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From Project 1999 Wiki
The Storm Giants are the upper class of Kael Drakkel. They are naturally allied with the Kromrif and their king, Tormax. They are opposed to the Claws of Veeshan, but usually will not give positive faction with Coldain when killed. Most Kromzek giants appear with plate armor resembling Lorica segmentata [1] or noble robes and reside within Kael Drakkel and The Wakening Land.
Most characters will start as kill on sight to this faction, except Rallos Zek Ogres.
Zones in which you can raise the faction | Zones in which you can lower the faction |
Quests you can do to raise the faction | Quests you can do to lower the faction |
Mobs you can kill to raise the faction | Mobs you can kill to lower the faction |