, all while Wayne Wheeler photographs them.
    • Assy Steve and the "bright full moon" witness mooning each other.
    • Marx, Lenin, Stalin, Trotsky, Brezhnev, Khrushchev, Gorbachev and Castro lining up in a queue towards a live performance by Our Chemical Romance ("My" is crossed out, which emo is angry about.)
    • Harney is still pursued by Scott, Marat, and the tax collector.
    • The Celtic gladiator is trying to push a Wild West couple off the edge with his staff.
    • Kennedy trying to hit Nixon with a comically large hammer from behind.
    • Rasputin with glowing eyes is flying in the air while the two Popes are firing proton packs at him.
    • The goat is still on the roof.
    • Lincoln is towing a two-wagon rickshaw: Hannibal at the front, and prizes (which include the Bolognese bucket full of gold) at the back.
    • Stonewall Jackson playing an arcade game called "The Monarch Game", which informs him that he needs a male heir.
    • Reagan riding a war elephant.
    • Grant and Lee have finished their game of checkers and moved on to having a boxing match, leaving Scipio and Boris Yeltsin to start up a game.
    • Nicholas II is jumping in a sack shirtless, showing his dragon tattoo.
    • Hulked-out Carrie Nation pushing a roman consul down the stairs, who ends up in the Family Guy death pose.
