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Using databases is a fundamental matter for every business and non-business related activities. Their creation is more important than their usage, because creating a software through which we could track stock status in a enterprise's warehouse is a huge burden for a newly founded enterprise. Microsoft Excel, a part of Microsoft Office packet, is a suitable program as it contains the needed tools and fuctions to create a database. We are going to practically show you how to create a database using Excel functions such as if, sum, sumif and vlookup and also using other tools such as condictional formatting and freeze panes. First of, you create a table with the warehouse articles; then you create an invoice for sale articles, and lastly the made sales will substract the article in the warehouse. The result of this worksheet gives us a practical software which calculates what the warehouse has left after the sales. This is important because a beginner enterpreneur doesn't have to pay lots of money to create a database, but this worksheet will help them create one without being an expert in Microsoft Excel. In conclusion, we can say it is very important to be innovative in the activities we conduct, because the enterprenur spirit will not let their work be affected by someone else, including a software of advanced technology.
Jurdimas (Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat) Royal
Teaching staff need to understand the tools for making reports. Teaching staff at TPQ Bina Ummah still have difficulties in reporting at the end of the semester. Training activities for making reports using the Microsoft Excel application for teaching staff at the Bina Ummah Al-Qur'an Educational Park (TPQ) Bina Ummah, Tanjung Priok District, North Jakarta, are activities organized in the provision of knowledge and how to use tools, tables, formulas , and others on the Microsoft Excel application in detail and depth for teaching staff. The training method used is to practice directly on a laptop and raise cases that are usually worked on by teaching staff in conducting end-of-semester reporting. The output of this training activity is that participants can design reports using tables, present report information using diagrams, process data effectively and efficiently
International Journal of Computer and Information Technology(2279-0764)
The research is an automation program for the work of the members of the final exams committee using the Excel program. Where the researcher created a database of courses, faculty and students, and then chose the appropriate relationships to link the tables of the database and use the database functions available in Excel, where He created code using these functions to obtain the queries and reports that the testing committee needed.
Malaysian Journal of Analytical Sciences
In Malaysia, there are two main indices which are Water Quality Index (WQI) and Air Pollutant Index (API). These indices are used as an indicator for the water quality and ambient air quality status of the environment. In conducting research regarding water and air quality, lots of time has been used to conduct other activities, an application to calculate the indices might come in handy. This project aims to construct an application for the computation of WQI and API using Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) available in Microsoft Excel. VBA is actually a programming language of Microsoft Excel and can be used to write programming and run through in an Excel workbook. The user only required to enter the value for each parameter and then press "OK" to automatically calculate the index. This will provide instance result without wasting time just to refer to the class standard and other formula. The application also has been used as a teaching tool for the secondary students. An environmental based race game called Young Environmental Scientist (YES) Explorace was conducted by Environmental East Coast Research Institute (ESERI) where secondary student are invited as the participant. The application not only provides early exposure to the environmental pollution, but also exposure to the application of computer sciences to the student.
Analyzing data is an important skill for any professional to process. The existences of data in its raw collected states have every little use without some sort of processing. Excel can assist you in this analysis of data by which you can grade the student result and print their result. You can even allow the modification of your data available data use efficiently by evaluating the data with excel. In this paper you will leans to use excel to calculate the student cumulative grade point average of results from one hundred levels up to final level progress report and analyses general data. Excel is Microsoft's popular spreadsheet software that enables the calculation and Display of complex mathematical formulas.
Journal of Jewish Thought and Philosophy , 2022
Since late antiquity, a connection was made between Jews and the psychological state of despondency based, in part, on the link between melancholy and Saturn, and the further association of the Hebrew name of that planet, Shabbetai, and the Sabbath. The melancholic predisposition has had important anthropological, cosmological, and theological repercussions. In this essay, I focus on various perspectives on melancholia in thinkers as diverse as Kafka, Levinas, Blanchot, Rosenzweig, Benjamin, Bloch, Scholem, and Derrida. A common thread that links these thinkers is the hopelessness of hope imparted by the messianic belief in a future that must be perpetually deferred.
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Cultural Values, 1999
The Institute for Cultural Research offers an institutional home and heightened visibility for cultural research at Lancaster, facilitating for a range of activities across the University. Running its own prograrrune of seminars, workshops and conferences, the ICR also coordinates an interdisciplinary programme of graduate studies in contemporary culture and culfural history. The lnstitute seminars currently in progress include: The Law of the Political; The Human Genome Diuersity Project; and Millennial Capital. The Politics of Emerging Politieal Complexes (February 1999) is a forthcoming conference. Cultural Research deals with contemporary culfure and cultural history from the standpoint of cultural theory. It attends to the changing nature of contemporary life, to contemporary culture's representations of itself, to its different social and spatial scales, from the local to the global; and to its technologies. It concerns itself with the everyday: with experience, and with cultural texts and their uses. Culhrral Research at Lancaster is distinguished by the extension of established theories into these new domains of enquiry.
Godišnjak Pravnog fakulteta Univerziteta u Sarajevu, 2015
Εκδόσεις Ταξιδευτής
Vlaams Diergeneeskundig Tijdschrift, 2017
Sistemas financieros e intermediación, 2023
Bagh-e Nazar Journal, 2023
Geniewahn. Hitler und die Kunst, 2024
Ecologia Y Paisaje Miradas Desde Canarias 2009 Isbn 978 84 613 2612 9 Pag 10, 2009
Chronica: Annual of the Institute of History University of Szeged 22. , 2023
Annals of DAAAM for ... & proceedings of the ... International DAAAM Symposium .., 2011
Acta Arithmetica, 2011
Ахапкин Д. Смена вех: язык поэзии и когнитивные карты // Вторая международная конференция по когнитивной науке. 9–13 июня 2006 года, Санкт-Петербург. Тезисы докладов. СПб., 2006. Т. 1. С. 194
Journal of Historical Geography, 1988
Scientific Reports, 2023
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2023
University of Bucharest Review. Literary and Cultural Studies Series, 2020
Zeitschrift für Ostmitteleuropa-Forschung, 2003