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Tech Services Rates & Policies

Tech Services are offered at our New York and Burbank locations. We’re open Monday to Friday, 9 am – 6 pm. Drop off and pick up are available until 5:30 pm.

Please inquire for emergency, off-hour, and weekend availability.

Any equipment sent to AbelCine for repair must be accompanied by a Service Request form. For more information on sending your gear to AbelCine, please see our Shipping & Insurance guidelines.


Labor Rates

Camera and Optics Labor – $165 / hour
This rate applies to all optics and cameras.

Accessories Labor – $155 / hour
This rate applies to all non-optical and camera repairs (tripods, electronic & mechanical accessories, etc).

Priority Labor – $225 / hour
The priority rate will be charged if you request an estimate or repair in less than 24 hours. We can only offer priority service if all parts are in stock or can be shipped overnight from the manufacturer.

Technical Field Visit $185 / hour, including travel time both ways
Deploying a service technician to the field for troubleshooting or maintenance of any of the above equipment. There is a three-hour minimum for this service.

Monitor Calibration $425 / monitor

  • Custom 3D LUT Creation $375 / monitor
  • ICC Profile Generation $140 / monitor
  • Lightning LUT Creation $185 / monitor
  • Perceptual Display Matching – $185 / 2 displays


Cost Estimates

When bringing your equipment in for service, you will receive an estimate for the work to be performed. The repair costs stated in your estimate are guidelines based on information provided by you and the technician’s examination of the equipment.

We cannot guarantee the precise accuracy of an estimate. If while repairing the equipment it becomes clear that more extensive repair work is necessary, we will inform you that we expect the cost estimate to be exceeded and will present a new estimate.



We may require an extended evaluation of 2 hours of labor to fully diagnose issues in cases where the equipment has water damage and/or impact damage.



We offer a 30-day warranty on all repairs. AbelCine also offers in-house warranty repairs for the following manufactures:

  • Angénieux
  • Bright Tangerine
  • Canon
  • Miller
  • Sony

See our Service Designations for details on the specific equipment we are authorized to repair. Proof of purchase must be provided for all repairs under warranty.

AbelCine cannot honor manufacturer warranties on equipment other than listed above. If your item was purchased at AbelCine in the last 10 days, Customer Service can help facilitate this warranty repair at the manufacturer’s authorized repair center for no extra charge.


Warranty Repair Facilitation

If you’ve had your warrantied item longer than 10 days and we are not able to repair it in-house, Tech Services can facilitate this repair at the manufacturer’s authorized repair center at your expense. Upon return of your equipment to our facility, we will check to make sure all issues have been addressed.

Please inquire with us regarding the fee for this service, as it varies depending on the equipment being sent for repair, and where it is going. International shipments are subject to shipping charges. Please refer to the manufacturer's website for locations and conditions of return for repair.


Resale Evaluations

AbelCine offers resale evaluations for those looking to buy or sell used equipment.

  • The standard evaluation (e.g. one camera, viewfinder, power supply, and one piece of media) will be 2 service hours ($330). This includes optical cavity cleaning and lit pixel compensation. If an excess of 20 pixels are found, additional time may be charged in half hour increments, $82.50+. Firmware will be updated unless you opt-out ahead of time. Shipping photos will be included for insurance purposes.
  • Optics evaluations will be charged at half our optical service rate per lens ($82.50).
  • If issues are found that are outside of our ability to repair, and the camera needs to be sent to the manufacturer, those charges will be in addition to the 2-hour labor charge from AbelCine.
  • To expedite the process, only the items being checked will be written up in detail on the check-in receipt, unless otherwise requested.
  • Items not checked in will be referenced on the check-in receipt in general terms, such as, “Other Accessories”.
  • Photos of the kit contents/condition will start at an additional half service hour (depending on kit complexity), $77.50+
  • Evaluation of additional kit contents (extra power supplies, cables, chargers, media, accessories, etc.) will start at an additional half service hour (depending on volume), $77.50+
  • If a buyer would like to test the equipment in-person, there will be a 1-hour facilitation fee. They will have access to any batteries and lenses in rental, subject to availability. Batteries and lenses are not guaranteed, and it is strongly advised that these items are brought in for testing along with a laptop to download footage. If the buyer needs technical support, this time will be subject to our standard hourly labor charge ($165/hr).
  • We prefer to have a single point of contact (i.e. the Broker) for each evaluation. The buyer and seller should be instructed to contact the Broker for any questions regarding the evaluation and sale. AbelCine’s buyer/seller contact should be limited to drop-off and pick-up arrangements only.

The AbelCine service request form must be filled out for each unique evaluation job. You are welcome to additionally submit any other documentation with the items you believe will help with the process.  
We do not offer international shipping for brokered sales. We suggest that any clients requiring that service seek out a local freight forwarder stateside and customs broker in their destination country.
If your equipment is not collected within 30 days of receipt of the invoice, a $100 monthly storage fee will apply for each month your equipment has not been collected.

Shipping & Insurance

Any equipment sent to AbelCine for service must be accompanied by a Service Request form. Please download and include the completed form with your shipment so that we can process your job as efficiently as possible.

All equipment must be carefully packed for delivery to AbelCine. Please be sure to remove all accessories from your equipment, including separating the camera and lens, before shipping it. Failure do so may result in damage to the equipment. We recommend shipping using a major carrier, and we do not recommend using USPS.

Insurance of equipment delivered to AbelCine for maintenance is the responsibility of the owner. The risks of damages or loss are transferred to the client as soon as the equipment leaves our facility for return to the client.