Salem Clam Shack - get the full belly fried clams, get the lobster roll - but avoid the Haddock
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I live Kebab
Video taken in lower Manhattan by vieformidable
The art of exterior design plagiarism. Monschau Germany, near the Belgium border.
Mystery solved. My blog is about aesthetic beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. Tumblr BLOCKED one of my artistic fashion pics of women in “big white woven shirts” as one of the 9 pictures showed a tiny bit of nipple. Interesting to note that the FB and Instagram censors haven’t found a problem with it at all. Sadly, Tumblr has really lost it. These 8 of 9 pics seems to have made it through. You will never see #9 on Tumblr, as it’s been censored altogether.
My blog is about aesthetic beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. In this spirit, I blogged about 9 of my favorite black and white photographs of well-designed, modern and visually striking big white shirts (each on different models). Yet Tumblr BLOCKED them, reprimanding me that these artistic fashion pics go against their standards. After appeal, the Tumblr censors reached the same verdict. So while I was able to post them on FB and Instagram without difficulty, the Tumblr community has been spared from their blasphemy. I am posting all 9 of them, one at a time, to learn which one(s) are actually offensive. Sadly, Tumblr has really lost it. This is #4
King’s College Chapel has the world’s largest fan vault.
It’s considered as one of the world’s finest examples of Perpendicular Gothic English architecture.
Townhouse apparently created by AI, but not located in Barcelona Spain, or architected by Gaudi.
My blog is about aesthetic beauty, fashion, and lifestyle. In this spirit, I blogged about 9 of my favorite black and white photographs of well-designed, modern and visually striking big white shirts (each on different models). Yet Tumblr BLOCKED them, reprimanding me that these artistic fashion pics go against their standards. After appeal, the Tumblr censors reached the same verdict. So while I was able to post them on FB and Instagram without difficulty, the Tumblr community has been spared from their blasphemy. I am posting all 9 of them, one at a time, to learn which one(s) are actually offensive. Sadly, Tumblr has really lost it. This is #8