Real White Horse Vapor Customers
Empowering Women to Take
Control of Their Health
White Horse Vapor offers a smoke-free alternative to support your journey
towards a healthier lifestyle.
Female Facts
- Average age for vapeWH female user is 38.6. (Statistics: age
- 90% of adult smoking women smokers want to quit forever. (Surveyed at Rhode Island gathering 2024)
- 89% of adult women that steer away from smoking to vape never return to cigarettes. (Surveyed at Rhode Island gathering 2024)
- 81% female audience preferred flavored vapes such as ice, watermelon, blueberry, grape rather than tobacco flavor. (Bonafide industry data 2024)
- Penn State University in 2015 cited that vaping is less addictive than smoking. Many vape users have proven through the years to leave smoking then after, leave vaping. (PSU 2015)
- After clinical trials the UK provided free e-cigarette kits to pregnant women that smoked. (Click for source)