217 Recovery is a resource for those affected by addiction. A place for help and a place for inspiration. Without hope and inspiration, recovery can seem impossible. 217 Recovery is a group of recovering individuals with substance use disorder who promote fun in recovery.
945 E Eighth St Suite B
Traverse City, MI 49686

Kim's Story
I lived in Detroit all my life. I come from a large family and am the 12th child out of 13. I started drinking at a young age. I never thought that I could have a problem with alcohol. I used other substances, but alcohol was my turn to. I realized I had a problem when my health turned bad, my liver. A friend offered me to come up North—and there I got the help I needed. The best thing that ever happened, my life change dramatically. I got help understanding why alcohol was so important to me. Having someone to talk to and helping find answers about things deep inside was life changing for me. I wanted to change the way I was living. I needed a purpose for living again, without alcohol. Recovery saved my life. I am happier and I have a purpose for living. I found my higher power and it’s amazing the blessings I’m receiving. Living sober I have the chance to change lives and I’m working in my recovery to become a peer recovery coach and to help others choose life sober. Life is wonderful sober and it is worth every bit of work.