Plyometric Drills
This is an excerpt from Training for Speed, Agility, and Quickness 3rd Edition With HKPropel Online Video by Lee E. Brown & Vance A. Ferrigno.
Stability Ball Impact Lockouts
To strengthen the core and improve the body’s ability to absorb impact.
- Assume a hand-on-ball push-up position, keeping the core (abdominal muscles, lower back, and hips) tight (see figure a).
- Release the ball, allowing yourself to fall on the ball, making impact on the upper abdominals (see figure b).
- As you bounce off the ball, secure it with the hands and lock out the arms.
- Reach out and touch a target while bouncing.
- Clap your hands behind your body while bouncing.
Stability Ball Hops
To improve quickness in the pushing musculature in the upper body.
- Place your feet on the stability ball and hands on the floor (push-up position).
- Hop backward and forward and from side to side, maintaining your balance on the ball with your feet (see figure a-c).
- Do not allow the abdominals and hips to sag. Maintain a firm body position.
Medicine Ball Wall Chest Pass
To improve total body transmission of power.
- Perform chest passes to a wall (see figure).
- Receive the ball with your arms extended before performing the next pass.
- This can be done for any number of repetitions, for time, or for distance.
- Perform the drill with one arm.
- Perform the drill while moving laterally up and down the wall.
Medicine Ball Release Push-Ups With Partner
To improve quickness in the pushing musculature in the upper body.
- Starting in a kneeling position, throw the medicine ball to a partner and then fall into a push-up (see figure).
- Push up back into the start position while the partner returns the medicine ball.
- Repeat the exercise as quickly as possible.

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