Estudios de Literatura Colombiana
Estudios de Literatura Colombiana es una publicación científica arbitrada dirigida a especialistas en literatura colombiana: estudiantes de pregrado, posgrado e investigadores cuyo objeto de estudio esté relacionado con las literaturas del país; asimismo se dirige a un público interesado en la literatura en general y en la producción literaria colombiana en particular. El objetivo fundamental de la revista es publicar artículos originales e inéditos derivados de investigación, asimismo artículos de reflexión derivados de investigación y reseñas. Toda colaboración debe versar sobre literatura colombiana. Estudios de Literatura Colombiana aparece semestralmente en versión impresa y en versión digital; es editada por el Doctorado en Literatura y la Maestría en Literatura de la Universidad de Antioquia. La trayectoria de quienes integran el Comité editorial y el Comité científico, sumada a los procesos de evaluación a los que se someten las colaboraciones recibidas (peer-review), garantizan la calidad de la revista.
Estudios de Literatura Colombiana está indexada en:
• Academic OneFile, Gale Cengage Learning
• Cibera, Instituto Ibero-Americano (Fundación del Patrimonio Cultural Prusiano, Berlín) y de la Biblioteca Estatal y Universitaria de Hamburgo Carl von Ossietzky.
• CLASE —Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades—, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
• Current Contents-Dienst del Ibero-Amerikanische Institut (IAI), Berlín
• Dialnet, Universidad de La Rioja
• Electronic Journals Library, University Library of Regensburg -
University Library of the Technical University of Munich.
• e-revistas. Plataforma Open Acces de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas del CSIC, Madrid.
• Fuente Académica Premier, EBSCO
• Índice Bibliográfico Nacional —Publindex—, Colombia
• Informe Académico, Gale Cengage Learning
• International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures de la Modern Language Association of America (MLA), Nueva York.
• Latindex —Sistema regional de información en línea para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal—.
• Prisma, ProQuest
Abreviación internacional en Master List of Periodicals de la mla: elc
Se autoriza la reproducción total o parcial de los artículos publicados en esta revista citando la fuente y con previo permiso por parte del Consejo editorial.
Estudios de Literatura Colombiana está indexada en:
• Academic OneFile, Gale Cengage Learning
• Cibera, Instituto Ibero-Americano (Fundación del Patrimonio Cultural Prusiano, Berlín) y de la Biblioteca Estatal y Universitaria de Hamburgo Carl von Ossietzky.
• CLASE —Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades—, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.
• Current Contents-Dienst del Ibero-Amerikanische Institut (IAI), Berlín
• Dialnet, Universidad de La Rioja
• Electronic Journals Library, University Library of Regensburg -
University Library of the Technical University of Munich.
• e-revistas. Plataforma Open Acces de Revistas Científicas Electrónicas Españolas y Latinoamericanas del CSIC, Madrid.
• Fuente Académica Premier, EBSCO
• Índice Bibliográfico Nacional —Publindex—, Colombia
• Informe Académico, Gale Cengage Learning
• International Bibliography of Books and Articles on the Modern Languages and Literatures de la Modern Language Association of America (MLA), Nueva York.
• Latindex —Sistema regional de información en línea para revistas científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal—.
• Prisma, ProQuest
Abreviación internacional en Master List of Periodicals de la mla: elc
Se autoriza la reproducción total o parcial de los artículos publicados en esta revista citando la fuente y con previo permiso por parte del Consejo editorial.
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InterestsView All (14)
ELC 37, jul-dic, 2015, Monográfico García Márquez by Estudios de Literatura Colombiana
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; “Nabo, el negro que hizo esperar a los ángeles”; raza; discapacidad; trauma.
Abstract: In this short story by Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014), an unstable use of racial epithets is symptomatic of the challenge the writer faced when thinking through, naming or imaging the situation of Afrocolombians. In this early short story’s title the protagonist is identified as black, but for the story’s third-person narrator he is always Nabo, and for a supplementary first-person plural narrator he is a little black (or little nigger); the other Afro-Colombian character in the story only appears in sections told by the thirdperson narrator; before his death, he is referred to as black, but when he returns as a ghost, he is a man. The dialogue between these two Afro-Colombian male characters invokes differing stances towards disability; a shared love of music constitutes their main bond.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; “Nabo, el negro que hizo esperar a los ángeles”; race; disability; trauma.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; La hojarasca; Caribe colombiano; Modernidad; Sociocrítica.
Abstract: Gabriel García Márquez’s La hojarasca, which was literary work published in 1955, allows one to approach the main social transformations that arose in the Colombian Caribbean civil wars fought by liberales (Liberal Party) and conservadores (Conservative Party) from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. In this sense, each personage’s sociocritical study of discursive structures reflects the existence of an ideological tension between different ways of being and staying in the world. That is to say, it is a clash characterized by an opposition of traditional social relations and practices in view of new collective configurations that modern life brings.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; La hojarasca; Colombian Caribbean; Modernity; Sociocriticism.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; Mutis, Álvaro; transtextualidad; historia; ficción.
Abstract: From Gerard Genette’s transtextuality concept about the relationship between every text with other texts, this article studies the communicating vessels between Gabriel García Márquez’s novel El general en su laberinto (1989) and Álvaro Mutis’s shorts stories “El último rostro” (1978) and “Razón verídica de los encuentros y complicidades de Maqroll el Gaviero con el pintor Alejandro Obregón” (1993), and his short novel La última escala del Tramp Steamer (1989). The objective is to inquire how this textual relationship offers a resignification of this literary works and problematize the frontiers between historical and fictional discourses.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; Mutis, Álvaro; transtextuality; historical discourse; fiction.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; do Amaral, Tarsila; Cien años de soledad; Abaporu; antropofagia; arte y literatura; iteración; identidad.
Abstract: In the final pages of Cien años de soledad (1967), when narrating the relationship between Amaranta Úrsula and Aureliano Babilonia, there appears suddenly but then recurrently the theme of anthropophagy. My argument intends to demonstrate that the introduction of this trope is not inconsequential: the novel is ultimately an immense experience of anthropophagy. This text, through the comparison of the languages utilized in Cien años de soledad and the paint Abaporu (1928), aspires to inquire about the impure and iterable nature of these creations in order to make apparent that every reformulation of identity is, in the arts, a linguistic reordering where the boundaries between creator and spectator-reader are in each instance more diffuse.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; do Amaral, Tarsila; Cien años de soledad; Abaporu; anthropophagy; art and literature; iteration; identity.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; Ojos de perro azul; Los funerales de la Mamá Grande; identidad social; sintaxis narrativa.
Abstract: This article aims to determine the discursive constituent elements present in Ojos de perro azul and Los funerales de la Mamá Grande. Twentytwo stories written by Gabriel Garcia-Marquez from 1947 to 1962 were grouped into four elements belonging to his narrative grammar, namely: (i) a sensual capital that accounts for a perceptual dominant aspect; (ii) a redundant temporal-spatial passing of time in which events take place; (iii) the skill of personages and, finally, (iv) an indicative staging. The analysis of these elements insinuates cartographies on the psychological and ideological aspects in his stories allowing the diagnosis of some traits of the world the author created related to identity qualities of the nation (or Colombianess) if we accept that every social identity crystallizes in discursive orders. Results show the primitive sketch of Garcia-Marquez’s discursiveness (in Spanish, la discursividad garcíamarquina) which establishes Macondian physiognomies; that is to say, a symbolic world where his personages are marginal beings that live internal, porous solitary experiences in psychological spaces where apathy, resignation and a loss of contact with social reality predominate.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; Ojos de perro azul; Los funerales de la Mamá Grande; social identity; narrative syntax.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; “El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve”; viaje en la literatura.
Abstract: The narrative of Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014) has its foundations based on a cultural project. However, the short story titled “El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve” comprised in Strange Pilgrims (1992) contradicts the scheme of the Colombian author. In “El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve” the protagonists Nena Daconte and Billy Sánchez de Ávila, leave Cartagena de Indias to embark themselves on a European journey to celebrate their honeymoon. In this article I will develop an interpretation of the type of journey Billy Sánchez, Nena Daconte, and the narrator embark on. According to the individuality of each character, each of them experiences a different type of journey. The travel of Billy Sánchez is touristic, Nena Daconte’s is foundational (material), and the narrator’s is spiritual (foundational).
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; “El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve”; Journeys in literature.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; Cien años de soledad; historia;
transgresión; alegoría.
Abstract: Cien años de soledad (1967) was constructed as an allegory of the tale of biblical creation, the discovery of America and the history of the 20th century of Colombia. Thus, in the mythical universe of Macondo, transgression works as a touchstone or a fundamental axis in each of the moments recalled: incest, as a transgression on which western Judo-Christian culture lies; violation in which European civilization imposes itself on the New World; massacre as the foundation of recent Colombian history. Therefore, we aim to show how said elements combine in the construction of this allegory. Moreover, we are also interested in presenting how Cien años de soledad is located on a line of continuity with chronicle texts of the 16th century.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; Cien años de soledad; History; Transgression; Allegory.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; El Tiempo; Lecturas Dominicales; prensa y literatura; comunidades interpretativas; institucionalización literaria; práctica lectora.
Abstract: Through Gabriel García Márquez’s presence in pages of El Tiempo newspaper and in its cultural supplement named Lecturas Dominicales (Sunday Readings), it is possible to see the modes of configuration of interpretative communities’ proposed by Stanley Fish and the institutionalization of the writer’s dynamics and his work exposed by Jacques Doubois. Through the Nobel’s published articles and his academic critiques, one determines reading and interpretative practices configured around his writing, in addition to the legitimization of its figure as part of Colombian national heritage.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; El Tiempo; Lecturas Dominicales; press and literature; interpretative communities; literary institutionalization; reading practice.
ELC No. 36, enero-junio, 2015 by Estudios de Literatura Colombiana
Palabras claves: historia literaria; novela; literatura colombiana; crítica literaria.
Abstract: This paper aims to examine the process of novel’s autonomy institutionalization in Colombia, during the first half of the 20th century. This research draws upon mostly primary sources including texts of Colombian literature history and criticism as well as the monographic studies about the Colombian novel published between 1925 and 1975. The period from 1943 to 1975, specifically, accounts for the way in which the main agents of the Colombian literary field approached differently the characteristics and the role of the novel in the Colombian society of the time.
Keywords: literary history; novel; Colombian literature; literary criticism.
Palabras claves: representación; novela colombiana; Ursúa; Museo de lo inútil; La ceiba de la memoria.
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the way in which the literary work embraces traditional models, product of an order or a regime of representation. Also the way in which it avoids this model and breaks the order and generates a representation crisis related with the condition of the current subject, which is a subject in crisis. Three contemporary novels: Ursúa by William Ospina; Museo de lo inútil by Rodrigo Parra Sandoval and La ceiba de la memoria by Roberto Burgos Cantor are analyzed to shed light on this research.
Keywords: representation; Colombian novel; Ursúa; Museo de lo inútil; La ceiba de la memoria.
Palabras claves: Greiff, León de; sujeto; autonomía del arte; soberanía del arte; vanguardia.
Abstract: This paper analyzes the destabilization of the subject and writing in some poems by León de Greiff. It separates from analysis focused on its Latin-American modernist aesthetic and proposes other items to support its advanced aesthetic, such as the problem of subjectivity or the critique of modernity based on the relationship between autonomy and sovereignty of the art. It develops a perspective that justifies the participation of this poetry in an aesthetic far from modernism and focused on contemporary concerns about fragmented subject and its disintegration in writing.
Keywords: Greiff, León de; subjectivity; autonomy of art; sovereignty of art; vanguard.
Palabras claves: poesía colombiana; mito del Paraíso; opacidad simbólica; angeleología.
Abstract: This paper aims to present a dialogue between the work of Colombian poets Héctor Rojas Herazo (1920-2002), Giovanni Quessep (1939) and Rómulo Bustos Aguirre (1954), addressing their poetic forms of cognition, especially the reformulation of Paradise myth as a way to dismantle the Judeo-Christian imaginary of punishment and death. To accomplish this analysis we take under consideration the motivations and symbolic figures of Evil condense in the archetypal of God, the Angel and Man; and the dramatic topography of Heaven-Paradise.
Keywords: Colombian poetry; myth of Paradise; symbolic opacity; angeology.
Palabras claves: Cáceres, Julio Alfonso; poesía colombiana; literaturas de Caldas.
Abstract: this article presents critical review of Julio Alfonso Cáceres’ poetry, with the purpose of establishing the scope of his work in Colombian poetry, especially in a Colombian region called “Gran Caldas”. The analysis allows us to identify the fundamental topics, the author’s role in the evolution of poetry of his time and his contribution to the literary discussion in a dynamic context due to tension between tradition and change. The study is developed in the framework of the “Relecturas del canon literario” (University of Quindío) research and its project in the critical edition of Julio Alfonso Cáceres work.
Keywords: Cáceres, Julio Alfonso; Colombian poetry; Caldas literature.
Palabras claves: literatura latinoamericana; historia literaria; publicaciones periódicas; Mito.
Abstract: This paper ventures to understand some complex cultural relationsships that were arose by the editors of Mito (Bogotá 1955-1962); attempting to throw light on various affiliations and breaking points. The discussion examines the fact that standing in favor or against Ortega y Gasset and Alfonso Reyes, who are two of the most well known twentieth century intellectuals, was significant in that it showed a stance in favor of a particular notion of literature.
Keywords: Latin American literature; literary history; periodical publications; Mito.
Palabras claves: violencia transpolítica; literatura; cuento colombiano; relación sujeto-mundo; ciudadanía.
Abstract: From a literary analysis alternative proposal this article searching elucidate the category: transpolitical Violence (Baudrillard), which portrays the interaction of society and its codes of domination, making an aesthetic displacement on the literature, as central concept that will allow understand the plexuses that represent narratively the subject and the relationship that the subject has with the world, from the that emerges the figure of the citizen-subject, with the hope that these analytical dimensions will promote new citizenship education processes. In this article take the colombian story: “Álbum de billetera” from writer Rodrigo Parra, as an example of analytical course that article propose.
Keywords: transpolitical violence; literature; Colombian story; relationship subject-world; citizenship.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; “Nabo, el negro que hizo esperar a los ángeles”; raza; discapacidad; trauma.
Abstract: In this short story by Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014), an unstable use of racial epithets is symptomatic of the challenge the writer faced when thinking through, naming or imaging the situation of Afrocolombians. In this early short story’s title the protagonist is identified as black, but for the story’s third-person narrator he is always Nabo, and for a supplementary first-person plural narrator he is a little black (or little nigger); the other Afro-Colombian character in the story only appears in sections told by the thirdperson narrator; before his death, he is referred to as black, but when he returns as a ghost, he is a man. The dialogue between these two Afro-Colombian male characters invokes differing stances towards disability; a shared love of music constitutes their main bond.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; “Nabo, el negro que hizo esperar a los ángeles”; race; disability; trauma.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; La hojarasca; Caribe colombiano; Modernidad; Sociocrítica.
Abstract: Gabriel García Márquez’s La hojarasca, which was literary work published in 1955, allows one to approach the main social transformations that arose in the Colombian Caribbean civil wars fought by liberales (Liberal Party) and conservadores (Conservative Party) from the end of the 19th century to the beginning of the 20th century. In this sense, each personage’s sociocritical study of discursive structures reflects the existence of an ideological tension between different ways of being and staying in the world. That is to say, it is a clash characterized by an opposition of traditional social relations and practices in view of new collective configurations that modern life brings.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; La hojarasca; Colombian Caribbean; Modernity; Sociocriticism.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; Mutis, Álvaro; transtextualidad; historia; ficción.
Abstract: From Gerard Genette’s transtextuality concept about the relationship between every text with other texts, this article studies the communicating vessels between Gabriel García Márquez’s novel El general en su laberinto (1989) and Álvaro Mutis’s shorts stories “El último rostro” (1978) and “Razón verídica de los encuentros y complicidades de Maqroll el Gaviero con el pintor Alejandro Obregón” (1993), and his short novel La última escala del Tramp Steamer (1989). The objective is to inquire how this textual relationship offers a resignification of this literary works and problematize the frontiers between historical and fictional discourses.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; Mutis, Álvaro; transtextuality; historical discourse; fiction.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; do Amaral, Tarsila; Cien años de soledad; Abaporu; antropofagia; arte y literatura; iteración; identidad.
Abstract: In the final pages of Cien años de soledad (1967), when narrating the relationship between Amaranta Úrsula and Aureliano Babilonia, there appears suddenly but then recurrently the theme of anthropophagy. My argument intends to demonstrate that the introduction of this trope is not inconsequential: the novel is ultimately an immense experience of anthropophagy. This text, through the comparison of the languages utilized in Cien años de soledad and the paint Abaporu (1928), aspires to inquire about the impure and iterable nature of these creations in order to make apparent that every reformulation of identity is, in the arts, a linguistic reordering where the boundaries between creator and spectator-reader are in each instance more diffuse.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; do Amaral, Tarsila; Cien años de soledad; Abaporu; anthropophagy; art and literature; iteration; identity.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; Ojos de perro azul; Los funerales de la Mamá Grande; identidad social; sintaxis narrativa.
Abstract: This article aims to determine the discursive constituent elements present in Ojos de perro azul and Los funerales de la Mamá Grande. Twentytwo stories written by Gabriel Garcia-Marquez from 1947 to 1962 were grouped into four elements belonging to his narrative grammar, namely: (i) a sensual capital that accounts for a perceptual dominant aspect; (ii) a redundant temporal-spatial passing of time in which events take place; (iii) the skill of personages and, finally, (iv) an indicative staging. The analysis of these elements insinuates cartographies on the psychological and ideological aspects in his stories allowing the diagnosis of some traits of the world the author created related to identity qualities of the nation (or Colombianess) if we accept that every social identity crystallizes in discursive orders. Results show the primitive sketch of Garcia-Marquez’s discursiveness (in Spanish, la discursividad garcíamarquina) which establishes Macondian physiognomies; that is to say, a symbolic world where his personages are marginal beings that live internal, porous solitary experiences in psychological spaces where apathy, resignation and a loss of contact with social reality predominate.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; Ojos de perro azul; Los funerales de la Mamá Grande; social identity; narrative syntax.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; “El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve”; viaje en la literatura.
Abstract: The narrative of Gabriel García Márquez (1927-2014) has its foundations based on a cultural project. However, the short story titled “El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve” comprised in Strange Pilgrims (1992) contradicts the scheme of the Colombian author. In “El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve” the protagonists Nena Daconte and Billy Sánchez de Ávila, leave Cartagena de Indias to embark themselves on a European journey to celebrate their honeymoon. In this article I will develop an interpretation of the type of journey Billy Sánchez, Nena Daconte, and the narrator embark on. According to the individuality of each character, each of them experiences a different type of journey. The travel of Billy Sánchez is touristic, Nena Daconte’s is foundational (material), and the narrator’s is spiritual (foundational).
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; “El rastro de tu sangre en la nieve”; Journeys in literature.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; Cien años de soledad; historia;
transgresión; alegoría.
Abstract: Cien años de soledad (1967) was constructed as an allegory of the tale of biblical creation, the discovery of America and the history of the 20th century of Colombia. Thus, in the mythical universe of Macondo, transgression works as a touchstone or a fundamental axis in each of the moments recalled: incest, as a transgression on which western Judo-Christian culture lies; violation in which European civilization imposes itself on the New World; massacre as the foundation of recent Colombian history. Therefore, we aim to show how said elements combine in the construction of this allegory. Moreover, we are also interested in presenting how Cien años de soledad is located on a line of continuity with chronicle texts of the 16th century.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; Cien años de soledad; History; Transgression; Allegory.
Palabras claves: García Márquez, Gabriel; El Tiempo; Lecturas Dominicales; prensa y literatura; comunidades interpretativas; institucionalización literaria; práctica lectora.
Abstract: Through Gabriel García Márquez’s presence in pages of El Tiempo newspaper and in its cultural supplement named Lecturas Dominicales (Sunday Readings), it is possible to see the modes of configuration of interpretative communities’ proposed by Stanley Fish and the institutionalization of the writer’s dynamics and his work exposed by Jacques Doubois. Through the Nobel’s published articles and his academic critiques, one determines reading and interpretative practices configured around his writing, in addition to the legitimization of its figure as part of Colombian national heritage.
Keywords: García Márquez, Gabriel; El Tiempo; Lecturas Dominicales; press and literature; interpretative communities; literary institutionalization; reading practice.
Palabras claves: historia literaria; novela; literatura colombiana; crítica literaria.
Abstract: This paper aims to examine the process of novel’s autonomy institutionalization in Colombia, during the first half of the 20th century. This research draws upon mostly primary sources including texts of Colombian literature history and criticism as well as the monographic studies about the Colombian novel published between 1925 and 1975. The period from 1943 to 1975, specifically, accounts for the way in which the main agents of the Colombian literary field approached differently the characteristics and the role of the novel in the Colombian society of the time.
Keywords: literary history; novel; Colombian literature; literary criticism.
Palabras claves: representación; novela colombiana; Ursúa; Museo de lo inútil; La ceiba de la memoria.
Abstract: This paper aims to discuss the way in which the literary work embraces traditional models, product of an order or a regime of representation. Also the way in which it avoids this model and breaks the order and generates a representation crisis related with the condition of the current subject, which is a subject in crisis. Three contemporary novels: Ursúa by William Ospina; Museo de lo inútil by Rodrigo Parra Sandoval and La ceiba de la memoria by Roberto Burgos Cantor are analyzed to shed light on this research.
Keywords: representation; Colombian novel; Ursúa; Museo de lo inútil; La ceiba de la memoria.
Palabras claves: Greiff, León de; sujeto; autonomía del arte; soberanía del arte; vanguardia.
Abstract: This paper analyzes the destabilization of the subject and writing in some poems by León de Greiff. It separates from analysis focused on its Latin-American modernist aesthetic and proposes other items to support its advanced aesthetic, such as the problem of subjectivity or the critique of modernity based on the relationship between autonomy and sovereignty of the art. It develops a perspective that justifies the participation of this poetry in an aesthetic far from modernism and focused on contemporary concerns about fragmented subject and its disintegration in writing.
Keywords: Greiff, León de; subjectivity; autonomy of art; sovereignty of art; vanguard.
Palabras claves: poesía colombiana; mito del Paraíso; opacidad simbólica; angeleología.
Abstract: This paper aims to present a dialogue between the work of Colombian poets Héctor Rojas Herazo (1920-2002), Giovanni Quessep (1939) and Rómulo Bustos Aguirre (1954), addressing their poetic forms of cognition, especially the reformulation of Paradise myth as a way to dismantle the Judeo-Christian imaginary of punishment and death. To accomplish this analysis we take under consideration the motivations and symbolic figures of Evil condense in the archetypal of God, the Angel and Man; and the dramatic topography of Heaven-Paradise.
Keywords: Colombian poetry; myth of Paradise; symbolic opacity; angeology.
Palabras claves: Cáceres, Julio Alfonso; poesía colombiana; literaturas de Caldas.
Abstract: this article presents critical review of Julio Alfonso Cáceres’ poetry, with the purpose of establishing the scope of his work in Colombian poetry, especially in a Colombian region called “Gran Caldas”. The analysis allows us to identify the fundamental topics, the author’s role in the evolution of poetry of his time and his contribution to the literary discussion in a dynamic context due to tension between tradition and change. The study is developed in the framework of the “Relecturas del canon literario” (University of Quindío) research and its project in the critical edition of Julio Alfonso Cáceres work.
Keywords: Cáceres, Julio Alfonso; Colombian poetry; Caldas literature.
Palabras claves: literatura latinoamericana; historia literaria; publicaciones periódicas; Mito.
Abstract: This paper ventures to understand some complex cultural relationsships that were arose by the editors of Mito (Bogotá 1955-1962); attempting to throw light on various affiliations and breaking points. The discussion examines the fact that standing in favor or against Ortega y Gasset and Alfonso Reyes, who are two of the most well known twentieth century intellectuals, was significant in that it showed a stance in favor of a particular notion of literature.
Keywords: Latin American literature; literary history; periodical publications; Mito.
Palabras claves: violencia transpolítica; literatura; cuento colombiano; relación sujeto-mundo; ciudadanía.
Abstract: From a literary analysis alternative proposal this article searching elucidate the category: transpolitical Violence (Baudrillard), which portrays the interaction of society and its codes of domination, making an aesthetic displacement on the literature, as central concept that will allow understand the plexuses that represent narratively the subject and the relationship that the subject has with the world, from the that emerges the figure of the citizen-subject, with the hope that these analytical dimensions will promote new citizenship education processes. In this article take the colombian story: “Álbum de billetera” from writer Rodrigo Parra, as an example of analytical course that article propose.
Keywords: transpolitical violence; literature; Colombian story; relationship subject-world; citizenship.
Palabras claves: Domínguez Camargo, Hernando; Invectiva apologética; crítica literaria; poética; barroco.
Abstract: Invectiva apologética was written in 1652 by the poet HernandoDomínguez (1606-1659) and published posthumously in 1676. His text constitutesa singular though little read work crucial for analyzing and recounting the history of the principles of modern literary criticism in Latin America. These principles are taken from temporal, conceptual and logical aspects. In thissense, this essay aims firstly to inquire the Invective's controversial apologetics defining the meaning of its related texts. And, most importantly, this article analyzes the assumptions, ideas and critical resources that shape the Invectiva and turn a seemingly simple libelous commentary into a relevant poetical and rhetorical object. The latter applies both for the critical history in America and modern literary criticism.
Keywords: Domínguez Camargo, Hernando; Invectiva apologética; literary criticism; poetics; baroque.
Palabras claves: Botero, Juan José; Lejos del nido; discurso hegemónico; tradición literaria.
Abstract: Hegemonic discourse and literary tradition are seen fully reflected in the novel Lejos del nido by Juan José Botero Ruiz (Rionegro, Antioquia, 1840-1926) through the classist, racist, and moralizing position assumed by the narrator. The related story and the stances depicted allow discussion and analysis about the origin of that discourse and the strengthening of the tradition in national literature. It is as well possible to study the patterns of thought that prevailed in mid-19th century and in the beginning of the 20th century as the novel was written.
Keywords: Botero, Juan José; Lejos del nido; hegemonic discourse, literary tradition.
Palabras claves: López, Luis Carlos; poesía; corpopolítica; grotesco; carna- valesco.
Abstract: This article addresses the implications of the imagery of the gro- tesque body, from a “corpopolítica” interpretation in the poetry of the Colom- bian poet, Luis Carlos López, where the carnavalesque and humor permeate the different levels of the literary sense, among them; the anti-bourgeois, the demythologization of the sacred and the sacralization of “common objects,” the anticolonial, the tension between the solemn and the popular comic or the colloquial language, expressing in this way, his critical position before a political order that he considers altered and corrupted.
Keywords: López, Luis Carlos; poetry; “corpopolítica”; grotesque; carnava- lesque.
Palabras claves: Vidales, Luis; Suenan timbres; Vela, Arqueles; El café de nadie; ciudad; máquina; modernolatría.
Abstract: El café de nadie by Arqueles Vela and Suenan Timbres by Luis Vidales, both published in 1926, develop the theme of the machine as a device that transforms the perception of the surroundings. The urban representation and the relentless pursuit of new expressive ways and unprecedented levels of reality achieve a mixture between the natural and technological worlds. This leads to hybrid between nature and machine under a perspective that moves between an apocalyptic perception and the worship of modernity, which is fleeting, transient and arbitrary.
Keywords: Vidales, Luis; Suenan timbres; Vela, Arqueles; El café de nadie; city; machine; idolatry of modernity.
Palabras claves: González, Fernando; Los negroides; ensayo; neo-utopía; auto-expresión; identidad.
Abstract: The aim of this paper is to analyze the work Los negroides (1936) by Fernando González, Antioquia’s well known philosopher. We aim to analyze how his self-conscious writing process reveals clear “South American nationalism”. The descriptions found in his work prove the presence of a neo- utopia motive that seeks to reclaim the essence and identity of South America. For this purpose, we take into account Jean Servier’s and Irlemar Chiampi’s theories. We also analyze the presence of the motive “Neo-utopia” in some representative Latin American essayists, such as Reyes, Carpentier, Mariátegui and Vasconcelos. Finally, this article studies the functioning of the neo-utopia concept presented in Gonzalez’s work.
Keywords: González, Fernando; Los negroides; essay, new-utopia; self- expression, identity.
Palabras claves: Caballero Calderón, Eduardo; literatura regional; campesinos; violencia bipartidista.
Abstract: The paper examines the role of literature in reshaping conceptions of history, memory and region from the landholders, peasants and priests analyzed by Eduardo Caballero Calderon in his narrative of the towns located in the Chicamocha river canyon in the mid-twentieth century, especially Tipacoque and Capitanejo. We also found of great importance for this work the author’s qualitative descriptions based on his political convictions, the party conflicts and his socio-political concerns about the transformations of the notions of modernity and mixture of historic memory and literary tradition to the north of Boyacá and Santander southeast.
Keywords: Caballero Calderón, Eduardo; regional literature; farmers, Peasants; bipartisanship violence.
Palabras claves: Greiff,León de; Gutiérrez Girardot, Rafael; crítica literaria; poesía colombiana; piedracielismo.
Abstract: This paper analyzes the studies and essays written by the Colom- bian critic Rafael Gutiérrez Girardot about the poet León de Greiff. Gutiérrez Girardot’s works offer a qualitative assessment of the interpretations made by León de Greiff about the development of Colombian literature since the late nineteenth century until the first half of the twentieth century in relation to the different movements and trends that emerged in the country.
Keywords: Greiff, León de; Gutiérrez Girardot, Rafael; literary criticism; colombian poetry, “piedracielismo”.
Palabras claves: publicaciones periódicas; prensa del siglo XIX; prensa del siglo XX; literatura del siglo XIX; literatura del siglo XX.
Abstract: This bibliographic review article describes 20 titles of Colombian criticism literature that appear in literary press. All of them were pioneers in opening of space to literature, and in this sense they are primary sources for a historical approach to Colombian literature in the 19th and 20th centuries.
Keywords: periodical publications; 19th century press; 20th century press; 19th century literature; 20th century literature.
Palabras claves: historiografía literaria; historia de la literatura colombia- na; canon; memoria; herencia.
Abstract: A critical approach on theoretical interaction and on literary his- tory structuring is essential due to the conformation, survival and under- mining of the mechanisms that build memory. This paper focuses on the connection between the construction of literary canon and the dynamics of memorability. In this regard, those processes make possible not only the consolidation of a national literary canon, but also to depict the changes on the concept of historian and critic based on four Colombian Literature Histories. According to authors such as José María Vergara y Vergara, Bal- domero Sanín Cano, Antonio Gómez Restrepo and Roberto Cortázar the concept of canon can be understood as a mechanism, as a cartography that cannot be static and that also varies according to the proposed mapping.
Keywords: literary historiography; history of the Colombian literature; canon; memory; legacy.
Palabras claves: Caicedo, Andrés; traducción; Poe, Edgar Allan; intertex- tualidad.
Abstract: Andrés Caicedo, Colombian writer during the 70’s, finds him- self amongst a complex narrative scene. When writing he uses Edgar Al- lan Poe’s name and texts as compulsory quotes, rewriting him in a context linguistically distant from that of its intertext. His writing works, then, in terms of an always-discordant translation, because his readings are medi- ated, on the one hand, by Julio Cortázar’s versions of Poe and, on the other, by Roger Corman’s B movie versions of the North American writer.
Keywords: Caicedo, Andrés; translation; Poe, Edgar Allan; intertextuality
Palabras claves: Restrepo, Laura; Delirio; moral; pragmática literaria; violencia; narcotráfico.
Abstract: This essay argues that in the novel Delirio (2004), by Colombian writer Laura Restrepo (1950), that which is delirious is the social body itself, rather than the individual character of Agustina or her psyche. To this end three ideas are elaborated: the secret as something visible, or common sense; the moral blindness of the novel’s characters as a self- imposed impotence, and confinement as a social strategy of subjugation. The article uses literary pragmatics to propose an immanent reading of the novel, that is one which understands delirium from within delirium itself. Simultaneously, this reading recovers Nietzsche’s typology of the slave in order to describe the novel’s characters.
Keywords: Restrepo, Laura; Delirio; morality; literary pragmatics; violence; narcotrafficking.
Palabras claves: Restrepo, Laura; Delirio; Colombia; memoria histórica; dialogismo; violencia.
Abstract: Through the dialogic dynamics that underpin it, Laura Restrepo´s Delirium questions the discursive, political as well as historical monologism that has been adopted by both the Estate and the different armed groups with regards to the armed conflict and its correlate the illegal drugtrade. Such questioning, in turn, brings to surface the evident threat that such monologism represents for the rich and varied polyphonic discourses that have been crystallizing in recent years through the various artistic and cultural projects of memory preservation and recovery, collective memory, trauma, and human rights.
Keywords: Restrepo, Laura; Delirio; Colombia; Historical Memory; Dialogism; Violence.
Palabras claves: Narrativa fantástica colombiana; vampiros en la literaturacolombiana; Andújar, Carolina; García Londoño, Andrés; Romero Loaiza,Fernando.
Abstract: This article examines how vampires are depicted in four recentliterary works by Colombian authors. It is divided in four sections. The firstsection proposes a set of common characteristics that appear in differentdepictions of vampires. This section also reflects on the transformationsthat these characters have suffered in western literary works during the pasttwo centuries. The second section analyzes the way in which these depictionsof vampires relate to the concepts of eros and agape. The third sectionexamines the representation of vampires in Fernando Romero Loaiza’s“Crónicas de vampiros” (1997), Andres García’s short story “Los ojos de lanoche” (2009), and Carolina Andujar’s novels “Vampyr” (2009) and “Vajda,príncipe inmortal” (2012). The last section contains a set of conclusions.
Keywords: Colombian fantasy literature; vampires in Colombian literature; Andújar, Carolina; García Londoño, Andrés; Romero Loaiza, Fernando.
Palabras claves: Mercado, José Ramón; Tratado de soledad; memoria traumatizada; memoria de duelo; literatura e historia.
Abstract: José Ramón Mercado writing reaches a wide and varied universewithin Colombian and Caribbean poetry. In this collection, Tratado desoledad (2009), seven relevant poems are analyzed through concepts suchas traumatic memory and mourning memory —used by Paul Ricoeur— inwhich ethical and historical incidences of this poetry are combined. Thecentral subject of those texts is the Colombian violence throughout the lastyears. They also contribute as a reflexive exercise of historical and moralrichness without neglecting their a esthetic qualities.
Keywords: Mercado, José Ramón; Tratado de soledad; traumatic memory;mourning memory; literature and history.
Palabras claves: Abad Faciolince, Héctor; “Un poema en el bolsillo”; génerosliterarios; hibridación.
Abstract: This essay intends to reveal certain mechanisms of generic hybridizationwhich are used in “Un poema en el bolsillo” by Héctor AbadFaciolince and to show how and to what extent the author works at hybridizingthese three literary genres: the short story, the autobiography and theessay. An important element of hybridization in the perception of the shortstory by the reader will also be studied: the presence of the visual documentsthat relate the text to the journalistic genre. And finally, this essayintends to give an image of the “contemporary writer” between traditionand modernity, reality and fiction.
Keywords: Abad Faciolince, Héctor; “Un poema en el bolsillo”; literary genres; hybridization.
Palabras claves: publicaciones periódicas colombianas; prensa del sigloxx; literatura colombiana del siglo xx; prensa y literatura.
Abstract: The current text shows reviews of some articles about the Colombiancultural life. Such articles were published on the cultural magazinefrom Bogotá: Universidad, second period (1927-1929). The purpose of thiscompilation is to make a contribution in order to highlight the importanceof the 20th century periodical sources in a historical research of the Colombianliterature.
Keywords: Colombian periodical publishing; 20th century press; 20th centuryColombian literature; press and literature.