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مصباح طاولة Xuanzhi صممه الفنان الياباني عام 1951. لقد اختار اسم Xuanzhi لهذه الأشياء، وهي كلمة تعني "الضوء" باللغة اليابانية، وتعني الإضاءة والخفة الجسدية.
ينبع الإلهام لتصميم أضواءه من زيارة إلى قرية الصيد اليابانية جيفو، ومشاهدة الصيادين أثناء عملهم. إنهم لا يستخدمون طيور الغاق المدربة للصيد فحسب، بل يستخدمون أيضًا الفوانيس لجذب الأسماك. وكانت هذه الفوانيس تحتوي على أضلاع مصنوعة من الخيزران ومغطاة بورق ناعم. بالنسبة لمصباح الطاولة أكاري، استخدم المصمم ورق شجرة التوت، لأنه يخفف الضوء ويجعله لطيفًا ويوزعه بالتساوي.
ملحوظة*: لضمان التثبيت الصحيح، يرجى اتباع إرشادات الاتصال التالية:
- قم بتوصيل السلك الأسود بالفتحة رقم 2.
- قم بتوصيل السلك الأبيض بالفتحة رقم 3.
إذا كانت لديك أي أسئلة حول منتجاتنا، فيرجى الاتصال بنا وسنرد عليك في غضون 24 ساعة.
نفس سلسلة المنتجات، انقر على الصورة لمعرفة المزيد >>>
الحجم: القطر 26 سم × الارتفاع 43 سم / ∅ 10.2 بوصة × الارتفاع 16.9 بوصة
سالمقاس: القطر 40 سم × الارتفاع 58سم / ∅ 15.7 بوصة × الارتفاع 22.8 بوصة
المواد: ورق التوت، المعدن، الحديد
مصدر الضوء: لمبة LED أو لمبة اديسون.
نوع قاعدة مصدر الضوء: E26 أو E27.
الجهد الكهربائي: تيار متردد 110-240 فولت.
مقاوم للرطوبة: IP 20، مقاوم للرطوبة وغير مقاوم للماء، للاستخدام الداخلي فقط.
بيئة: داخلي.
تشطيبات الجسم: أسود.
اللمسة النهائية للظل: أبيض.
التحكم: مفتاح تشغيل/إيقاف مضمن.
أسلاك مقاس 59 بوصة مع مفاتيح توصيل.
شهادة: UL، ETL و CE، SAA مدرجة.
حجم التعبئة:
ل 41 سم × ث 41سم س ح 25سم
ل 42 سم × ث 42سم س ح 56سم (2 قطعة)
تحميل الدعم
![]() |
تحديد | تعليمات التحميل | فيديو الجمعية |
If it is a product quality problem or transportation damage, we will provide free return and exchange services, ensuring a hassle-free experience for our customers.
آخر تحديث في 10 يوليو 2021
بشكل عام، هناك سببان للعودة:
نحن على يقين من أنك ستحب طلب Vakkerlighting الخاص بك عند وصوله، ولكن إذا لم تفعل ذلك لأي سبب من الأسباب، فيرجى مراسلتنا بخط سريع عبر صفحة اتصل بنا أو مجرد الرد على رسائل البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بتحديث الشحن وسنقوم بتصحيح الأمر.
سيتم إرسال تأكيد الطلب وتأكيد الشحن إلى بريدك الإلكتروني المسجل أو رقم هاتفك المحمول.
سيتم إرسال تأكيد الطلب مباشرة بعد تقديم الطلب إلى عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني أو رقم هاتفك المحمول الذي قمت بتسجيله عند تقديم الطلب.
وسيتم إرسال تأكيد الشحن في غضون 2-7 أيام بعد استلام تأكيد الطلب عبر عنوان بريدك الإلكتروني أو رقم هاتفك المحمول الذي قمت بتسجيله عند تقديم الطلب.
إذا لم تتلق إحدى رسائل التأكيد عبر البريد الإلكتروني أعلاه، فيرجى الاتصال بنا على "[email protected]".
استرداد واستبدال جزئي/كامل مؤهل
- أي منتج ليس في حالته الأصلية، مما يعني الأجزاء التالفة أو المفقودة لأسباب لا تتعلق بخطأنا.
- أي عنصر يختلف عن وصف العنصر.
- أي عنصر يتم إرجاعه إلى المرسل دون تسليمه.
- لم يتم تسليم أي منتج خلال 90 يومًا.
جميع الحالات المذكورة أعلاه ستكون مؤهلة لاسترداد الأموال جزئيًا/كاملًا واستبدالها.
غير قابلة للاسترداد
بطاقات الهدايا
مخزن اعتمادات
التفسير الخاطئ لقائمة المنتجات على الرغم من وجود مؤشرات واضحة للسلع غير المخفضة.
طلب الغاء
لا يمكن إلغاء الطلبات إلا في غضون 4 ساعات بعد تأكيد الطلب. بعد هذا الوقت، لا يمكننا تقديم استرداد. (في بعض الأحيان، إذا لم يتم شحن الطلب، فقد نكون متاحين لإلغاء طلبك، لذا يرجى الاتصال بنا إذا لم تتلق تأكيد الشحن.)
سياسة العائدات
سياستنا تستمر 14 يوما. إذا مر 14 يومًا منذ استلامك للمنتج الخاص بك وفقًا لرقم التتبع الخاص بك، فللأسف، لا يمكننا أن نعرض عليك استرداد الأموال أو الاستبدال. يجب عليك التواصل مع استفسار خلال هذه الفترة الزمنية لتكون مؤهلاً للإرجاع أو الاستبدال.
لكي تكون مؤهلاً للحصول على عائد ، يجب أن يكون العنصر الخاص بك غير مستخدم وفي نفس الحالة التي تلقيتها فيه. يجب أن يكون أيضًا في العبوة الأصلية.
عملية الإرجاع لدينا
الخطوة 0: اقرأ سياسة الإرجاع الخاصة بنا أعلاه لتحديد ما إذا كان طلبك مؤهلاً للاسترداد/الإرجاع.
الخطوة 1: أرسل استفسارًا يتضمن سبب عودتك إلى [email protected]
الخطوة 2: نؤكد مبلغ الاسترداد الذي أنت مؤهل للحصول عليه اعتمادًا على سبب الإرجاع والعناصر الموجودة في طلبك.
الخطوة 3: نقدم عنوان الإرجاع وتعليمات وضع العلامات على الشحنة. إذا لم تتبع تعليماتنا، فلن نتمكن من إعادة أموالك إليك.
الخطوة 4: يمكنك شحن العنصر على نفقتك الخاصة. نحن لا نغطي تكلفة إعادة الشحن أو نقدم ملصقات مدفوعة مسبقًا. يرجى طباعة رسالة البريد الإلكتروني الخاصة بتأكيد الطلب وإدراجها في حزمة الإرجاع.
الخطوة 5: أخبرنا عبر البريد الإلكتروني بأنك أرسلت الإرجاع الخاص بك وقم بتزويدنا برقم التتبع الخاص بك إن أمكن.
الخطوة 6: سنقوم بمعالجة عملية الإرجاع خلال 3-5 أيام عمل من استلام المنتجات المرتجعة.
المبالغ المستردة (إن وجدت)
إذا تمت الموافقة عليك، فستتم معالجة استرداد أموالك، وسيتم إضافة رصيد تلقائيًا إلى بطاقتك الائتمانية أو طريقة الدفع الأصلية، خلال فترة معينة من الأيام.
المبالغ المستردة المتأخرة أو المفقودة (إن وجدت)
إذا لم تكن قد استردت أموالك ، فتحقق أولاً من حسابك المصرفي مرة أخرى.
ثم اتصل بشركة بطاقة الائتمان الخاصة بك، فقد يستغرق الأمر بعض الوقت قبل أن يتم نشر المبلغ المسترد رسميًا.
بعد ذلك، اتصل بالبنك الذي تتعامل معه. غالبًا ما يكون هناك بعض الوقت للمعالجة قبل ترحيل المبلغ المسترد.
إذا كنت قد فعلت كل هذا ولم تستلم أموالك المستردة بعد، فيرجى الاتصال بنا عبر صفحة الاتصال الخاصة بنا.
تقع على عاتقنا مسؤولية تزويدك بالسلع التي تلبي حقوق المستهلك الخاصة بك. إذا كانت لديك أي مخاوف بشأن عدم وفائنا بالتزاماتنا القانونية، فيرجى الاتصال بنا:
Vakkerlight offers an innovative 3D Lighting Design Service that brings a new level of customization to your lighting experience. Whether you're designing for a home, office, or commercial space, this service allows you to visualize and tailor lighting fixtures to your specific needs in a realistic 3D environment. With this service, Vakkerlight provides:
This service helps take the guesswork out of lighting design, ensuring that you select the perfect lighting fixtures for your home or business.
For more information, you can visit the official Vakkerlight 3D Lighting Design Service page.
For access to 3D Max files or detailed product parameters, kindly reach out to our support team at [email protected]. They will be more than happy to assist you.
How to Calculate the Right Size Light Fixture for a Room
When selecting a light fixture, you need to ensure it's appropriately scaled to the room size. The wrong size can affect both aesthetics and functionality. Here are the professional guidelines to help determine the correct light fixture size:
Lighting is not only functional but also a key design element in any room. Choosing the right size light fixture is essential for balancing the overall design of the room and ensuring adequate illumination. In this guide, we’ll cover how to calculate the ideal size for light fixtures based on room dimensions and provide room-specific tips for all types of lighting, including chandeliers, pendants, flush mounts, sconces, and more.
When selecting a light fixture, you need to ensure it's appropriately scaled to the room size. The wrong size can affect both aesthetics and functionality. Here are the professional guidelines to help determine the correct light fixture size:
The simplest way to calculate the right size of a ceiling light for a room is to use the following formula:
For a room that is 12 feet wide and 14 feet long, you would add 12 + 14 = 26 feet. Convert this to inches (26 inches), so the recommended diameter for a chandelier or pendant light would be around 26 inches.
The height of the fixture is equally important, especially in rooms with varying ceiling heights. To determine the ideal height:
In a room with a 10-foot ceiling, the fixture should be approximately 25-30 inches in height (10 feet x 2.5-3 inches = 25-30 inches).
For rooms where you’re hanging light fixtures above surfaces, such as dining tables or kitchen islands, the hanging height is critical to ensure the fixture is neither too high nor too low.
If you're hanging multiple pendants above a kitchen island or a long dining table, the general rule is that each fixture should be about 1/4 the length of the surface below.
Below is a detailed table showing the recommended fixture size and installation tips for various rooms in the house.
Room Type | Recommended Fixture Size | Types of Lighting to Consider | Hanging Height and Spacing Tips |
Living Room | Use the formula: Length + Width (in feet), convert to inches for diameter. | Chandeliers, pendant lights, flush mounts, floor lamps, table lamps. | Chandeliers and pendants should hang 7 feet above the floor. Flush mounts work best for rooms with lower ceilings. |
Dining Room | Fixture should be 1/2 to 2/3 the width of the dining table. | Chandeliers, linear pendants, wall sconces. | Hang chandeliers or pendants 32-36 inches above the table surface. Consider using multiple pendants for longer tables. |
Kitchen | Each pendant should be 1/4 the length of the island or counter. | Pendant lights, recessed lights, under-cabinet lighting, track lighting. | Pendants should hang 32-36 inches above the countertop. Space multiple pendants evenly over the island or dining area. |
Bedroom | Length + Width (in feet), converted to inches for fixture diameter. | Flush mounts, semi-flush mounts, bedside lamps, wall sconces, floor lamps. | Bedside lamps should be eye-level when seated. Use flush or semi-flush mounts for ambient lighting, and add sconces for task lighting. |
Bathroom | Use the room dimension formula for general ceiling lights. | Vanity lights, sconces, flush mounts, recessed lights. | Sconces should be mounted 65-70 inches from the floor, and 24 inches above vanity mirrors for proper task lighting. |
Entryway/Hallway | Length + Width formula for entryways. For hallways, use evenly spaced lights. | Chandeliers, flush mounts, wall sconces. | Chandeliers in entryways should hang at least 7 feet from the floor. In hallways, space lights evenly, about every 8-10 feet. |
Home Office | Room dimension formula for general lighting. Desk lamps for task lighting. | Flush mounts, desk lamps, recessed lights, task lighting. | Desk lamps should provide focused lighting for work surfaces. Consider recessed lights or track lighting for larger offices. |
Chandeliers and Pendants: These are the focal points of the living room, especially in rooms with higher ceilings. To size appropriately, use the room dimension formula and ensure the fixture is in scale with the room’s layout. A general rule is to ensure there is at least 7 feet of clearance between the fixture and the floor.
Task Lighting: Table and floor lamps add layers of light that are perfect for reading or highlighting specific areas of the room. Ensure that floor lamps are proportionate to the size of the furniture they accompany.
Standard Bedroom Nightstand Lamp Size
Bedside Lamp Part | Ideal Measurement |
Total height | Equal to the height of the nightstand |
Lamp shade height | Equal to half to 2/3 of the lamp height |
Lamp shade width (at widest point) | Twice as wide as the lamp base |
Base height | Equal to 1/3 of the height of the lamp |
Base width (at widest point) | Equal to half of the lamp shade |
Pendants Over Island: These provide crucial task lighting for food prep and should hang 32-36 inches above the surface. Make sure that each pendant is about 1/4 the length of the island to provide sufficient coverage without overwhelming the space.
Under-cabinet Lighting: This helps illuminate countertops and adds a layer of task lighting that’s critical in kitchen workspaces.
Ceiling Fixtures: Bedrooms benefit from soft, ambient lighting. Use the room dimension formula to ensure the ceiling fixture is properly scaled. Semi-flush or flush mounts work well for general lighting, while sconces or bedside lamps provide focused task lighting.
Task Lighting: Bedside lamps or wall sconces should be proportionate to the size of the nightstands and the bed. The lamp height should be roughly at eye level when sitting in bed.
Vanity Lighting: For task lighting, place sconces on either side of the vanity mirror to minimize shadows. These should be mounted 65-70 inches from the floor, and spaced appropriately for even lighting.
Ceiling Fixtures: Use the room dimension formula for ceiling fixtures like flush mounts to ensure enough ambient light in the space.
Chandeliers: The entryway is the perfect spot for a statement chandelier. Use the length + width formula to determine the diameter, and ensure the fixture hangs at least 7 feet from the floor to allow clearance.
Hallway Lighting: Recessed or flush mount lights spaced evenly (every 8-10 feet) create a well-lit and inviting space.
Another key factor when determining light fixture size is ceiling height. As a general rule, you should allow 2.5-3 inches of fixture height for every foot of ceiling height. This ensures the fixture feels balanced within the room and doesn't overwhelm the space or hang too low.
Low Ceilings (8 feet or less): Opt for flush mount or semi-flush mount fixtures, which sit close to the ceiling and provide ample lighting without taking up too much visual space.
Standard Ceilings (9-10 feet): Chandeliers and pendant lights are ideal for rooms with standard ceiling heights, especially in dining rooms and entryways. Ensure the bottom of the fixture hangs at least 7 feet from the floor.
High Ceilings (10 feet or more): Rooms with high ceilings can handle larger, more dramatic fixtures. Use the height of the room to your advantage by selecting taller fixtures that draw the eye upward and create visual interest.
Choosing the right light fixture size requires careful consideration of the room's dimensions, ceiling height, and intended function. By following the guidelines in this comprehensive guide, you can ensure that your light fixtures not only illuminate your space effectively but also enhance the overall aesthetic of each room. Whether it's a bold chandelier in the dining room or sleek pendant lighting over a kitchen island, the right light fixture can transform your home into a beautifully lit, cohesive space.
Here’s a voltage reference chart for various countries. Feel free to contact us with any questions. Enjoy your shopping!
When purchasing electrical appliances or lighting fixtures for use across different countries, it's crucial to understand the voltage systems in place. This guide focuses on the voltage standards in developed Western countries such as the United States, Canada, and various nations across Europe. Knowing the voltage requirements helps ensure safety and compatibility, especially when dealing with different plugs, sockets, and power systems. In this blog, we’ll discuss the standard voltages and frequencies in major countries, with a focus on North America and Europe.
Electricity runs on different voltage systems depending on the country, and using appliances or lighting fixtures in regions with incompatible voltages can damage the devices or even pose safety risks. Developed countries generally adhere to two main standards: 110-120V and 220-240V, which are the ranges used to power most household appliances, electronics, and lighting.
The United States and Canada primarily use 120V systems. The frequency in both countries is standardized at 60Hz, and the plugs commonly used are Type A (two flat parallel prongs) and Type B (two flat prongs with a grounding pin). If you’re traveling to or purchasing electronics from North America, you need to ensure that your devices are compatible with this voltage, as many other parts of the world use higher voltages.
For lighting, most fixtures designed for the U.S. or Canada will specify 120V operation. For those moving from Europe or Asia, it's crucial to either use a step-up transformer or ensure that your appliance supports dual-voltage (120V-240V).
Most European countries use a 220-240V system, which is notably higher than the voltage in North America. The frequency standard across Europe is 50Hz, which differs from North America's 60Hz. The UK, for instance, uses the Type G plug, which has three rectangular prongs, whereas most continental European countries (Germany, France, Italy, etc.) use the Type C plug (two round prongs) or Type F plug (two round prongs with grounding clips).
When purchasing appliances or lighting fixtures for use in Europe, it’s important to ensure they are rated for 220-240V operation. Using North American devices designed for 120V in Europe without the proper adapters or voltage converters can result in equipment failure or hazardous situations.
Country | Voltage | Frequency | Plug Type(s) |
United States | 120V | 60Hz | Type A, B |
Canada | 120V | 60Hz | Type A, B |
United Kingdom | 230V | 50Hz | Type G |
Germany | 230V | 50Hz | Type C, F |
France | 230V | 50Hz | Type C, E |
Italy | 230V | 50Hz | Type C, F, L |
Australia | 230V | 50Hz | Type I |
Japan | 100V | 50/60Hz | Type A, B |
Many modern devices, including smartphones, laptops, and chargers, are designed to support dual voltage. These devices typically have labels that read something like "100-240V, 50-60Hz." This means they can operate safely across different voltage systems without the need for a transformer. However, you may still need a plug adapter to fit the socket types in the country you’re visiting or moving to.
For example, if you’re traveling from the U.S. to the UK, a plug adapter for Type G sockets will be necessary, even if your device is dual-voltage.
Understanding the voltage and frequency standards in different countries ensures that you can use electrical devices and lighting safely without any compatibility issues. Developed countries, such as those in North America and Europe, adhere to specific standards that influence the design and function of electronics and fixtures. When purchasing products or planning a move, make sure to consider the voltage requirements and whether your devices are compatible or need voltage converters and plug adapters.
If you have any further questions about voltage standards or need help selecting the right products for your region, feel free to reach out. Enjoy shopping for your new lighting fixtures or electrical appliances with confidence!
When traveling or moving between countries, it's essential to know what kind of plug type and voltage system is used in your destination to ensure the safe and effective use of your electronic devices. In developed Western countries, as well as others worldwide, different plug and socket types are used, and voltages vary from 110V to 240V. Understanding these differences helps avoid equipment damage and ensures convenience when using appliances or devices abroad.
This guide provides a detailed overview of the different plug types in use globally, focusing on key countries in Europe and North America. By understanding the types of plugs and their compatibility, you can confidently travel or purchase electronics internationally.
There are currently 15 standard plug types in use globally, designated by letters (A through O). These types correspond to different pin configurations, grounding methods, and compatibility with electrical sockets. Here’s a breakdown of the most common plug types used in developed countries:
Plug Type | Regions/Countries | Description |
Type A | USA, Canada, Mexico, Japan | Two flat pins, ungrounded. Used primarily in North America and parts of Asia. Typically 100-127V. |
Type B | USA, Canada, Mexico | Similar to Type A but includes a grounding pin. Used for devices requiring additional grounding. Typically 100-127V. |
Type C | Europe, South America, Asia | Two round pins, ungrounded. Known as the Europlug, commonly found across Europe (except UK). Typically 220-240V. |
Type D | India, South Africa | Three round pins, grounded. Common in India and some African countries. Typically 220-240V. |
Type E | France, Belgium, Poland, Slovakia | Two round pins, grounded. Primarily used in France and other parts of Europe. Compatible with Type F plugs. 220-240V. |
Type F | Germany, Spain, Russia, Europe | Two round pins with grounding clips. Common across mainland Europe, excluding the UK and Ireland. Compatible with Type C and E plugs. 220-240V. |
Type G | UK, Ireland, Malta, Malaysia | Three rectangular pins, grounded. Used primarily in the UK and its former colonies. Voltage range 220-250V. |
Type I | Australia, New Zealand, China | Two or three pins (depending on grounding), used in Australia, New Zealand, and China. Typically 220-240V. |
Voltage is another critical factor to consider when traveling or purchasing electronics internationally. Most countries in North America (such as the U.S. and Canada) use 120V and 60Hz, while many European countries operate on 220-240V and 50Hz. Using a device rated for one voltage in a country with a different voltage can damage the device or cause a safety hazard, so a voltage converter or dual-voltage device is essential in these cases.
If you are traveling or relocating, it’s advisable to carry a universal travel adapter that allows you to connect your device to different types of sockets. A plug adapter modifies the physical shape of the plug, but it does not convert voltage—so make sure your device can handle the voltage used in the destination country.
Some common travel scenarios include:
Understanding the plug types and voltage systems used around the world is essential for international travelers and anyone purchasing electronic devices globally. With the right knowledge, you can ensure your devices work safely and efficiently, whether you’re at home or abroad.
For further reference, use a global plug guide to quickly check which adapters or voltage converters are needed for your specific destination or appliance use.
I love my new table lamp!! It came ahead of schedule and took no time to put together. Best of all it looks great!
I love this lamp. It looks great with my new desk. Stylish and sleek.perfect for my need.
I am veryyyy happy with this lamp. It is a tad bigger than I thought, but that is a happy surprise because I feel it works great in the space.
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Energy-efficient LED technology for sustainability and savings.
Explore our most sought-after product collections, where innovative design meets exceptional craftsmanship. Perfectly tailored to enhance every corner of your home with style and functionality.
The Solid Wood Original Design Series by Vakkerlight is a celebration of timeless craftsmanship and nature’s finest materials. Each piece in this series is carefully designed with originality and elegance, showcasing the natural beauty and warmth of premium solid wood.
Illuminate your home with Vakkerlight's Alabaster Lamp Fixtures. Featuring exquisite alabaster designs and premium craftsmanship, these fixtures, including pendants, chandeliers, and wall sconces, add a touch of elegance and sophistication to any room. Perfect for creating a warm, inviting atmosphere.
Handcrafted from Murano glass, each piece showcases vibrant colors and unique patterns, creating a captivating glow. Perfect for adding a touch of luxury, this collection brings timeless beauty and sophistication to any space.
Featuring luxurious silk lampshades, each piece exudes a soft, refined glow that adds warmth and sophistication to your decor. Perfect for classic and modern interiors alike, the Classic Silk Series combines traditional charm with contemporary style, creating a serene ambiance in any room.
The Travertine Lamp Fixtures by Vakkerlight bring natural elegance and modern design together. Made from authentic travertine stone, these fixtures showcase unique textures that add an organic touch to any space.
Elevate your business environment with Vakkerlight's commercial interior lighting solutions. Discover a range of fixtures designed to create an attractive, warm, and safe atmosphere for your commercial space.
Each piece in this series is designed to bring sleek, unobtrusive lighting to your space, offering a streamlined aesthetic that enhances any room’s ambiance. Crafted with premium materials like rich woods and sleek metals.
Explore our complete line of outdoor lighting at Vakkerlight, featuring entry lights, patio fixtures, porch lights, and more. Enhance your outdoor spaces with stylish and functional lighting solutions designed to illuminate and beautify your home's exterior.
Celebrated for their intricate detail and thought-provoking shapes, these pieces elevate any space they adorn. Designed to be a focal point in any room, our Sculpture Series harnesses elegance and trendy appeal with a unique twist.