Acela Express 3D Модель

Ліцензія: Основна ліцензія
Acela Express 3D Модель
$ 179.00
Видалити! Додати в закладки
  • Доступні формати:
    3DS MAX all ver.: 3ds 344.63 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Cinema4D r19: c4dr19 273.88 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Autodesk FBX: fbx 785.24 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Maya 2018: mb2018 235.91 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Wavefront OBJ: obj 474.78 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Lightwave ver. 7: lwo 318.45 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    3DS MAX ver.2016: max2016 490.62 MB
    Рендер: Standard
  • Полігони:
  • Вершини:
  • Анімована:
  • Текстури:
  • Скелет:
  • Матеріали:
  • Низькополігон.:
  • Колекція:
  • UVW зображення:
  • Плагіни:
  • Готовність до друку:
  • 3D Скан:
  • Зміст для дорослих:
  • PBR:
  • Геометрія:
  • Розгорнуті UVs:
  • Перегляди:
  • Дата:
  • ID Товару:
  • Рейтинг:
Accurate very high definition Acela Express model with detailed bogie and pantograph fully textured. The model includes the locomotive and 6 different wagons. The locomotive and all wagons have a medium resolution interior.

Parts of the model have been created as SubDivision/ TurboSmooth surface. This means using the 3ds Max or the Maya versions you can change the resolution/smoothness of the surface very easy.
If you import the low resolution of the .obj .fbx or .lwo version into a 3D Software that supports SubDivision surfaces you can also change the resolution/smoothness of the surface very easy. The base version of the model which is not smoothed has of 6043951 polygons.

For other software packages that do not support SubDivision surfaces the model is available in 2 different resolutions ranging from 6043951 to 12672430 polygons.

3ds Max 2016 Format:
TurboSmooth is applied so you can set the object resolution as you like. Just use the Named Selection Set TurboSmooth to select the SubD objects.
Pantographs are rigged, doors and coupling covers are animated.
One version with standard 3ds Max materials applied and one version with VRay materials applied is included.

Maya 2018 Format:
A selection set for all SubDivision surface parts is included so you can change the resolution easily.
A display layer for the interior is included so you can hide it easily if needed.

FBX/ Cinema 4D R19/ Lwo 6.0 / Obj/ 3ds Format:
In 2 different resolutions. Interior and exterior are saved separately so you can use the car also without the interior.

Previews rendered in 3ds Max using VRay. Готовність до друку: Ні
Потрібно більше форматів?
Якщо вам потрібен інший формат, будь ласка, зробіть запит за допомогою тікета підтримки. Ми можемо конвертувати 3D-моделі: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Ми не конвертуємо 3d сцени і такі формати, як .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt тощо!

Завантажити Acela Express 3D Модель 3ds c4dr19 fbx mb2018 obj lwo max2016 від BehrBros

acela express amtrak train high speed high-speed rails rail car passenger bogie pantograph electric locomotive wagon fast us usa detailed