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Focus of Spirit

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ADMIN (Last 20 Recorded Auctions)

Spellicon K.png

Focuses your target's spiritual energy, granting increased hit points, strength, and dexterity for 1 hour(s) 40.0 mins.

This spell has an unusual stacking mechanic. If a character has Focus, it will block the addition of Maniacal Strength, Mortal Deftness, and Voice of the Berserker spells. However if the character already has those buffs prior, the addition of Focus on top of those will not overwrite them, rather it will stack and both will apply to the character's statistics. Therefore, if a melee character would like all three buffs, they should click off any pre-existing Focus, then ask the Shaman for them.

Focus of Spirit will always overwrite other Talisman spells however. It also seems to overwrite lower level spells such as Dexterity.

Does not stack with Shield of the Magi and other INT caster HP buffs. Does not stack with Bedlam and other enchanter mat-free runes in that line. Does stack with Resurrection Effects.



1 : Increase Max Hitpoints by 405
2 : Increase HP when cast by 405
3 : Increase STR by 67
4 : Increase DEX by 60
Mana 500 Skill Alteration
Casting Time 13.00 Recast Time 2.25
Fizzle Time 3.00 Resist Unresistable
Range 100 Target Type Single
Spell Type Beneficial Duration 1 hour 40 minutes
Cast on You You feel focused.
Cast on Other Someone looks focused.
Wears Off Your focus fades.

Items with Spell Effect

  • None

Where to Obtain

  • Velious Level 50+ Mob Drop

Plane of Growth

Western Wastes