Who is the WEA?
The Wellesley Educators Association is the largest union in the Town of Wellesley and an affiliate of the Massachusetts Teachers Association. The WEA consists of four (4) bargaining units that act collectively to advance the interests of educators and public education as public good.
Who is in each bargaining unit?
Unit A (Teachers/Nurses) is our largest unit, consisting of full-time teachers and regular part-time classroom teachers (except Department Heads), guidance counselors (except the Director of Guidance), librarians, curriculum resource teachers, physical education teachers, counselors and learning disabilities teachers, reading specialists, art teachers, performing arts teachers, nurses, occupational therapists, physical therapists, instructional technology specialists, and certified athletic trainers.
Unit B (Administrators) includes all Assistant Principals, Directors, Coordinators, and Department Heads.
Unit C (Instructional Support Professionals) includes non-administrative Education Support Professionals, such as Teaching Assistants and Behavior Technicians.
Unit D (Administrative Support Professionals) includes Building Secretaries, Receptionists, Departmental Coordinators, all Transportation and Accounting Coordinators as well as the Assistant Athletic Director.
Unit E (Technology Support Professionals) includes Systems Administrator, Network Administrator, Technician, Technology Support Specialist, Help Desk Specialist, Data & Web Assistant, PowerSchool Data Manager, and Software & Systems Analyst.
Can I join the WEA?
Anyone in the positions outlined above may join the WEA. If you hold any of the positions above, you can join by completing an application here.
Additionally, members who have served in these positions and have retired may be eligible to join MTA retired and the WEA retirees.
What does the WEA do?
At our core, the WEA advocates for fair labor practice and equitable treatment of the workforce in education. This includes member organizing and advocacy at the town, state, and national level through our state and national affiliates, the MTA and NEA.
How much does it cost to Join the WEA?
WEA members pay annual dues deducted directly from their paychecks. Dues are set by the Bylaws and Dues Adjustment Committee and approved by membership. Dues for the current year at set at 00.91% of a member’s base salary. Longevity, stipends, and all other extra earnings are not assessed for dues. Per the 2022 Annual Meeting, Unit C dues are capped at $300 per year, and Unit D dues are capped at $450 a year.
Who governs or administrates the WEA?
Our members are the heart of the WEA. The Association is governed by a Representative Council elected every two years and an executive board elected every year. Additionally, members sit on committees that help support a variety of equity priorities set by the leadership.
Questions? Feel free to reach out to us at [email protected].
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