How to Trim & Style a Mustache

How to style a mustache beard
If you feel like getting yourself a beard style that’s bold, strong and distinctive, the mustachioed look may just be the one for you. A standout treasure amongst all the beard styles out there and a big statement for a little beard, the mustache beard style takes regular care, an eye for detail and great taste, but looks great when done well. Here’s everything you need to do just that, in 5 simple steps.

Step 1. Grow your beard to 2 cm
As is the case with most beard styles, a certain amount of beard growth is needed beforehand, so you have the length and thickness required to design your facial hair without any limitations. 2 cm tends to be a great length for the mustache as it’s in that ‘not too short, not too bushy’ zone. But if you’d like a handlebar mustache, grow it out longer. Once you’ve grown your beard and have a good base to work from, you’re ready to tame the beast into a gentleman.

Step 2. Trim your beard to 10 mm
Tip: Use the 1-10 mm beard comb on the 10 mm setting for an even base
Before zoning-in on the upper lip mustache area, it’s time to begin the beard elimination process. Add the beard comb to your Braun Beard trimmer and select your desired mustache length with the precision wheel. Between 1 cm - 2 cm is usually best, but see what works for you. Then use the trimmer on this setting to even out your whole beard. Make sure there are no hidden or stray hairs underneath the chin or any other part of your face. Now that you’ve achieved the right length across your whole face, you’re ready to shape around it.

Step 3. Style and shape your mustache with the Beard trimmer
Tip: First, shape around the mustache, starting with your neck, cheeks and chin
Remove the beard comb and use the head of your Beard trimmer directly to shape your mustache. The best way to do this is by shaping around the mustache, covering the neck, cheeks and chin areas. Remember to steer away from the upper lip area while doing this. Once it’s just your mustache beard area left, you can start working on the exact shape. Begin with the sides or ‘bars’ of your mustache, starting wider at first, then gradually cutting down until it’s trim and smart. Use slow, careful strokes to do this – the mustache beard look deserves the meticulous touch. Also, keep it symmetrical by alternating sides with each stroke – no one needs a wonky ‘stache.

Step 4. Clean shave to sharpen your mustache
Tip: For an extra-close shave, use the included Gillette razor
Next, it’s time to clean shave your neck, cheeks, chin and jawline. For a smooth, hassle-free shave and result, you can use a Gillette razor, in tandem with a Braun Beard trimmer. Prepare your skin by splashing warm water on it and applying a shaving foam. Shave against the direction of your hair growth using single, continuous strokes until the skin around your mustache beard area is smooth and completely hair-free.
Make sure to double-check the harder to reach areas beneath your chin, where your jaw meets the neck and underneath the bottom lip, ensuring every inch of your face is entirely hair-free, except for the area that’s doing all the talking – your now finely-designed, proudly-worn mustache beard.

Step 5. Moisturise, tweak & style as you go
Looking good? Now just rinse your face and moisturize with a non-alcohol-based moisturizer to prevent post-shave dryness.
The rest is all down to you as you prune, tweak and style as you go. It’s time to win the long game with your new mustache beard, so make sure to give it a top-up every couple of days by looking out for stray hairs, keeping both sides of the mustache (bars) even, keeping the rest of your face nice and clean-shaven, and of course – trying out a few different ways to wear your mustache beard style. There’s lots of choice for beard styling; wax and balms help achieve different shapes, flourishes and variations. If you fancy going ‘bigger’ with your beard style, why not grow it out longer for a handlebar style and twirling the ends with beard wax for a ‘mustachioed with a capital M’ beard style?
Either way, you now have an iconic beard design.
Other beard styles
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