Strange Part Gib Kills/hu

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Only found in crates, Strange Parts will help you study specific aspects of (what I charitably call) your performance in battle by letting you customize your favorite Strange weapon. Now you're free to track the number of enemies you gib, projectiles you reflect, heads you've shot, and more.
The Administrator

Strange Parts are tool items. They are represented by a counter sitting next to a screen displaying an image, with some cut cables and spare parts. The image on the screen changes depending on the Strange Part.

Strange Parts can only be used on Strange weapons, cosmetic items, and Power Up Canteens. They allow players to track additional statistics, such as number of headshot kills or buildings destroyed.

Up to three Strange Parts can be applied onto one Strange item. Certain Strange Parts cannot be used on certain weapons; for example, the Headshot tool cannot be used on a Strange Wrench. When applied, it does not count any previous stats. Strange Parts can be individually removed from a weapon using the Restore button in the backpack, allowing the player to remove a strange part of their choosing; however, a part which has been removed is not returned to the player, and is instead permanently lost.


Certain Strange Parts are only compatible with certain weapons. A table of the restrictions is given below.

These restrictions are based on specific attributes listed in the items_game.txt file, which do not necessarily reflect weapon functionality. The tables below and elsewhere on the Wiki are based on these attributes.

There are some mismatches between weapon capabilities and Strange Part compatibility which are not bugs, strictly speaking. E.g. the Medi Gun can be used to extinguish teammates, but it is not possible to apply the Teammates Extinguished Strange Part to a Strange Medi Gun. In this case, it is probably because the Medi Gun takes a few seconds to extinguish burning teammates, but all of the weapons that are compatible with the Teammates Extinguished Strange Part work instantly; only the latter mechanism is tracked by the Strange Part.


Lásd még: Crafting

As a crafting ingredient

Fura Alkatrész Fura Pont-átvivő Eszköz
Item icon Strange Part.pngx2 = Item icon Strange Count Transfer Tool.png


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Update history

2012. Március 22-i Javítás
  • Strange Parts were added to the game.
  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Gib Kills, Airborne Enemies Killed, Heavies Killed, Buildings Destroyed, Projectiles Reflected, and Headshot Kills.

2012. Április 17-i Javítás

  • Added the ability to remove Strange parts via the Restore button in the backpack.

2012. Április 27-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Posthumous Kills, Teammates Extinguished, and Full Moon Kills.

2012. Május 17-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Demomen Killed, Soldiers Killed, Domination Kills, Revenge Kills, Critical Kills, and Kills While Explosive Jumping.

2012. Május 31-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Strange Part counters watched in-game now appear in a dim-gray color.

2012. Június 27-i Javítás (Pyromania Update)

  • Fixed Strange Part: Projectiles Reflected not tracking grenade and sentry rocket deflections.

2012. Július 2-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Part: Full Moon Kills.

2012. Szeptember 4-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Scouts Killed, Cloaked Spies Killed, and Sappers Destroyed.

2012. Október 9-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Engineers Killed, Robots Destroyed, and Low-Health Kills.

2012. Október 26-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Halloween Kills and Robots Destroyed During Halloween.

2012. December 20-i Javítás (Mecha Update)

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Defender Kills, Snipers Killed, Pyros Killed, Underwater Kills, and Kills While Übercharged.

2013. Február 14-i Javítás

  • Fixed "Low-Health Kills" strange part also counting kills after the player had died.

2013. Március 12-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Medics Killed, Tanks Destroyed, and Long-Distance Kills.

2013. Június 19-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Medics Killed That Have Full ÜberCharge and Giant Robots Destroyed.

2013. Augusztus 27-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Robot Spies Destroyed, Kills During Victory Time, and Kills with a Taunt Attack.
  • [Nem dokumentált] Added schema for Strange Part "KillEaterEvent_UniquePlayerKills".

2013. Október 29-i Javítás (Scream Fortress 2013)

  • Strange Part: Kills While Ubercharged can no longer be applied to Strange Equalizers and Escape Plans.

2013. December 6-i Javítás

  • Added Strange parts that can be applied to Strange cosmetic items.
  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Spies Killed, Unusual-Wearing Player Kills, Burning Enemy Kills, Killstreaks Ended, Freezecam Taunt Appearances, Damage Dealt, Fires Survived, Allied Healing Done, and Point-Blank Kills.

2014. Június 11-i Javítás #1

  • Fixed being able to apply the Strange Part: Buildings Destroyed tool to the Flying Guillotine.

2015. Február 11-i Javítás #1

  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Parts: Not Crit nor Mini-Crit Kills and Player Hits.
  • [Nem dokumentált] Added Strange Cosmetic Part: Assists.

2015. Augusztus 18-i Javítás #1

2015. Augusztus 27-i Javítás

  • The Dalokohs Bar can now accept Ally Healing Done strange parts.

2015. December 17-i Javítás (Tough Break Update)

  • All Strange parts can now be applied to Strange cosmetics items.

2015. December 22-i Javítás

  • Strange Part: Kills While Explosive Jumping can now be applied to Strange Grenade Launchers.

2016. Augusztus 29-i Javítás

  • Strange Part: Allies Extinguished can now be applied to Strange Sydney Sleeper rifles.

2018. Március 28-i Javítás #1

  • Fixed the Deflect Projectiles strange part not counting deflections.

2021. Szeptember 16-i Javítás

  • Updated description of the "Strange Part: Player Hits" item to match its name.

2022. Augusztus 11-i Javítás

  • [Nem dokumentált] Updated the description for several Strange Parts.


  • The Strange Part: Buildings Destroyed can be applied to the Chargin' Targe, but cannot raise the counter, even by killing an Engineer hauling an active building.
  • The Strange Part: Kills While Explosive Jumping can be applied to the Mantreads, but cannot raise the counter, because the weapon requires landing to deal damage.
  • The Strange Part: Kills While Explosive Jumping cannot be applied to the Panic Attack, the Splendid Screen or the Persian Persuader.
  • The Strange Part: Critical Kills cannot be applied to the Sydney Sleeper or the Ullapool Caber, even though they can be Crit boosted.
  • The Strange Part: Critical Kills cannot be applied to any of Spy's melee weapons, except the Saxxy and Golden Frying Pan, even though they deal critical damage upon backstabs.
  • The Strange Part: Kills While Ubercharged cannot be applied to the Equalizer or Escape Plan, even though a Medic can freely ÜberCharge a Soldier who is wielding them.
  • The Strange Part: Gib Kills cannot be applied to the Detonator or the Scorch Shot.
  • The Strange Part: Posthumous Kills as applied to the Wrap Assassin only increments the counter on direct impact kills with the bauble, and does not count kills from the bleeding that results afterwards.
  • The Strange Part: Player Hits does not raise the counter if an enemy was killed by a hit.
  • The Strange Part: Tanks Destroyed can be applied to the Flying Guillotine, even though it cannot damage tanks. The counter can still be raised if the player has damaged a tank and then holds the Guillotine when that tank is destroyed.
    • Similarly, Tanks Destroyed can be applied to the Mantreads, the Chargin' Targe, and the Splendid Screen, even though they cannot damage tanks. However, since these weapons are always active, the player only has to be alive when a tank they have damaged is destroyed for the counter to increase.


  • Despite the name, the Strange Part is only available in Unique quality, "Strange" being solely a descriptor for modifying Strange quality items.
  • Any parts applied to Engineer wrenches only count actions with the Wrench and not with any built Sentry Guns.
    • Parts applied to cosmetics also do not count Sentry Gun kills unless the Sentry was wrangled.
  • Servers using an altered tf_playergib setting do not change the way the Gib Kills counter is counted, only kills that would normally gib are still counted. Likewise, killing a player who is wearing a Bombinomicon does not increase the counter of a Gib Kills strange part.
  • All of the Strange flamethrowers do not count gib kills with deflected rocket/grenade, headshots with deflected arrows and kills while explosive jumping on deflected enemy explosives, nor do they track healing done with reflected Crusader's Crossbow bolts. As a result, respective Strange Parts can not be applied.
  • Destroying Sappers with any Strange Engineer wrenches does not increase a buildings destroyed counter; however, destroying Sappers with a Strange Homewrecker or a Strange Neon Annihilator increases a buildings destroyed counter.
  • Other than strange parts that are directly related to destroying Mann vs. Machine Robots or tanks, strange parts cannot gain points for killing MvM robots. Strange parts that do not rank up based on kills, such as Strange Part: Allied Healing Done, continue to track statistics normally in the MvM game mode.
  • 'Posthumous' is, in Team Fortress 2, the act of killing someone after dying (for example, a Pyro sets someone on fire, then dies; if the player set on fire dies from the afterburn before the Pyro respawns, it is counted as a 'Posthumous' kill for the Pyro).


  • The filename of the backpack icon for the Strange Part: Taunting Player Kills, strange_part_conga_killer_large.vtf, suggests that it was originally planned to track the number of Conga dancers killed.


See also