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c. 500 BCE – 100 BCE, Rāmāyaṇa :
अहं त्व् अतितनुश् चैव वानरश् च विशेषतः ।
वाचं चोदाहरिष्यामि मानुषीम् इह संस्कृताम्
ahaṃ tv atitanuś caiva vānaraś ca viśeṣataḥ.
vācaṃ codāhariṣyāmi mānuṣīm iha saṃskṛtām.
I am quite small and especially, I am a monkey;
And nonetheless, I will speak the perfected speech of the humans here.
hi इस सदस्य की मातृभाषा हिन्दी है।
en-4 This user speaks English at a near-native level.
sa-2 अयं सदस्यो माध्यमिकेन संस्कृतेन लिखितुं पठितुं वदितुं च शक्नोति।
pra-1 एसो सब्भो सरले पाइअभासे सहज्जं काउं सक्केइ ।

This user's native script is the Latin alphabet.

This user's native script is Devanagari.
This user has a basic understanding of Brahmi.

This user has a basic understanding of the Gujarati script.

{{t}}-3 This user can write more complex wiki templates.
lua-0 This user knows little about Lua and just mimics existing usage.
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UTC+5:30 This user's time zone is UTC+5:30.
नमस्काराः । अहं स्वार्तव आर्यावर्त्यो हिन्दीहृदयस्थलीतः । अत्राहं मुख्यत आर्यभाषाणां लेखान् रचयामि सम्पादयामि च । भाषाशास्त्रं मे रोचते विक्षनर्या च मे रुचिज्ञाने वर्धिते स्तः ।
Greetings. I'm Svārtava, an Indian from the Hindi heartland. Here, I mainly create and edit entries of Indo-Aryan languages. I like linguistics and my knowledge and interest have increased through Wiktionary.

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Compound of सु- (su-, good, well, excellent, perfect) +‎ आर्तव (ārtava, Adjective: seasonable; seasonal; Noun: a section of a year; a flower).