How is standardized assessment beneficial for ELLs in terms of placement, progress, and exiting ELL programs?...

How is standardized assessment beneficial for ELLs in terms of placement, progress, and exiting ELL programs? How should teachers use this data to plan their instruction?

In: Psychology

What are some reasons why ELL instructors would differentiate instruction in their classrooms? List and explain...

What are some reasons why ELL instructors would differentiate instruction in their classrooms? List and explain at least four reasons.

In: Psychology

6. Augustine and Aristotle both focused on the summum bonum or highest good. Briefly discuss one...

6. Augustine and Aristotle both focused on the summum bonum or highest good. Briefly discuss one point of agreement and one point of disagreement between the two philosophers on the summum bonum or highest realizable good..  

7. Describe one similarity and one difference between Aristotle’s and Augustine’s views on moral virtue.

8. Describe one reason the will to love is pivotal in Augustine’s thought.

9. Which do you find more convincing the shareholder theory or stakeholder theory of corporate social responsibility? Why?  

10. Consider the Merck/Vioxx case or the Beer Marketer case of the CEO Appliance Case. Discuss one reason we might see the case as about the actions of individuals and one reason we might see the case as about the actions of a corporation as a moral agent and one reason we might place it on the societal level.

In: Psychology

Why would a self-assessment that gives a snapshot of confidence levels at transitions, along with personal...

Why would a self-assessment that gives a snapshot of confidence levels at transitions, along with personal development and reflection, help students to take charge of their own learning?

How would the data assist instructors?

How would the data respond to student resistance?

How would the data be helpful in creating resources to develop learning skills?

What other schools in the USA offer this assessment?

In: Psychology

Describe three ways discussed in this section of the course in which America's justice system (e.g.,...

Describe three ways discussed in this section of the course in which America's justice system (e.g., arrest patterns/rates, trial outcomes, incarceration rates) makes it harder for Black citizens/families to succeed and/or easier for White citizens/families to succeed.

In: Psychology

Forensic Psychology: Psychological Consulting Competency How can malingering impact the accuracy of a competency assessment tool?...

Forensic Psychology: Psychological Consulting


How can malingering impact the accuracy of a competency assessment tool?

Please given an in-depth explanation of what criminal responsibility is and how we assess for it.

What role does a psychologist pay as an expert witness play when a defendants competency to stand triald is in question?

In: Psychology

Forensic Psychology: Psychological Consulting Explain what risk assessment is and the importance of in our courts....

Forensic Psychology: Psychological Consulting

Explain what risk assessment is and the importance of in our courts.

Choose one risk assessment tool and explain its benefits and its limitations.

How does Duty to Warn come into play here?

In: Psychology

Why do sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender? What can be done...

Why do sociologists find it important to differentiate between sex and gender?

What can be done to lessen the effects of gender stratification in the workplace? How does gender stratification harm both men and women?

In: Psychology

Select a psychological disorder (your choice, depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc.). Summarize two theoretical/empirical perspectives of the...

Select a psychological disorder (your choice, depression, anxiety, ADHD, etc.). Summarize two theoretical/empirical perspectives of the disorder you selected (e.g., Psychoanalytic, Humanistic, Behavioral, Social Learning Theory, Neuropsychological, psychosocial, etc.).

Critically compare and discuss the implications of these two perspectives on understanding the disorder of focus

In: Psychology

How can using online social networks be an important tool for finding a job?

How can using online social networks be an important tool for finding a job?

In: Psychology

4. How does Locke believe inequality with respect to ownership originates? Does he think this inequality...

4. How does Locke believe inequality with respect to ownership originates? Does he think this inequality is justified? Why or why not? How does inequality occur according to Rousseau?

In: Psychology

hat might be an example of a time when you have run into mental hurdles? What...

hat might be an example of a time when you have run into mental hurdles?

What steps did you take to change your perspectives so that you could continue to push forward?

In: Psychology

Describe the impact that the social environment in which you work has on your interaction with...

Describe the impact that the social environment in which you work has on your interaction with the computer?

Please clearly segregate the topics with sub headings.

Management pressure – (e.g. is the interaction carried out in the presence of management?)

Organizational goals – (e.g. what is the objective of the organization? How does this affect the interaction?)

Work context – (e.g. is the work place shared? Are the computers shared?)

Peer pressure – (e.g. is there pressure to compete or impress?)

Motivation – (e.g. what motivates the interaction? Does this encourage or discourage experimentation?)

In each case consider what influence there may be on the interaction.

In: Psychology

How does the process of documenting ideas or work influence the child's development? describe the strength...

How does the process of documenting ideas or work influence the child's development? describe the strength and weakness of the documentation as a means of assessing the child's development.

In: Psychology

as either a nurse working on a pediatric ward or a child psychologist you have been...

as either a nurse working on a pediatric ward or a child psychologist you have been asked to develop some educational and fun activities for the young patients during theie
hospital day. considering the various types of play in chapter8, what activities do yoy suggest. be specific about your suggeted activities

In: Psychology