Ryuhei Kitamura

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Godzilla film directors
Shusuke Kaneko
Ryuhei Kitamura
Gareth Edwards
Ryuhei Kitamura
Ryuhei Kitamura promoting Midnight Meat Train at the 2007 Comic Con International
Born May 30, 1969
Osaka, Japan
Occupation Director
First work Heat After Dark (1996)
Notable work The Midnight Meat Train (2008)
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Producers say things that they would like to see in the movie but they don't see the full picture. In the end if you ignore everything the producers say, of course, you get fired; but then if you listen to a producer on everything then it's like 'Hey - why don't you direct your own movie?'

— Ryuhei Kitamura

Ryuhei Kitamura (北村 龍平,   Kitamura Ryūhei) is a Japanese director known for his highly-stylized action films. He directed the final Millennium Godzilla film, Godzilla Final Wars (2004).


Godzilla Final Wars international sales flyer

Ryuhei Kitamura was born May 30, 1969, in Osaka.[1] At 17, he went to Australia to study cinematography at the School of Visual Arts. He made his first film, Exit before graduation and won acclaim when awarded the year’s best director prize. After returning to Japan, he made an action/horror movie, Down to Hell (1997), which earned him the first Indies Movie Festival grand prix. Later, he made his initial feature film Versus (2000), which won prizes at various international film festivals. His recent work Azumi (2003) is a new type of action-packed period play replete with his original ideas.

He was five when a movie gripped his heart for the first time in his life. It was Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (1974), fourteenth in the series. This may have affected his style of film making. One might say that he was destined to make a brilliant finale for the Godzilla series.

"I consider it my greatest honor to direct the last Godzilla film with the best possible staff, cast, and monsters," said Kitamura. "I am ready to present a superb example of fast, exciting monster battles using Japan’s excellent special effects to the fullest. I hope it will be able to wrest the throne of entertainment from Hollywood."

His works include: Filmography (1997), Heat After Dark (1999), Alive (2002), The Messenger (2002), Aragami (2002).

Selected filmography





2021 Kaiju Masterclass panel


External links


This is a list of references for Ryuhei Kitamura. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]


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