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zh-N 中文是这位用户的母语
en-1 This user has basic knowledge of English.
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polytope (Q747980)
tritope (Q85292517)
polytope with 3 facets
tetratope (Q85292670)
polytope with 4 facets
pentatope (Q28410579)
polytope with 5 facets
hexatope (Q26865950)
polytope with 6 facets
dion (Q85329031)
one-dimensional polytope
polygon (Q37555)
two-dimensional polytope
polyhedron (Q172937)
three-dimensional polytope
dion (Q85329031)
one-dimensional polytope
polygon (Q37555)
two-dimensional polytope
polyhedron (Q172937)
three-dimensional polytope
dion (Q85329031)
one-dimensional polytope
polygon (Q37555)
two-dimensional polytope
polyhedron (Q172937)
three-dimensional polytope
dion (Q85329031)
one-dimensional polytope
polygon (Q37555)
two-dimensional polytope
polyhedron (Q172937)
three-dimensional polytope

calss :

     dimension (Q4440864)

facet (Q3847020)quantity (P1114)
-1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 infinity (Q205)
polytope (Q747980) null polytope (Q27064338) monon (Q85329170) dion (Q85329031) polygon (Q37555) polyhedron (Q172937) 4-polytope (Q2155148) 5-polytope (Q4639678) 6-polytope (Q4641578)
0 null polytope (Q27064338) zerogon (Q60988889) zerohedron (Q98446390) zerochoron
1 monotope monon (Q85329170) monogon (Q1070963) monohedron (Q10864109) monochoron
2 ditope dion (Q85329031) digon (Q854818) dihedron (Q10880509) dichoron
3 tritope (Q85292517) Trion (Q85370142) triangle (Q19821) trihedron (Q10867125) trichoron
4 tetratope (Q85292670) Tetron (Q85413753) quadrilateral (Q36810) tetrahedron (Q160003) tetrachoron
5 pentatope (Q28410579) penton (Q85680496) pentagon (Q127840) pentahedron (Q282099) pentachoron
6 hexatope (Q26865950) hexon (Q86210666) hexagon (Q83043) hexahedron (Q668113) hexachoron
7 heptatope (Q28410530) hepton heptagon (Q188866) heptahedron (Q1151267) heptachoron
8 octatope (Q28410543) octon octagon (Q166080) octahedron (Q188884) octachoron
9 enneatope (Q28410560) ennon nonagon (Q200042) enneahedron (Q5379147) ennachoron
10 decatope (Q28410576) decon decagon (Q184625) decahedron (Q1183559) decachoron
11 hendecatope (Q28410615) hendecon hendecagon (Q214382) hendecahedron (Q10904356) hendecachoron
12 dodecatope (Q28410618) dodecon dodecagon (Q212074) dodecahedron (Q178296) dodecachoron
infinity (Q205) Apeirotope (Q25080685) apeiron apeirogon (Q4779316) apeirohedron (Q4779322) apeirochoron


has part(s) of the class
Normal rank null polytope
quantity 1
0 references
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Normal rank vertex
quantity n
0 references
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Normal rank side
quantity n
0 references
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Normal rank face
quantity n
shape polygon
0 references
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Normal rank cell
quantity n
shape polyhedron
0 references
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Normal rank 4-face
quantity n
shape 4-polytope
0 references
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Normal rank 5-face
quantity n
shape 5-polytope
0 references
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Normal rank 6-face
quantity n
shape 6-polytope
0 references
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has part(s) of the class
Normal rank 7-face
quantity n
shape 7-polytope
0 references
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Normal rank 8-face
quantity n
shape 8-polytope
0 references
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Normal rank 9-face
quantity n
shape 9-polytope
0 references
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Normal rank 10-face
quantity n
shape 10-polytope
0 references
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Normal rank 11-face
quantity n
shape 11-polytope
0 references
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Normal rank 12-face
quantity n
shape 12-polytope
0 references
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Normal rank 13-face
quantity n
shape 13-polytope
0 references
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