We Can’t Do It Without You!

Donate now to the Wood County Historical Society
When you support the Wood County Historical Society, you are supporting the immediate needs of collections preservation, exhibit development, education, events, and daily operations.
The Historical Society, founded in 1955, is a 501(c)3 non-profit, upholding the mission to make connections between our past, present, and future by capturing stories and cultivating memories of Wood County, Ohio, and the County Home.

Endowment Fund
The Society’s endowment fund is a way to ensure continued growth. It is structured so that the principal amount is kept intact, while some of the investment income is released annually.
The Society created an endowment in 1998 and has used the interest to fund internship positions and a curatorial registrar, to revamp the museum website, and other internal operations consistent with the Society’s mission and strategic plan.
With your support, endowment fund interest can help with the development and maintenance of permanent and traveling exhibits, collections preservation, educational outreach, and volunteer services.

Planned Giving
If you are at least age 70-½, you can now make a tax-free gift to the Wood County Historical Society directly from your IRA.
As a qualifying charitable distribution, you meet your required minimum distribtion from your retirement account and give a gift to future generations.
You can also recognize the Wood County Historical Society as a beneficiary in a will, life insurance policy, annuity, or other planned giving. Bequests can support the society’s daily operations or be earmarked to an area that supports your personal legacy.
For more information about planned giving, contact your legal or financial advisor or contact the museum at 419-352-0967 or [email protected]

Matching Gifts
This isn’t in reference to that awkward Christmas moment, but rather the generous support of a corporation to match the contributions of its employees.
Ask your Human Resource Coordinator if your place of employment offers matching gifts, then make your contribution count twice as much.
Find out if your company qualifies by asking your HR representative.

Learning is fun when it’s wrapped into a lively event or program, and with your sponsorship support, our events, and your message, can reach a greater target audience.
For more information about sponsorship opportunities, contact the museum at 419-352-0967 or [email protected]

Memorial Gifts
Any gift to the Wood County Historical Society can be made in recognition or memory of a loved one. Memorial funds have supported the Tea & Talk Series, Barn Bums, Boomtown, Exhibits & Collections, and Accessibility.
You can donate online and leave an “in memory of” note on your payment, or send a check to the Historical Society.
PayPal Charity
Each time you use PayPal online, you can choose to donate $1 to the Wood County Historical Society! From your PayPal homepage, just select SET YOUR FAVORITE CHARITY and let PayPal do the rest.
Members to the Historical Society receive a variety of perks while also furthering the Society’s mission.
Join the Board of Directors
Invest in the Society by sharing your leadership and expertise. The WCHS Nominating Committee seeks candidates at any time. Elections are held in November each year.
Submit an application of interest
Donate to the collection
Share your story through your objects. Start a conversation with the Museum Curator for details on how to craft your story. All considerations are brought before the WCHS Collections Committee. If we cannot accept a donation, we try to work with you to find its place in history.
Contact the Curator Holly (Hartlerode) Kirkendall
419-352-0967 | [email protected]
Contact Us
Wood County Museum
13660 County Home Road
Bowling Green, OH 43402
419-352-0967 | [email protected]

The Wood County Historical Society is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the IRS Code for 1984, as amended. In accordance with IRS regulations, no goods or services are provided by the WCHS as part of this contribution. Please consult your tax advisor regarding the charitable deduction involved in this transaction and the manner of reporting and substantiating your gift.