Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
DOI 10.1007/s00405-014-3292-z
Learning curve of medialization thyroplasty using
a MontgomeryTM implant
G. Desuter • S. Henrard • D. Boucquey •
M. Van Boven • Q. Gardiner • M. Remacle
Received: 16 July 2014 / Accepted: 12 September 2014
Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2014
Abstract Type I thyroplasty—also called medialization
thyroplasty (MT)—is considered as an effective treatment
for glottic incompetence in general and for abductor vocal
fold palsy in particular. In the past there have been some
concerns about the experience a laryngeal framework surgeon should have in order achieve an acceptable voice
outcome. To assess the learning curve of MT performed
using the MontgomeryÒ hard silicone implant. A retrospective study involving 36 patients divided into three
consecutive groups (1, 2, 3) of 12 MT patients or six
consecutive groups (1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a, 3b) of six MT
patients. Outcome measures: acoustic and aerodynamic
outcome improvements (d) compared to the duration of
intervention [operative times (OT)]. Data were analysed by
G. Desuter (&) D. Boucquey
Otolaryngolgy, Head and Neck Surgery Department, Voice and
Swallowing Clinic, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc,
Université Catholique de Louvain, 10 avenue Hippocrate,
1200 Brussels, Belgium
[email protected];
[email protected]
S. Henrard
Institute of Health and Society (IRSS), Université Catholique de
Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
M. Van Boven
Anesthesiology Department, Cliniques Universitaires Saint-Luc,
Université Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium
Q. Gardiner
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department, Ninewells
Hospital, University of Dundee, Dundee DD19SY, UK
M. Remacle
Otolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery Department, Cliniques
Universitaires de Mont-Godinne, Université Catholique de
Louvain, Yvoir, Belgium
Anova, Kuskal Wallis and v2 statistical tests, according to
data distributions. OT decreased significantly between
groups 1, 2 and 3 with a mean OT of 90.50 , 71.50 and 560
(p \ 0.001), respectively. Objective d such as maximum
phonation time (MPT) (p 0.376), Estimated Sub-Glottic
Pressure (ESPG) (p: 0.675) Shimmer (p: 0.543) and Jitter
(p: 0.709) did not show significant improvement. Only the
voice handicap index (VHI) d of group 2 showed significant improvement (p 0.005) compared with the two other
groups 1 and 3. Surgeon experience decreases the OT
significantly. On the other hand, our study did not show a
correlation between surgeon experience and voice outcome
measures improvemnts (MPT, ESGP, Shimmer, Jitter).
Keywords Type 1 thyroplasty Medialization
thyroplasty Learning curve Montgomery prosthesis
Many techniques and materials for performing type I thyroplasties–also called medialization thyroplasty (MT)-have
been proposed over the years, with similar outcomes. There is
no evidence in the literature to support the use of one or other
technique nor material, although silicone (self-carved or
PhonoformTM), MontgomeryTM prosthesis and GoretexTM
appear to be the most utilized materials in the US. In Europe,
the Friederich’s titanium implant is also widely used.
Presently, the choice of technique and material used to
perform MT is mostly determined by the surgeon’s degree
of confidence in using it. Little has been published in the
English literature on how this confidence is gained.
Similarly, there has been some concern about the
experience a laryngeal framework surgeon should have in
order achieve an acceptable voice outcome.
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
Fig. 1 Number of MT
performed per year
This study examines the learning curve of a novice
phonosurgeon performing MT using the MontgomeryTM
hard silicone implant.
Patient recruitment started after a 3 day medialization
thyroplasty (MT) course providing hands-on teaching using
cadaver larynges. The surgeon had not attended other
similar courses nor had additional mentoring. Patient
referrals were mostly triggered by mouth to mouth reputation among the local physician community.
Materials and methods
The case notes of 36 patients treated by MT using a
MontgomeryTM hard silicone implant were studied retrospectively. All patients were operated on by the same
surgeon (GD) between May 2004 and March 2013 for
unilateral adductor vocal fold palsy causing dysphonia and
respiratory fatigue during speech (Fig. 1). All patients were
operated on at least 6 months after the initial consultation
confirming a vocal fold palsy. The duration of dysphonia
before MT was variable, from 6 to 204 months. The patient
cohort showed a sex ratio of 15 males to 21 females. There
were 6 right vocal fold palsies and 30 left vocal fold palsies. The mean age in the cohort was 56 years (min
18 years, max 88 years).
No MTs using another material was performed in this
All MTs were performed under light intravenous sedation and cutaneous local anaesthesia with per-operative
voice feedback as the sole outcome control.
The procedures were conducted as described by Montgomery et al. [1, 2].The only operative change during this
study consisted of a modification in the patient’s draping.
From 2009, the patient’s mouth and nose were left
uncovered and included in the operative field to allow
better per-operative voice feedback.
Check flexible laryngoscopy was performed at day 3 and
10 to rule out any complications. No patient needed an
additional fibrerscopic examination.
Cefuroxime 1 g IV was administered to the patient
before the skin incision. Steroids were not given. No other
treatment was given to the patient and a relative voice rest
was advised for 48 h post-op.
Patients were discharged at day 2 or 3 after drain
Extensive voice assessment was performed within a
month pre-operatively and 1 month post-operatively.
Pre-operative voice assessment and a 1 month postoperative voice assessment were performed according to
the Basic Protocol for Functional assessment of Voice
Pathology as described by the European Laryngological
Society. Outcome measures consisted of: (1) the operative
time (OT) from skin incision to skin closure as noted in the
electronic anesthesiology record, (2) the 120 voice handicap index (VHI), (3) the estimated sub-glottic pressure
recorded with (ESGP), (4) the maximum phonation time
(MPT), (5) the Shimmer index (Shimmer), and (6) the Jitter
index (Jitter) [3]. The ESGP were obtained by using a
phonatory aerodynamic system 6600 (Kay Pentax, Montvale New Jersey USA). The MPT (best of three attempts),
the Jitter and the Shimmer were obtained using a computerized speech lab model 4150B (Kay Pentax, Montvale
New Jersey, USA).
Patients were aggregated into ‘‘batches’’ of 3 (12
patients each) and 6 (6 patients each, each group of 12
being divided into two groups) chronological subgroups
and compared with each other.
Patients were aggregated into 3 ‘‘batches’’ (12 patients
each). The first batch, group 1, consisted of 12 patients
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
operated between 2004 and 2007. The second batch of 12
patients, group 2, were operated between 2009 and 2011
and the third batch of 12, group 3, were operated in 2012
and 2013.
Then to avoid any temporal effects, each group of 12
was divided into two groups of 6 patients hereafter referred
to as groups 1a, 1b, 2a, 2b, 3a and 3b. The operating time
and the difference in pre- and post-operative voice outcomes of the chronological subgroups were compared with
each other.
The OT was determined in minutes (Fig. 2).
The pre-op compared to post-op outcome measure differences were reported as
dVHI in unit/120, dESPG in cmH2O, dMPT in seconds,
dShimmer in %, dJitter in %, respectively and compared
by groups.
Data were analysed by Anova, Kuskal Wallis and v2
statistical tests according to patient distribution.
Table 1 summarizes the outcome results when the cohort is
split into three consecutive sub-cohorts of 12 patients and
Table 2 shows similar results when the cohort is split into
six consecutive sub-cohorts of 6 patients.
The mean VHI decrease was 39.9 units. The mean gain
of MPT was 4 s. The mean Shimmer and Jitter decrease
were respectively, of 1.23 and 1.90 %.
The mean change in ESGP was a decrease of
1.86 cmH2O, although increases were found in many
patients of various sub-groups.
Overall outcome results were comparable to other series
of MT whatever the material used, especially in terms of
VHI and MPT.
OT decreased significantly between the chronological
groups 1, 2 and 3 with a mean OT of respectively, 90.50 ,
71.50 and 560 (p \ 0.001).
Objective outcome differences such as maximum phonation Time (p: 0.376), estimated sub-glottic pressure (p:
0.675) Shimmer (p: 0.543) and Jitter (p: 0.709) remained
unchanged between groups.
Only the dVHI, difference in pre and postoperative VHI
of group 2 showed significant improvement (p: 0.005)
No major complications such as infection, granulation,
bleeding, prosthetic extrusion needing revision or dyspnoea
were noted.
Fig. 2 Graph showing the evolution of OT (min), MPT (s) and VHI
(U/120) along the six consecutive groups of patients
Most articles written on MT underscore the difficulty of
comparing MT outcomes due to the lack of standardized
outcome measures. In a recent article, Shen et al. proposed
Table 1 Outcome by groups in batches of 12 patients
Total N (%) or
median [P25; P75]
or mean ± SD
Group 1 n (%) or
median [P25; P75]
or mean ± SD
Group 2 n (%) or
median [P25; P75]
or mean ± SD
Group 3 n (%) or
median [P25; P75]
or mean ± SD
21 (58.3)
8 (66.7)
6 (50.0)
7 (58.3)
15 (41.7)
4 (33.3)
6 (50.0)
5 (41.7)
Age (years)
60.7 [47.0; 70.2]
49.2 [33.8; 56.0]
63.6 [52.1; 73.0]
65.5 [58.7; 71.0]
OT (min)
71.5 [58.0; 85.5]
90.5 [74.0; 97.0]
71.5 [63.5; 82.8]
56.0 [51.8; 64.5]
-39.9 ± 24.1
-34.4 ± 26.6
-57.3 ± 26.6
-28.2 ± 19.7
dVHI (units/120)
dPSG (cmH O)
-0.58 [-1.86; 1.73]
-0.88 [-1.44; 0.06]
-0.23 [-2.56; 2.39]
-0.47 [-1.86; 2.94]
dTMP (s)
dShimer (%)
4.0 [2.0; 9.5]
-1.23 [-4.52; 0.25]
3.5 [1.8; 5.3]
-1.20 [-4.15; -0.05]
7.0 [2.8; 14.3]
-2.12 [-4.73; -0.18]
4.9 [-1.5; 11.3]
-1.07 [-1.76; 1.83]
dJitter (%)
-1.90 [-3.29; -0.78]
-2.20 [-2.95; -1.90]
-1.35 [-3.29; -0.65]
-1.40 [-3.76; -0.56]
Group 1 different of 3
Group 1 different of group 2 and group 2 different of group 3
Table 2 Outcomes by groups in batches of 6 patients
Total N (%) or
median [P25; P75]
or mean ± SD
Group 1a n (%) or
median [P25; P75] or
mean ± SD
Group 1b n (%) or
median [P25; P75] or
mean ± SD
Group 2a n (%) or
median [P25; P75] or
mean ± SD
Group 2b n (%) or
median [P25; P75] or
mean ± SD
Group 3a n (%) or
median [P25; P75] or
mean ± SD
Group 3b n (%) or
median [P25; P75] or
mean ± SD
21 (58.3)
3 (50.0)
5 (83.3)
2 (33.3)
4 (66.7)
4 (66.7)
3 (50.0)
15 (41.7)
3 (50.0)
1 (16.7)
4 (66.7)
2 (33.3)
2 (33.3)
3 (50.0)
56.1 ± 18.2
48.2 ± 22.9
45.1 ± 9.8
66.1 ± 6.1
48.7 ± 26.3
59.6 ± 15.4
68.8 ± 11.5
OT (min)
72.6 ± 16.6
-39.9 ± 24.1
84.7 ± 17.5
-31.7 ± 16.2
87.3 ± 12
-37.2 ± 15.6
67.2 ± 13.2
-58.7 ± 30.3
75.3 ± 10.7
-55.8 ± 25.2
63.8 ± 15.1
-33.5 ± 11.4
57.2 ± 10.4
-22.8 ± 25.7
-0.57 [-1.86; 1.73]
-0.99 [-1.25;
-0.67 [-1.68; 0.80]
-3.38 [-11.85;
2.19 [-0.12; 2.78]
-0.60 [-3.04; 0.52]
2.38 [-1.55; 6.00]
dTMP (s)
4.00 [2.00; 9.5]
-1.23 [-4.52; 0.25]
3.00 [1.25; 7.75]
-0.75 [-1.68; 0.78]
3.5 [3.00; 4.00]
-2.85 [-6.17;
7.00 [4.00; 7.00]
-2.52 [-4.78;
9.00 [3.00; 21.00]
-2.12 [-4.13; 0.14]
7.05 [2.73; 11.75]
-1.23 [-10.97;
2.88 [-3.29; 8.40]
0.76 [-1.32; 2.36]
dJitter (%)
-1.90 [-3.29;
-2.20 [-2.20;
-2.35 [-3.55;
-1.80 [-3.12;
-1.09 [-2.79;
-4.21 [-7.47;
-0.94 [-1.44;
p value
Differences: groups 3b-1a, 3b-1b
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
Table 3 Comparison of VHI and MPT outcomes after MT according
to Van Ardenne et al. publication [12]
Cohort and material
Mean VHI
(decrease, in
Mean MPT
(increase, in
Van Ardenne et al. [12]
Carved silicone
Van Ardenne et al. [12]
Friedriech’s titanium implant
Desuter et al. (present study)
Montgomery implant
a voice-related quality of life inventory—the VHI as a
primary outcome and an aerodynamic measure—the MPT
as a secondary outcome to evaluate the efficacy of surgery
for glottic insufficiency [4]. Some other authors also consider the NHR, the Shimmer index and the glottal flow rate
as good outcome measures but there is a lack of consensus
on these last three indicators [5, 6]. Likewise, if the ESGP
measure should hypothetically reflect the best glottic
competence measure in terms of aerodynamics, measurement issues and the high variability of the ESGP 1 month
after MT rules it out as a valid outcome measure.
This is confirmed by our results which show that the
ESPG can increase or decrease after surgery. Indeed,
patients presenting a barely measurable ESGP pre-operatively can show a dramatic increase post-operatively, but
other patients show a decrease of their ESGP, the MT
allowing them to lower the subglottic pressure that they
previously required to force air through the larynx to cause
Only direct subglottic pressure, the use of which peroperatively has been tested by Remacle et al. [7] could
potentially represent a third valid outcome measure.
For our series of 36 cases of MT, the overall decrease of
VHI index score (39.9 ± 26.6) and the overall increase of
MPT (4 [2.0; 9.5] s) measured at 1 month post-operatively
are comparable to other series results, whichever material
was utilized [8–11].
Table 3 compares our results with the results published
by Van Ardenne et al. [12], whose study is the most
comparable with ours in terms of patient characteristics,
surgeon experience, cohort size and voice analysis timing
and techniques.
The purpose of this study being the learning curve for
MT, we split the entire cohort into three consecutive
groups and compared the outcome results of each of the
three chronological groups of 12 patients. No statistical
differences were found except for the VHI of group 2
showing a statistical improvement compared to the two
other groups (p \ 0.005). To avoid any temporal effects,
we split the cohort into six consecutive groups of six
patients and found the same results (p \ 0.048).
No clear explanation was found to explain the better
outcome of VHI in group 2. The etiology of the vocal fold
palsy, age, gender and time between onset of palsy and
surgery—time before treatment (TBT)—were investigated. None of these parameters showed significant
To summarize, these results suggest that the experience
of the surgeon using a Montgomery prosthesis does not
correlate with the functional outcome.
As no major complications were noted, the reduction of
adverse effects related to a surgeon’s experience could not
be investigated further.
Figure 1 shows the number of MT procedures performed per year. Group 1 procedures were performed
within a larger frame of time than groups 2 and 3. The
frequency of procedures performed were also very different
within the three groups with an overall frequency of three
procedures/year for group 1, six procedures/year for group
2 and eventually nine procedures/year for group 3.
As can be seen, the frequency of performance of the
procedure does not appear to have an impact on either the
functional outcome or the complication rate.
The sole factor that statistically improves with surgeon
experience is the operative time that was considerably
reduced between group 1 and 3 (p \ 0.001).
It is interesting to compare these results to the two large
surveys of laryngeal framework surgery in the US conducted in 1998 and 2010 [13, 14]. The more recent survey
showed that MT accounts for the vast majority of laryngeal
framework surgery (85 %) where as, perhaps surprisingly,
only 50 % of respondents to the survey report obtaining
preoperative voice recordings.
In comparison to the 1998 survey, data from the 2010
survey suggests that surgeons are using less self-carved
silicon, the same amount of Goretex and more pre-moulded
US market available implants such as MontgomeryÒ,
PhonoformÒ or VocoMÒ prosthesis. Whether the relative
decrease of the MT/arytenoid adduction combination procedures, as shown by the 2010 survey, could be related to
this increased use of pre-moulded prostheses—supposedly
treating the posterior glottis—is still debated.
The same survey indicates that 55 % of 936 respondents
had performed fewer than 14 MT in total and 33 % have
less than 6 years of experience with MT.
Despite the fact that the 1998 survey demonstrated the
opposite, the survey performed one decade later could not
statistically demonstrate a decrease in complication rate
with increasing experience, both annually as well as
Similarly, we had no major complications within the
study period. According to the 2010 survey, this is also the
Eur Arch Otorhinolaryngol
case for the vast majority of US surgeons performing less
than 5 MT a year.
Our results support the common opinion that the use of
pre-moulded prostheses—when correctly utilized—provides good subjective and objective voice results when
performed by a novice surgeon. These good results do not
improve with experience. The sole measure that statistically improved with experience was the OT that was
reduced by more than half an hour after 36 procedures
while maintaining the voice results.
To our knowledge, this study is the first to investigate the
learning curve for MT performed by a sole surgeon with a
single technique and material.
According to the study results, MT procedures utilizing
a Montgomery hard silicone prosthesis appear to be rapidly
effective in terms of outcome and safety. On the other
hand, surgical experience does not change the efficacy of
the procedure but rather the efficiency of it, reaching the
same outcome but requiring less operative time.
Further retrospective studies should investigate the
learning curve of MT performed with other prosthetic
materials or techniques
Conflict of interest Authors deny any conflict of interest or financial interest with mentioned organization or company.
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