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Shralok Pack

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Project 1999 Auction Tracker (Blue)
30d Avg 90d Avg All Time Avg All Time Range # Seen
 ? ± ?  ? ± ? 141 ± 57 2 / 1000 5544


Date Seller Price Date Seller Price
2024-12-09 Inion 100 2024-11-23 Eremis 90
2024-11-08 Nessy 100 2024-10-22 Beragost 100
2024-10-20 Beekin 100 2024-10-09 Carpentry 100
2024-10-08 Carpentry 100 2024-10-05 Carpentry 100
2024-10-04 Weewille 100 2024-10-02 Inion 100
2024-09-30 Eugen 100 2024-09-15 Muthezis 100
2024-07-22 Kataclysm 100 2024-07-04 Gudar 100
2024-07-03 Gudar 100 2024-07-02 Wayshort 100
2024-07-02 Gwenleif 100 2024-07-02 Gudar 100
2024-07-02 Kataclysm 100 2024-07-01 Kataclysm 8

ADMIN (Last 20 Recorded Auctions)

Shralok Pack
Item 884.png

WT: 0.4 Weight Reduction: 25%
Capacity: 8 Size Capacity: GIANT

This bag is excellent for general use for any class for its low base weight, moderate weight reduction, flexibility to carry any item (GIANT) and cheap price.


  • The item contains the "PENDING LORE" tag, implying that it would one day be restricted to one per character. This will not happen on the Blue or Green server at any point in time.
  • On EQLive This item was changed to LORE on 2/21/2001a patch and the server automatically deleted duplicates causing unaware players to lose many items. Devs removed the LORE designation and reverted it back to PENDING LORE in the 2/21/2001b patch notes. Characters affected were asked to contact GM's for a restore back to the last backup.
  • EQLive 2002/11/19 Patch Notes (luclin) Removed the "Pending Lore" tag from the Shralok Pack.

Item 645.png Merchant resale value: 2p 4g (vendors resell for cost + 5%)

Drops From

Highpass Hold

Sold by

  • This item cannot be purchased from merchants.

Related quests

  • This item has no related quests.

Player crafted

  • This item is not crafted by players.

Tradeskill recipes

  • This item is not used in player tradeskills.