How to use this site? If you are unsure about how to use our site please contact our office on 0114 249 5949 between the hours of 9 and 5 Mon-Fri and we will happily talk you through this.
How to place an order? If you are unsure about how to place an order on our site please contact our office on 0114 249 5949 between the hours of 9 and 5 Mon-Fri and we will happily talk you through this.
When will my order arrive? Please refer to our delivery notes on the link at the foot of the page.
How do I return an unwanted item? Please see guidance in our terms page.
Where can I ask a question about a product? Either send us an enquiry via the email link on the contact us page, or alternatively call our office on 0114 2495949.
Can I request a bespoke product? Yes - please contact our office on 0114 2495949 to discuss further.
Can I set up a credit account? We will open credit accounts for companies (subject to the normal credit checks). Please contact our office on 0114 2495949 to discuss further. We do not open personal credit accounts.