falcon3d c414 chancellor f04 3D Модель

falcon3d c414 chancellor f04 3D Модель
$ 85.00
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  • Доступні формати:
    Image Textures: jpg 2.41 MB
    AutoCAD (native): dwg 1.57 MB
    ArchiCAD (native): dxf 1.62 MB
    Lightwave ver. 7: lwo 1.14 MB
    3DS MAX ver.7: max7 575.27 kb
    3DS MAX ver.2013: max2013 3.06 MB
    SketchUp: skp 5.41 MB
    Stereolithography: stl 1.52 MB
    Shockwave3D: w3d 2.73 MB
    3DS MAX all ver.: 3ds 651.27 kb
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the cessna 414 began production in 1968. the second version was the 414a which had several improvements. over 1000 have been built.

the cessna 414a is a 6-8 place twin-engine propeller driven aircraft used most often as an executive transport or family transport. it is popular with the crews that fly it and has a good safety record. the 414 has internal fuel tanks and large tip tanks for extended range. the tip tanks were designed to help control wing tip vortices much like current winglet designs. it was the basis for the 414a chancellor developed in the mid 1970s.

this model is built near to scale. the model here is fully textured. it comes with a semi detailed ****pit, (viewable from the exterior) cabin seating, animatable propellers, flaps, ailerons, rudder, elevators, landing gear and landing gear doors. it is also available in many formats and come with all the textures and materials as shown. Готовність до друку: Ні
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Якщо вам потрібен інший формат, будь ласка, зробіть запит за допомогою тікета підтримки. Ми можемо конвертувати 3D-моделі: .stl, .c4d, .obj, .fbx, .ma/.mb, .3ds, .3dm, .dxf/.dwg, .max. .blend, .skp, .glb. Ми не конвертуємо 3d сцени і такі формати, як .step, .iges, .stp, .sldprt тощо!

Завантажити falcon3d c414 chancellor f04 3D Модель jpg dwg dxf lwo max7 max2013 skp stl w3d 3ds від Falcon3D

airplane airplanes aircraft plane planes civilian civil general aviation executive transport charter professional place twin engine propeller commercial ambulance
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falcon3d c414 chancellor f04 3D Модель