An eye-opening exploration of how social changes such as technological advancements influence the social practices of individuals and nations. For example, your grandparents may have used a dial phone to contact family members and today thanks to technological advancement a majority of persons use a cordless phone or iPhone.In a three paragraph format discuss in your own words the three factors that lead to social change. Include one example of each notion from personal or professional experience in the response.
Then, in a separate paragraph explain how you can apply this learning to a future professional setting. Include a minimum of three points in the response.
In: Civil Engineering
In: Civil Engineering
Portland cement is a combination of limestone and clay, usually 80-90% limestone, leading to CaO:SiO2 of approx. 2:1. There are a number of alternative cementitious materials now in use, e.g. slag, which form so-called ‘geopolymer’ pastes.
Find two example of alternative cement materials, compare their composition to that of Portland cement and outline the material and environmental advantages and importance of their use.
Cement Alternatives
In: Civil Engineering
An initial geotechnical survey found that the road alignment is situated on a Sandy Clay material
(CL), that is well-drained. What is a typical CBR value to adopt, in -lieu of the final geotechnical survey?
In: Civil Engineering
Talk about Fire Fighting System and how it works and how its useful for us in 2 typed pages long in Word.dox, you may provide pictures
In: Civil Engineering
The storage in a river reach at a given time is 50000 m3 . At the same time the inflow rate into the reach is 25 m3/s, and the outflow rate is 22 m3/s. Three hours later, the inflow rate is 23 m3/s, and the outflow rate is 22 m3/s. Calculate the change in the storage during the three hours
In: Civil Engineering
High Rise Construction
1.) Please discuss the importance of developing building technologies to resist "earth movement, high winds and other lateral forces" in high-rise construction.
2.) Examine relevant techniques and other factors such as "building load and height" issues in structural design and support your points with some examples. I am particularly looking for relevant technologies that are in use today to help compensate for these factors in construction.
In: Civil Engineering
constrast reinforcement difference in determinate and indeterminate structure
In: Civil Engineering
What is the "C" value (Rational method) for a playground with a 3% grade and a 50 year design storm frequency?
In: Civil Engineering
List and briefly describe different risk treatment responses?
this is a risk analysis question.
In: Civil Engineering
A concrete slab, 40 ft. long, 11 ft. wide, and 9 in. thick, is placed on a subgrade having a modulus of subgrade reaction of 200 pci. A 9000-lb single-wheel load is applied on the edge of the slab over a circular area with a contact pressure of 100 psi. Determine:
Use the information: modulus of elasticity of concrete = 4×106 psi, Poisson’s ratio of concrete = 0.15, coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete = 5×10-6 /°F.
In: Civil Engineering
Today, the most significant new factor impacting the construction industry is the "green building, or sustainable building" movement. & The US Green Building Council initiated a concept and plan that is known as LEED, which stands for Leadership in Energy and Environment Design. This movement is already having the most significant impact on the mechanical, electrical and plumbing systems design that has occurred since the Clean Water Act was passed by the US Congress nearly 40 years ago. The MEP Plans and Specifications are now being changed to comply with the elements of the green building movement.
What do you know about this as-of-now? And, what do you think the short term and long term effects will be on construction?
In: Civil Engineering
Question 2
An outcome of at--site flood frequency analysis is the confidence limit~ on the predicted peak flow of the flood hydrograph, Qiscuss whether similar flood characteristic prediction Obtained using regional methods (for exampte,Probabilistic Rational Method) should also have confidence limits.
Subject: Flood Estimation
In: Civil Engineering