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Virtual Light & Imagine Mars - Klingons

by Virtual Light



Zero One Music is proud to present, "Klingons", a cutting-edge collaboration between our label's own Canadian Psychedelic Jedi, Virtual Light, and Israeli top gun, Imagine Mars (DJ Osho / Symbolic). Uplifting and positive vibes, yet a "fromage-free" track, Klingons is a sure fire dance floor killer and a timeless hit.


released October 28, 2023


all rights reserved



Virtual Light Montreal, Québec

Hailing from the great white north known as Canada, Vincent Grella has been blasting "pedal to the metal" psychedelia since 1999 as a DJ then began producing shortly after. Being a musician since early childhood, guitar has always been his first love, playing in blues and rock bands until one day he discovered Psytrance. ... more

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