m4 sherman mk vc firefly spitfire 3D Модель

Ліцензія: Основна ліцензія
m4 sherman mk vc firefly spitfire 3D Модель
$ 149.00
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  • Доступні формати:
    3DS MAX all ver.: 3ds 28.51 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Autodesk FBX: fbx 63.66 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Lightwave ver. 7: lwo 35.46 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Wavefront OBJ: obj 35.48 MB
    Рендер: Standard
    Cinema4D: c4d 31.29 MB
    Рендер: Standard
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m4 sherman firefly mark vc - british variant with the 17 pounder anti-tank – east riding yeomanry - 27th armoured division

tank, panzer, medium tank, m4, m4a1, m4a2, m4a3, sherman, sherman iii, firefly, british army, us, tank destroyer, mbt, kampfpanzer, ww2, wwii, world war two, world war 2, army, self-propelled, 3d, anti-tank,, normandy, d-day,

m4 sherman firefly mark vc - british variant with the 17 pounder anti-tank – east riding yeomanry - 27th armoured division

originally modelled in cinema4d 16. detailed enough for close-up renders.
- no cleaning up necessary, just drop your models into the scene and start rendering.
- no special plugin needed to open scene.

- phong shading interpolation / smoothing - 35°

- note - in lightwave the bumpmap (hull_b,_b, parts_b and turret_b) must manually load in the materialcanal. (strength 35-40)

- c4d
- polygones - 282727 vertices - 222365 - 346 objects - 11 textures - 4 bumpmaps

- obj file - lwo file - 3ds file - fbx file version 2010

the sherman firefly was a world war ii british variant of the american sherman tank, fitted with the powerful british 17 pounder anti-tank as its main. originally conceived as a stopgap until future british tank designs came into service, the sherman firefly became the most common vehicle with the 17 pounder in world war ii.
after the problem of getting the to fit in the sherman's turret was solved, the firefly was put into production in early 1944, in time to equip field marshal montomery‘s forces for the normandy landings. it soon became highly valued as the only british tank capable of defeating the panther and tiger tanks it faced in normandy at standard combat ranges. in recognition of this, german tank and anti-tank crews were instructed to attack fireflies first. between 2100 and 2200 were manufactured before production wound down in 1945. Готовність до друку: Ні
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Завантажити m4 sherman mk vc firefly spitfire 3D Модель 3ds fbx lwo obj c4d від Panaristi

tank panzer medium m4 m4a1 m4a2 m4a3 sherman iii firefly british army us destroyer mbt kampfpanzer ww2 wwii
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