Nestled in the bustling 'antique alley' of Newlands, Johannesburg...
The Upcycle Zero Waste Shop is our flagship concept store.
Supported by a network of individuals, corporates and conscious consumers, our store is at the core of our Upcycling community.
>>>Showcases The Work of Our Upcycle Community Crafters |
<<<Provides Distribution Channels for Our Corporate Waste Responses |
>>>Introduces Unique Upcycled
>>>Click here for more information on our Upcycle Zero Waste Store.
The Upcycle Zero Waste Store is also home to
The Upcycle Innovation Lab
Here, we provide tailored
to individuals, communities and corporates in the art of Upcycling.
Upcycle partner with organizations including
to provide learnerships for youth and aspiring entrepreneurs entering the workplace.
The training programs provide practical hands-on skills,
Learners are guided through structured modules aimed
The course covers design thinking, production and entrepreneurial skills, enabling learners to go into
Lorenzo Saul |
Vision Phokane |
Siyabonga Mhlana |
For more information on supporting our learnerships and skills development training visit
The Upcycle Innovation lab is also where the
Research & Development
for our clients takes place.
As part of our innovative waste response, Upcycle tackles waste by inventing new uses for previously discarded materials.
Because our solutions are tailormade to tackle each unique and individual waste material our clients produce, a significant amount of R&D is needed.
Our team of creative geniuses are
We can turn almost anything into a
For more information on our innovative waste responses click here> Initiatives.