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This flamethrower is built for the Pyro who likes to ambush their opponents.
Backburner publicity blurb

The Backburner is an unlockable primary weapon for the Pyro. Its appearance is very similar to the default Flammekaster, with the exception of a team-colored part on the front of the weapon that resembles a dragon's head.

The Backburner does not roll for random Critical hits, but instead guarantees Critical hits whenever used on an opponent from behind. The game counts the Pyro as being behind someone when the direction the victim is facing and the direction of the flames are roughly the same, within a window of about 73 degrees. More precisely, the dot product (a formula to check if two things are facing the same direction. The outcome is a number between 1 and -1, with 1 meaning they face the same direction and -1 meaning they face each other) of combining the normalized 2D vectors from the victim's facing direction and the flame particle's initial travel direction must to be over 0.8[1].

The Backburner, like the Flame Thrower, Degreaser, Rainblower, and Dragon's Fury, has the compression blast ability, but uses 50 ammo per blast rather than 20 like the Pyro's stock Flame Thrower.

Afterburn reduces healing and shield resists from a Medi Gun by 20%.

The Backburner is automatically given to any player who obtains 16 Pyro achievements.

The kill icon for the Backburner was contributed by NeoDement .

Damage and function times

Se også: Skade
Skade og funksjonstider
Shot type Particle
Damage type Ild
Ranged or Melee damage? Langtrekkende
Flame damage (close) 100% 6.5-13 / tick
Flame damage (far) 50% 3.25-6.5 / tick
Kritisk 9.75-19.5 / tick
Mini-crit 4.3875-8.775 / tick
Brennskade 4 / tick
Afterburn (mini-crit) 5 / tick
Function times
Attack interval 0.105 s
Ammo consumption interval 0.08 s
Afterburn duration 3-10 s
Airblast cooldown 0.75 s
Values are approximate and determined by community testing.

Note: Flame damage is proportional to particle lifetime instead of distance from target. Unlike most weapons, Critical hits are also affected by the scaling. Additionally, there is a very slight damage variance (±0.08 / particle) due to differences in particle angles.



Se også: Crafting


Klassepollett – Pyro Plasspollett – Primær Vrakmetall Mulige Resultater
Item icon Class Token - Pyro.png + Item icon Slot Token - Primary.png + Item icon Scrap Metal.png =
Item icon Backburner.png Item icon Degreaser.png Item icon Phlogistinator.png Item icon Rainblower.png
Item icon Nostromo Napalmer.png Item icon Panic Attack.png Item icon Dragon's Fury.png

As a crafting ingredient

Bakbrenner Gjenvunnet metall Avfetter
Item icon Backburner.png + Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png = Item icon Degreaser.png
Gjenvunnet metall Brushane Bakbrenner Flogistonator
Item icon Reclaimed Metal.png + Item icon Soda Popper.png + Item icon Backburner.png = Item icon Phlogistinator.png

Strange variant

Related achievements

Leaderboard class soldier.png Soldier

Backdraft Dodger
Backdraft Dodger
Kill a Pyro who has airblasted one of your rockets in the last 10 seconds.

Leaderboard class pyro.png Pyro

Hot on Your Heels
Hot on Your Heels
Kill 50 enemies with your flamethrower, from behind.

Hot Potato
Hot Potato
Reflect 100 projectiles with your compressed air blast.
Kill a Soldier with a reflected critical rocket.

Mvm navicon.png Mann vs. Maskin-pakken

Som en Pyro, tilbakestill bomben 3 ganger i løpet av én bølge.

Update history

19 juni 2008 Patch (Pyro oppdateringen)
  • The Backburner was added to the game.

1 juli 2008 Patch

  • Fixed Backburner's flame Critical hits not being recalculated after collision. This meant that it would check if the target was looking away once and after that the flame could score a Critical hit again even if the orientation changed.

29 juli 2008 Patch

  • Changed attribute:
    • Removed health bonus from the Backburner (previously gave 50 extra max health).

19 august 2008 Patch (En Heavy oppdatering)

  • Added firing sounds to the Backburner.

29 april 2010 Patch (Den 119 oppdateringen)

  • Changed attribute:
    • Added a 20% damage bonus to the Backburner.

19 mai 2010 Patch

  • Changed attribute:
    • Reduced Backburner damage bonus from 20% to 15%.

30 september 2010 Patch (Mann-Konomi oppdateringen)

  • [Udokumentert] The Backburner was added to the crafting blueprint for the Degreaser.

7 januar 2011 Patch

  • Backburner was assigned a unique kill icon.
  • [Udokumentert] Fixed players claiming health by switching to the Powerjack as the enemy dies from burn damage from the Flame Thrower.

3 februar 2011 Patch

  • Updated model (the dragon attachment) with optimizations and LODs.

7 februar 2011 Patch

  • Fixed burning deaths to always use the death notice icon for the weapon that started the burn.

14 april 2011 Patch (Den Hatteløse oppdateringen)

  • Changed attributes:
    • Removed the restriction on airblast.
    • Airblast ammo cost increased 150%.
    • Damage bonus reduced to 10%.

12 juli 2011 [Item schema update]

22 juli 2011 Patch

  • [Udokumentert] The damage bonus attribute was changed from "+10% damage done" to "+10% damage bonus".

11 januar 2012 Patch

  • [Udokumentert] The Backburner was added to the crafting blueprint for the Phlogistinator.

27 juni 2012 Patch (Pyromania oppdateringen)

  • Changed attribute:
    • Removed +10% damage bonus attribute.
    • Note: Because of base damage increase by 10%, damage remains unchanged.

12 november 2013 Patch

22 desember 2014 Patch (Smissmas 2014)

  • Added Festive variant.
  • [Udokumentert] Updated the Backburner model to use the c_models system.

17 desember 2015 Patch (Tough Break Update)

  • The base Flame Thrower's damage fall off over distance has been decreased, resulting in higher damage output at range.
  • Extinguishing a teammate will now return 20 health to the Pyro.

7 januar 2016 Patch

  • Changed attribute:
    • [Udokumentert] Updated 20 health restoration when used to extinguish a burning teammate from neutral attribute to positive attribute.

2 februar 2016 Patch

  • Updated the Backburner to add the pilot light.

25 april 2016 Patch

  • Fixed the Festive Backburner missing the pilot light.

7 juli 2016 Patch #1 (Meet Your Match Update)

  • Added: Direct damage reduces Medi Gun healing and resist shield effects by 25%
    • Medics hear a "healing interrupted" sound when this is happening to their heal target.

20 oktober 2017 Patch #1 (Jungle Inferno Update)

  • Flamethrowers no longer apply maximum-duration afterburn on contact. Afterburn duration is now based on how long the target is in contact with direct flames.
  • Better visual sync, more consistent (no visuals/damage mismatch).
  • New particle effects.
  • Airblast
    • Hit detection for both players and projectiles is now a consistent cone.
    • Airblasting players now factors in the momentum of the Pyro and target, giving both more control over the interaction.
    • Airblast now causes target player to have reduced footing and air control for a short period.
    • Now factors in the upward angle of the airblast, rather than having a fixed upward force.
    • Total push force slightly increased.

30 oktober 2017 Patch

  • Fixed flamethrowers not damaging buildings at close distance.

7 november 2017 Patch

  • Fixed not seeing the new Flame Thrower effects on some machines.

13 desember 2017 Patch

  • Fixed a bug with the Backburner using its owner's angle to determine whether the attack is behind the victim.

28 mars 2018 Patch #1

  • Flame damage per second now ramps up based on density of flame encountered, up to 200%.
  • Initial flame damage per second reduced by 50%, resulting in the max damage being unchanged.
  • Fixed Flame Thrower particles sometimes failing to draw on the client.
  • Fixed Flame Thrower flames not colliding with tf_generic_bomb entities.

28 mars 2018 Patch #2

  • Fixed a server crash related to the Flame Thrower.


  • Rarely, when the Backburner is turned off during full Crits, the flame effect still loops even after the player stops firing. Unlike a similar bug with the Minigun, the "flame" can only be seen by the player.
  • The Backburner can be inspected while being fired.


  • The attribute "No random Critical hits" is missing from the description.[2]



See also


  1. game\shared\tf\tf_weapon_flamethrower.cpp:L2669-2692
  2. The respective entry in the item schema lists it as crit mod disabled hidden.