Estate Planning | WORLD
Sound journalism, grounded in facts and Biblical truth | Donate

Estate Planning

Planned gifts enable you to have lasting influence on the ones you leave behind. By designating WORLD as a beneficiary of your life insurance, IRA or will, your designation will help solidify your estate planning goals and ensure that Biblically sound journalism continues well into the future. Consult your estate planner for details.

If you decide to write your own will using an online service, here is sample language:

I give [amount or percentage] of the residue of my estate to God's World Publications (dba WORLD News Group), a North Carolina non-profit corporation located in Asheville, NC, Federal Tax ID #56-0538016 to be used where most needed.

Questions about your donation? Call or email Ambria Collins-Lane at 828.527.0845 | [email protected]