Template:list:Gregorian calendar months/ar

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(Gregorian calendar months) الْأَشْهُر فِي التَّقْوِيم الْمِيلَادِي (al-ʔašhur fī at-taqwīm al-mīlādī); يَنَايِر (yanāyir), فِبْرَايِر (fibrāyir), مَارِس (māris), أَبْرِيل (ʔabrīl)/إِبْرِيل (ʔibrīl), مَايُو (māyū)/مَاي (māy), يُونِيُو (yūniyū), يُولِيُو (yūliyū)/يُولِيُوز (yūliyūz), أَغُسْطُس (ʔaḡusṭus)/غُشْت (ḡušt), سِبْتِمْبِر (sibtimbir)/شُتَنْبِر (šutanbir)/شُتَمْبِر (šutambir), أُكْتُوبِر (ʔuktūbir), نُوفِمْبِر (nūfimbir)/نُوَنْبِر (nuwanbir)/نُوَمْبِر (nuwambir), دِيسِمْبِر (dīsimbir)/دُجَنْبِر (dujanbir)/دُجَمْبِر (dujambir), (Category: ar:Gregorian calendar months)

The following documentation is automatically transcluded by the template {{list doc}}.

This is a list of Gregorian calendar months in the Arabic language.


* {{list:Gregorian calendar months/ar}}

This list in all languages and scripts
