Viorel ROBU, PhD, is Associate Professor at Department of Social and Humanistic Sciences, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, “Petre Andrei” University of Iasi (Romania). He is Dean of Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences. He is currently teaching courses in Applied Statistics in Psychology, Foundations of Psychological Assessment, Elaboration, Implementation and the Marketing of Scientific Research, and Assessment of Competences in Vocational Counseling. He has pursued post-doctoral studies at the Romanian Academy and Institute of Education – University of Lisbon (Portugal). He is member of the Romanian Psychological Society, Romanian Association of School Psychologists, and the Romanian Association of Industrial and Organizational Psychology. Dr. Viorel ROBU currently serves as an Editorial Board member for the Journal of Psychology (edited by Romanian Academy), Romanian Journal of School Psychology, and the Journal of Psychological and Educational Research. He is author/co-author of two books and 100 scholarly articles. His main research interests include psychometrics, mental health of adolescents, risk behaviors, and student engagement with school.
Supervisors: Prof. Nicolae Mitrofan, PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Bucharest, Prof. Feliciano Henrique Veiga, PhD, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Phone: +04 0741 271 731
Address: 49 Dimitrie Mangeron Avenue, 700050, Iasi, Romania
Institutional phone: (+ 004) 0232 215 190
Personal mobile: (+ 004) 0741 271 731; (+004) 0732 068 455
E-mail: [email protected]
Supervisors: Prof. Nicolae Mitrofan, PhD, Faculty of Psychology and Education Sciences, University of Bucharest, Prof. Feliciano Henrique Veiga, PhD, Institute of Education, University of Lisbon (Portugal)
Phone: +04 0741 271 731
Address: 49 Dimitrie Mangeron Avenue, 700050, Iasi, Romania
Institutional phone: (+ 004) 0232 215 190
Personal mobile: (+ 004) 0741 271 731; (+004) 0732 068 455
E-mail: [email protected]
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Papers by Viorel Robu
tulburari depresive si/sau istorie suicidara ori cu alte probleme. Datele de factura psihometrica (estimate pentru evaluarea fidelitatii si a validitatii) au fost obtinute prin prelucrarea raspunsurilor a 609 adolescenti (189 de baieti si 410 fete). Evaluarea riscului suicidar în populatia de adolescenti necesita integrarea informatiilor obtinute din mai multe surse prin metode clinice variate (abordare
integrativa) si trebuie completata cu instituirea imediata a masurii de monitorizare si de consiliere prezentiva a adolescentilor si apartinatorilor, chiar si atunci cand riscul suicidar pare a fi la limita sau scazut.
population. Many of them cover a small portion of the competences which intervene as adjustment facilitating variables. The present study reveals the steps taken to develop and test a multidimensional questionnaire (The
Profile of Social and Emotional Competences/PSEC) which aims at measuring 17 social and emotional competences (e.g., emotional expression, empathy, ability to develop positive interpersonal relations, communication etc.). Data obtained following self-administration of the preliminary version of the PSEC on a sample of 1383 Romanian adolescents are summarized. In order to examine the construct validity of the PSEC, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. For most of the item parcels which were supposed to be indicators of competence, data revealed a model of measurement with two factors, in which positively
phrased items showed loadings in one factor, while the negatively phrased items showed loadings in another factor. The scales corresponding to 17 competences showed satisfactory internal consistency. In the last part of this paper, a few considerations regarding the usefulness of assessing social and emotional competences in relation
to the purpose of training programs are presented.
tulburari depresive si/sau istorie suicidara ori cu alte probleme. Datele de factura psihometrica (estimate pentru evaluarea fidelitatii si a validitatii) au fost obtinute prin prelucrarea raspunsurilor a 609 adolescenti (189 de baieti si 410 fete). Evaluarea riscului suicidar în populatia de adolescenti necesita integrarea informatiilor obtinute din mai multe surse prin metode clinice variate (abordare
integrativa) si trebuie completata cu instituirea imediata a masurii de monitorizare si de consiliere prezentiva a adolescentilor si apartinatorilor, chiar si atunci cand riscul suicidar pare a fi la limita sau scazut.
population. Many of them cover a small portion of the competences which intervene as adjustment facilitating variables. The present study reveals the steps taken to develop and test a multidimensional questionnaire (The
Profile of Social and Emotional Competences/PSEC) which aims at measuring 17 social and emotional competences (e.g., emotional expression, empathy, ability to develop positive interpersonal relations, communication etc.). Data obtained following self-administration of the preliminary version of the PSEC on a sample of 1383 Romanian adolescents are summarized. In order to examine the construct validity of the PSEC, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted. For most of the item parcels which were supposed to be indicators of competence, data revealed a model of measurement with two factors, in which positively
phrased items showed loadings in one factor, while the negatively phrased items showed loadings in another factor. The scales corresponding to 17 competences showed satisfactory internal consistency. In the last part of this paper, a few considerations regarding the usefulness of assessing social and emotional competences in relation
to the purpose of training programs are presented.
• Semnificaţii ale anxietăţii faţă de testări şi examene
• Manifestările specifice anxietăţii faţă de testări şi examene
• Prevalenţa anxietăţii faţă de situaţiile de evaluare în rândul
elevilor şi al studenţilor
• Relaţia dintre anxietatea faţă de situaţiile de evaluare şi
• Metode şi tehnici de reducere/prevenire a simptomelor
specifice anxietăţii faţă de testări şi examene
• Evaluarea anxietăţii faţă de testări şi examene
Keywords: student engagement in school, SES/4-DS, factor analysis, construct validity, Romanian adolescents
Cuvinte cheie: satisfacţie faţă de muncă, stres perceput la locul de muncă, caracteristici socio-demografice, asistenţi sociali