Psychological Research (2009) 73:437–440
DOI 10.1007/s00426-009-0241-3
Intentional action: from anticipation to goal-directed behavior
Giovanni Pezzulo · Cristiano Castelfranchi
Published online: 4 April 2009
Springer-Verlag 2009
Humans and other animals are able to guide their actions
toward the realization of their own goals, both proximal
and distal. Recently, cognitive neuroscientists, biologists
and psychologists have begun unraveling, from diVerent
but converging perspectives, the organization of goaldirected, intentional action in terms of (brain, computational) structures and mechanisms.
Converging evidence indicates that several cognitive
capabilities across the individual and social domains,
including action planning and execution, understanding
others’ intentions, cooperation and imitation are essentially
goal-directed. For example, goal representations have a
crucial role in the planning and control of action, and action
understanding and imitation are performed at the goal
rather than at the movement level (Iacoboni et al., 2005;
Wohlschläger, Gattis,& Bekkering, 2003). Moreover, it has
been shown that these apparently unrelated abilities and
others which were believed to be in the realm of abstract
thought, such as language understanding, share common
representational structures and mechanisms in the brain and
involve signiWcant use of the motor system (Fadiga, Craighero, Buccino, & Rizzolatti, 2002; Pulvermüller, 1999).
Recent studies have revealed the crucial role of canonical
and mirror neurons (Rizzolatti & Craighero, 2004; Rizzolatti et al., 1988) and internal forward models (Kawato,
G. Pezzulo (&)
Istituto di Linguistica Computazionale “Antonio Zampolli”,
CNR, Via Giuseppe Moruzzi, 1, 56124 Pisa, Italy
[email protected]
G. Pezzulo · C. Castelfranchi
Istituto di Scienze e Tecnologie della Cognizione,
CNR, Via S. Martino della Battaglia, 44, 00185 Rome, Italy
[email protected]
1999; Wolpert & Ghahramani, 2004) in most of the aforementioned tasks.
These studies indicate a close link between (socio)cognitive abilities and situated action, and are shedding light on
their neural underpinnings and mechanisms. Combined theoretical, empirical and computational research is revealing
that during all the aforementioned activities, the motor
system is highly engaged in anticipatory, simulative and
generative processes. From a speculative point of view, a
case could be made that the same predictive mechanisms
provide both a “linkage with the future” required for taking
goal-directed action, and a “linkage with others” required to
act socially (Pezzulo, 2008; Pezzulo and Castelfranchi,
Another particularly intriguing aspect of these Wndings is
the revelation that the two domains of perception and
action, which are traditionally kept separate in the analysis
of cognitive systems, cannot be disentangled. Again, anticipatory phenomena, such as expectations used to control
action, and simulative processes, play a major role in the
perception–action linkage, and give rise to ideomotor neural codes that relate actions and their eVects (Hommel,
Musseler, Aschersleben, & Prinz, 2001). This seems to
happen at multiple levels and encompasses sensorimotor
and higher-level cognitive tasks.
Overall, these recent studies (and others) have led to a
profound rethinking of basic concepts in cognitive and
behavioral sciences, and a common theoretical view (a
motor-based (or action-based) view of cognition) is
emerging across disciplines (Jeannerod, 2006). In this context, the abilities of action execution, its planning and
understanding of others’ intentions are all described as
essentially goal-directed and served by the same representations, which are action-oriented and involve deeply the
motor apparatus. Simulative theories of cognition add to
this picture the idea that representing means engaging in
simulated interaction with the environment and with others,
something that could be done by using (online or oZine)
the same set of internal models implied in motor control
(Grush, 2004). Along similar lines, a few uniWed frameworks have been proposed, based on the idea that an essential part of one’s understanding of the dynamics of the
environment, and of others’ intentions, is in terms of one’s
own motor repertoire and intentions, with crucial involvement of anticipatory and simulative mechanisms (Gallese,
Keysers, & Rizzolatti, 2004; Jeannerod, 2001; Wolpert,
Doya, & Kawato, 2003).
This view was born in opposition to the methodology
and concepts of traditional cognitive and AI theories, which
have thoroughly investigated goal-directed action and the
structures for their Xexible planning and learning, without,
however, linking them to the functioning of the motor system. Instead of stressing the diVerences between the two
approaches, we believe that it is productive to focus on
their overlapping traits and the high potential for cross-fertilization. Indeed, the theme of intentional action and its
relations with anticipatory and simulative mechanisms has
recently gained enthusiasm in several other disciplines,
including philosophy, cognitive robotics and the social sciences, whose theories and methods are being profoundly
inXuenced by the cognitive and behavioral sciences. The
aim of this special issue is to focus the attention of leader
scientists in all these areas to the combined eVort of providing a uniWed, multidisciplinary perspective on intentional
action and on the structure of goal-directedness in the brain
and in behavior.
Focus of the special issue
The focus of the special issue is the intentional, goaldirected structure of action and its implications: (1) for
brain structures and functioning (ranging from biological
details to grand functional schemes); (2) for action selection, execution, planning and simulation; (3) for social
action (e.g., understanding others as intentional agents, collaboration, imitation); (4) in evolutionary perspective (e.g.,
the role of predictive capabilities in leveraging goaldirected action and cognition).
SpeciWcally, the special issue explores the following
themes (among others): What organization (brain, functional, computational) is needed for enabling and executing
goal-directed action? How are proximal and distal goals
coded? How is the intention-to-action hierarchy learned
and neurally coded, and how do its diVerent levels “stay
together?” What are the speciWc mechanisms that permit an
organism to (learn to) act purposefully, to activate the
appropriate action depending on the organism’s goals, to
Psychological Research (2009) 73:437–440
monitor and guide the action toward the goal’s realization,
to form and execute motor plans, and to evaluate the world
as compliant or not compliant with an organism’s goals
(proximal and distal)? How are these mechanisms activated
and coordinated? How do they permit the interrelation
between intentional and social action, ‘lower-level and
‘higher-level’ cognition? What are the relationships
between anticipatory and simulative mechanisms and goaldirected action? How is it possible to pass from action
guided by (representations of) the future to action guided
toward (representations of) the future, and develop goal
representations? What are the speciWc roles of anticipatory
mechanisms and representations in the diVerent stages/parts
of goal-oriented action (e.g., choice, action selection, monitoring, control, orienting of attention, planning), and in the
formation of diVerent kinds of goals? What are the computational structures that permit an organism to Xexibly plan
and execute goal-directed action, and how are they learned?
The range of perspectives of these papers oVers biological,
neurobiological and psychological evidence, as well as theoretical and computational models, in the investigation of
these questions.
This special issue presents a diverse range of work on
intentional action by cognitive neuroscientists, computational neuroscientists, psychologists, biologists and cognitive roboticists. It includes papers that present novel results
as well as papers that explore and illustrate the topic to a
broad, interdisciplinary audience.
Arbib, Bonaiuto, Jacobs, and Frey (2009) present a
review of neurophysiological studies of tool use and, in
particular, how tools extend the body schema. They also
relate evidence to a computational model of the visual control of grasping, proposing that tools distalize the end-eVector from hand to tool.
de Wit and Dickinson (2009) present an associativecybernetic (AC) model of goal-directed action selection
that integrates outcome-response (O-R) and response-outcome (R-O) accounts developed in the Welds of human
ideomotor action, and animal learning.
Eskenazi, Grosjean, Humphreys, & Knoblich (2009)
review evidence of the involvement of one’s own motor
system in the perception of actions performed by others.
They also present a novel neuropsychological case study
indicating that both action production and perception
become impaired in the same way (following a Fitts’s law)
due to a frontal brain lesion.
Gallese (2009) reviews and discusses evidence on the
neural bases of intention understanding abilities in humans
and nonhuman primates, proposing the notion of embodied
Psychological Research (2009) 73:437–440
simulation to explain them, and focusing on recent Wndings
revealing motor abstraction, or the coding of Xexible goal
hierarchies in the motor system.
Greene, Mooshagian, Kaplan, Zaidel, & Iacoboni (2009)
present an fMRI study aimed at comparing the neural activity involved in social orienting to that involved in purely
automatic nonsocial orienting. Their study reveals greater
subcortical activity when nonsocial cues are presented and
greater activity in occipito-temporal regions when social
cues are presented; they also suggest an evolutionary trajectory (in terms of the brain regions involved) for automatic
Hommel (2009) discusses in-depth the Theory of Event
Coding (TEC), and focuses on four of its main aspects: the
prepared-reXex principle, automaticity of stimulus–
response translation, the interconnections of action selection and execution, and the role of action eVects in both
processes. The result is a coherent, systematic framework
that oVers insights into almost all aspects of intentional
Imamizu and Kawato (2009) review functional neuroimaging, behavioral and computational studies of the brain
mechanisms related to acquisition, modular organization,
and the predictive switching of internal models, focusing on
tool use. They then discuss how the same mechanisms regulating contextual shifting of internal models are essential
for higher-order cognitive and social functions.
Nishimoto and Tani (2009) present a neurorobotic
experiment, using a dynamic neural network with multiple
time-scale dynamics, on the learning of goal-directed
actions. Consistent with Piaget’s constructivist view, their
study indicates that behavior primitives are generated in
earlier stages, after which they can be Xexibly reused to
generate sequences and achieve goals. The study also indicates a developmental trajectory from motor imagery to
skill learning.
Pezzulo and Castelfranchi (2009) oVer a conceptual
framework that aims to reintegrate computational motor
control theories (focusing on the idea of internal modeling),
with theories of motivation and executive control, and
make the case that thinking could consist in the control of
mental simulations.
Poljac, van Schie, and Bekkering (2009) present a
behavioral study indicating that reversed facilitation eVects,
or the tendency (arising in speciWc contexts) for automatically executing actions that are dissimilar from those
observed, occur because subjects have to maintain a set of
memory-activated task rules They also argue in favor of
Xexible learning of arbitrary S–R associations, and therefore of Xexible cognition, not only in motor control but also
in imitation and action observation.
Wenke, Gaschler, Nattkemper, and Frensch (2009) present behavioral evidence indicating that subjects can exert
strategic control over the implementation of verbal instructions. They also found that, once implemented, S–R associations inXuence behaviour independent of potentially lost
task relevance.
Wenke, Waszak, and Haggard (2009) investigated how
the mode of action selection (internally generated versus
externally speciWed) aVects the subjective experience of
action, observing a stronger temporal binding (i.e., the subjective compression of the interval between actions and
their eVects) when actions (right or left key press) and their
timing (two time intervals) were both freely chosen or both
externally cued.
Intentional action: an interdisciplinary enterprise
The theme of intentional action is currently producing
impressive scientiWc advancements; we would say that it is
one of the “hot topics” of today. Not only is current
research on the nature of intentional action highly interdisciplinary; the striking novelty is that it breaks through the
traditional boundaries of cognitive psychology and neuroscience. One such boundary is the distinction among three
kinds of brain functions: perceptual, cognitive and motor.
In reality, these three systems interact with great regularity
to realize intentional action. Another distinction has existed
between the individual and social levels: intentionality is an
essential mechanism not only for individual, but also for
social action. Recent evidence reveals that other’s action
understanding and imitation are highly goal-oriented. The
last distinction is among the sensorimotor and the higherorder cognitive domains: anticipatory mechanisms required
for situated action appear to be much more involved in socalled cognitive tasks than ever dreamed (or feared) before.
consider, for example, prospective reasoning realized by
simulation, imagery and tool use. Within only the past few
years, a combined, multidisciplinary eVort (from the empirical sciences mainly, but also in other communities such as
cognitive robotics) has produced drastic advancements in
the understanding of the goal-directed nature of action and
the roots of cognition in sensorimotor abilities.
For all these reasons, we believe that the theme of intentional action is extremely relevant today, not only within
several disciplines, but also in its potential to bring about
truly cross-disciplinary advancements. NeuroscientiWc Wndings and models are having a signiWcant impact on AI and
psychology, while simultaneously research in cognitive
robotics and computational neuroscience greatly inXuence
empirical investigation of the brain’s structure and functioning.
In this sense, the scientiWc community has proceeded in
two diverging directions. Neuroscientists, who Wrst proceeded from the bottom-up, that is from the recognition of
simulative and emulative processes in behavior and cognition (including social cognition), are now proceeding
toward the more abstract goals (including distal ones). At
the same time, traditional cognitive scientists and AI
researchers, who have often proceeded from the top-down,
from intentions to actual actions realization, have exploited
methodologies and concepts that are now being grounded
in neural terms. Now, these two paths are converging and
consensus is growing on ideas such as the action–perception linkage and the relevance of anticipatory and simulative mechanisms. Still, questions remain that ask for a
multidisciplinary perspective, such as how the “lower” and
“higher” levels of the intention-to-action hierarchy stay
together, and how to pass from action to intention and back
from intention to action. We believe that this special issue
will contribute to providing a united view on intentional
action, highlighting all its challenging aspects and fostering
further research in this multidisciplinary theme.
Acknowledgments We would like to thank all the reviewers for
their valuable suggestions and comments, which have greatly enhanced the quality of this special issue: Michael Arbib, Gisa Aschersleben, Tom Beckers, Anna Borghi, Daniele Caligiore, Laila
Craighero, Jan De Houwer, Scott Glover, Cecilia Heyes, Antje Holländer, Peter Keller, Chris Miall, Stefano NolW, Sukhvinder Obhi, Dimitri
Ognibene, Wolfgang Prinz, Luca Tummolini, and others who prefer to
remain anonymous.
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