Wikidata:WikiProject Economics

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The Economics task force exists primarily to upload economic data into Wikidata. This task force was created June 2014.

This task force is related to this economics project.


  • Define properties for items related to economics and the rules of use for these properties (qualifiers, datatypes, ...)
  • Find sources of data
  • Monitor the data implementation through the help of bots
  • Link the Wikidata community with economic data users on Wikipedias and external persons/organizations


[+] Add yourself to the list

The participants listed below can be notified using the following template in discussions:
{{Ping project|Economics}}





General Macroeconomic Statistics

Property Subject item Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources Bot
population (P1082) human population (Q33829) Number determination method or standard (P459), point in time (P585), criterion used (P1013) ✓ Done Countries U.S. states OECD regions Countries U.S. cities OECD cities
nominal GDP (P2131) gross domestic product (Q12638) Number (currency) point in time (P585) ✓ Done Countries WDBot
nominal GDP per capita (P2132) per capita income (Q45918) Number (currency) point in time (P585) ✓ Done Countries U.S. states
GDP (PPP) (P4010) Q19978244 Number (currency) point in time (P585) ✓ Done Countries
PPP GDP per capita (P2299) Number (currency) point in time (P585) ✓ Done Countries
real GDP growth rate (P2219) Number (percent) point in time (P585) ✓ Done Countries EU regions


Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
GDP by economic sector Number (currency) None proposed [1] how will this one work?Mcnabber091 Countries U.S. states and cities


Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
unemployment rate (P1198) Percentage None ✓ Done Countries
employment by economic sector (P2297) Number None ✓ Done how will this one work?Mcnabber091 Countries U.S. states and cities


Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
total revenue (P2139) Rachid aboura (Q7828141) Number (currency) None ✓ Done Countries, regions, cities
net profit (P2295) net profit (Q2105346) Number (currency) None ✓ Done Countries, regions, cities
total assets (P2403) Number (currency) Asset by type ✓ Done Countries, regions, cities
total liabilities (P2138) Number (currency) Liability by type ✓ Done Countries, regions, cities
total equity (P2137) equity (Q827451) Number (currency) Equity by type ✓ Done Countries, regions, cities
market capitalization (P2226) market capitalisation (Q471719) Number (currency) None ✓ Done
employees (P1128) Number None ✓ Done Countries, regions, cities
headquarters location (P159) Item None ✓ Done Countries, regions, cities
industry (P452) Item None ✓ Done Countries, regions, cities
Top 10 corporations ranked by assets Rank not proposed how will this one work?Mcnabber091


Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
Gini coefficient (P1125) Gini coefficient (Q162455) Number None ✓ Done Countries
household wealth (P2220) Number (currency) None ✓ Done United States
median income (P3529) Number (currency) None ✓ Done
household wealth per adult Number (currency) None proposed [2]
household assets Number (currency) None not proposed
household liabilities Number (currency) None not proposed
household asset by type Number (currency) None not proposed how will this one work? Mcnabber091
household liability by type Number (currency) None not proposed how will this one work? Mcnabber091


Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
central government revenue Number (currency) None proposed [3] Countries
central government expenditure Number (currency) None proposed [4] Countries
cash (P2232) Number (currency) ✓ Done
central government debt government debt (Q12695) Number (currency) None proposed [5] OECD Countries
central government debt as a percent of GDP (P1689) Number (percent) ✓ Done Countries
central government bond yield (10 year maturity) Number (percent) None proposed [6]
state and local government combined revenue Number (currency) None proposed [7] U.S. States
state and local government combined expenditure Number (currency) None proposed [8] U.S. States
state and local government combined debt Number (currency) None proposed [9] U.S. States
fiscal/tax revenue (P3087) Number (currency) None ✓ Done
personal income tax rate Number (percent) by income level proposed [10] how will this one work with multiple income thresholds and multiple rates?Mcnabber091 OECD Countries
individual tax rate (P2834) Number (percent) mandatory: point in time (P585), lowest income threshold (P2835); possibly: highest income threshold (P2836) ✓ Done
VAT rate (P2855) value-added tax (Q128635) Number (percent) ✓ Done
corporate income tax rate Number (percent) proposed [11] OECD Countries
capital gains tax rate Number (percent) by income level proposed [12]
central government revenue by source Number (currency) None proposed [13] how will this one work?Mcnabber091 Countries, regions, cities U.S. states
central government expense by source Number (currency) Expense by department proposed [14] how will this one work?Mcnabber091 Countries, regions, cities U.S. states

Monetary Policy

Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
money supply (P2296) money supply (Q842206) Number (currency) M0, M1, M2, M3 ✓ Done how will this work with multiple definitions of money supply? Mcnabber091 Countries
central bank target interest rate Number (percent) None proposed [15] OECD Countries
total reserves (P2134) Number (currency) None ✓ Done Countries U.S. regions
exchange rate to USD exchange rate (Q66100) Number None proposed [16] how will this one will work? Mcnabber091
inflation rate (P1279) inflation rate (Q2755356) Number (percent) None ✓ Done Countries

Financial Institutions

Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
Top 10 banks ranked by assets Rank not proposed how will this one work? Mcnabber091
tier 1 capital ratio Percent proposed [17]

International Accounts

Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
total exports (P2135) export (Q182722) Number (currency) Export ✓ Done Countries
total imports (P2136) import (Q62955) Number (currency) Import ✓ Done Countries
balance of trade (P2294) current account (Q746687) Number (currency) None ✓ Done Countries
foreign direct investment net inflow (P2141) Number (currency) None ✓ Done Countries
foreign direct investment net outflow (P2140) Number (currency) None ✓ Done
foreign aid inflow Number (currency) None proposed [18] Countries
foreign aid outflow Number (currency) None proposed [19] OECD Countries

Other Economic Statistics

Property Qualifier Datatype Qualifiers Creation level Remarks Sources
price (P2284) price (Q160151) Number (currency) None ✓ Done
total expenditure (P2402) Number (currency) ✓ Done
total debt (P2133) Number (currency) ✓ Done
production statistics (P2746) Number (currency) total produced (P1092), point in time (P585) ✓ Done



See also
