Language is a media, communication to transfer meaning, feeling, idea, request, information etc. English is an international language which is used for communication all over the worlds. It is used to get information of knowledge, technology, culture and art for the people around the worlds. In other word, English is useful in all aspect of life, particular in getting information.

CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION I.I. Background of the study Language is a media, communication to transfer meaning, feeling, idea, request, information etc. English is an international language which is used for communication all over the worlds. It is used to get information of knowledge, technology, culture and art for the people around the worlds. In other word, English is useful in all aspect of life, particular in getting information. According to Boston (2004:1) language is a powerful means to communicate the deepest and highest desires, dreams, and ideals of humanity. Language helps us to fulfill our potential, to share our inner selves with others, or to act upon the world powerfully. We use language to participate in private and public life with our families, community and nation. As teachers, we use language to help others reach higher states of knowledge, emotion, or spirit. These are among the strongest drives of humankind, and language has proved to be a superior tool for those ends. According to Baston (2004: 187) students need opportunities to talk in natural interactional contexts and for a variety of purposes: to establish and maintain social relationsheeps; to express reactions; to give and seek information; to solve problems; discuss ideas; or teach and learn a skill; to entartain or play with language; or to dispaly achievement. In addition, students need to learn to interect with a variety of conversational partners: other students, the teacher, other adults at school, cross –age peers, guest and so on. In improving the quality of learning in primary school subjects especially English language are many factors that must be considered, for example: teachers, facilities and infrastructure, laboratories and completeness, the environment, as well as models and instructional media. Improving the quality of English language learning with a learning model given by teachers will affect the learning of students and will have implications for improving the quality of Indonesian education, which is the quality of education in Indonesia is very alarming position now when compared with the quality of education in other countries. Teaching and learning strategies used by teachers greatly affect the outcome of the objectives that have been formulated before instruction executed. There are four basic strategies in teaching and learning include; identifying learners, selecting teaching and learning approaches, select and establish procedures, methods, and techniques of teaching and learning, and a set of norms and the minimum success. In essence, the learning process is a process of communication that must be created or realized through the delivery and exchange of any messages or information by teachers and learners. Messages or information may include knowledge, expertise, skills, ideas, experiences, and so on. To avoid straying or ambiguity in the communication process needs to use tool that helps the communication process called media. In the learning process, the media used to facilitate communication and learning called Learning Media. The challenge in education is implementing an education system that allows the optimization of the entire brain that acceptance, processing, storage and use of information occurs efficient. Optimizing brain is basically using all parts of the brain together with the involvement of as many senses simultaneously. The use of a variety of learning media is one of learning effort throughout the brain, both left and right brain, rational or emotional, or even spiritual. Games of color, shape, texture and sound is highly recommended. In the process of learning the teachers should be able to create a happy atmosphere, for happy atmosphere will affect the way of the brain in processing, storing and retrieving information. Sharon (2007:6) stated that media, as pluras of medium, are means of communication. Derived from the Latin medium (“between”), the term refers to anything that cariies information between a source and a receiver. There are six basic categories of media, namely; text, audio, visuals, video, manipulatives (objects), and people. So, from six categories of video, the researcher choose video as a media for the students in the class. Video is media that show motion, including DVDs, video tape, computer animation, and so on. Videos, like animation, are a key component of multimedia and result in greater interest and enjoyment for learners when incorporated in e-Learning courses. Although the definition of a video is quite well known in today’s society, it is still important to review how literature describes this type of multimedia. Video is the “technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting and reconstructing moving pictures, electronic signals, or digital media, primarily for viewing on television or computer monitors”. So, the purpose of using video as media in the class is to entertain and fun and easily digested by the audience. The media that is able to act as tutors or encyclopedia, will provide information and feedback to students quickly. Students do not just sit and listen passively. They must think, and respond. However, media of video is possible for designed for students who are less active in the class is to provide a meaningful simulation as well as good media interactivity. Visualization of ideas in the form of instructional videos very helpful to master the material and can accelerate the achievement of competent. Visualization is the process of idea or effort for a message / idea can illustated with more tangible so that it can be understood mentally. Generally in learning, students want a harmonious and pleasant atmosphere when the learning process takes place in class. Thus the teacher can use the video so that students do not bore in learning. So, if the teacher creat new things in teaching English, of course the students will enjoy and happy in learning English. Using video is to attract students’ attention by engaging through a computer monitor full of vividly coloured animations. It involves an interactive pedagogy and totally depends on an obsersive insistence that learning is inevitably “fun”. So the students are not boring when the teacher give material by using video, moreover the video about folk story. The researcher think that this video is interesting for the students, because the students are familiar with their culture such as; folk tail, legend, etc. Most of the students know about this story, but now this story is rarely from the students hearing. So, the researcher try to use this story through the video to know the students’ affective factor and their speaking ability. Affective factors are emotional factors which influence learning. Example; A learner's attitude to English, to the teacher, to other learners in the group and to herself are all affective factors and have impact on how well she learns. In the classroom affective factors may be as important for successful language learning, if not more so, than ability to learn. Teachers can reduce negative factors and develop positive ones by doing activities to build a positive group dynamic, by including students in deciding aspects of the course and choosing activities that are motivating for the age and interests of the learners. According to the researcher’s observation in SMPN 1 Bengkalis, there are some problems faced by the students in learning English in the classroom. The indicators of the problems are as follows: First, The students feel shy to express their ideas in English. Second, the students seem to be in doubt and nervous to speak English. Third, the students are afraid to be laughed at by others and they have no courage to express their own English ability. Fourth, the students are afraid of making mistakes in grammer, pronunciation, and intonation. When we see the condition or teaching and learning process in the classroom now, there are so many problems are faced by the teachers. Such as; when the teacher Give the explanation in the classroom, the students are not focuse on the teachers’ explanation, and they also just keep silent, there is less motivation from the students. Eventhough the teacher use some methods in teaching and learning process, like speech, discussion, and ask and answer method, but there is no change to the students’ self confident in learning English. From the above symptoms, the title of the research is as follows : THE EFFECT OF VIDEO IN TEACHING FOLK STORY TOWARD STUDENTS’ AFFECTIVE FACTORS AND THEIR SPEAKING ABILITY AT SMPN 3 BENGKALIS. I.2. Statement of the Problem In this research, the researcher want the English teacher use the video in teaching folk story as a media in teaching English. More over now the students are less confidence in learning English, so the researcher try to use this video in order the students are motivate and self confidence in learning English, moreover in speaking. And the researcher want to know the effect of video in teaching folk story toward their affective factors and their speaking ability in learning English, and the students who are taught of folk story by using of text book. I.3. Limitation of the problem The Limitation of the problem is focused on the effect of video on students’ speaking ability and their affective factor at SMPN 3 Bengkalis. Here the researcher limit the problem on video of folk story, and affective factor here, consist of students’ self confidence, anxiety and motivation in speaking after they watch the story through the video. I.4. Purpose of the study The purposes of the study are as follow: To find out the effect of video in teaching folk story toward students’ affective factors at SMPN 3 Bengkalis To find out the effect of video in teaching folk story toward students speaking ability at SMPN 3 Bengkalis. I.5. Research Question Based on the above problems can be formulated as follow: What is the effect of video in teaching folk story toward students’ speaking ability at SMPN 3 Bengkalis? How is the effect of video in teaching folk strory toward students’ affective factors at SMPN 3 Bengkalis? I.6. Significant of study The result of this study is expected to be useful for English teacher of SMPN 3 Bengkalis certainly in teaching English. Therefore, teacher can reduce the difficulties of teaching English and can encourage students to learn English in the classroom, then the researcher want to give contribution to the teachers that video is interesting for the students, the teacher not only use the books or english resources, but the teachers must be creative to look for the interesting media, for example video. It can make the students enjoy to study, not only listen to the teachers’ explanation, but also the students are able to watch the story through the video. While for students, the implementation of story through the video is expected to increase their affective factors in learning English especially when they want to express their though and feeling. I.8. Definitions of the key term Video : Sharon (2002:6) says that video is a media that show motions, including DVDs, video tape, computer animation, and so on. the concept of video was synonymous with that of broadcast television, but the concept has expanded dramatically in the last 60 years. Any electronic media format that employs “motion pictures” to present amassage can be reffered to as video. Affective factor : affect refers to the emotion, feelings, and attitudes that individuals bring to the learning experience and the role these play motivation, Vividia. S (2011:1). Teachers must strategically organize their environment and instruction in order to lower the affective factor of learners in their classroom. There are three factors of affective filter, namely: motivation, self-confidence, and high anxiety, had raised in them a mental wall, termed affective filter, (Krashen 1982; Dulay & Burt 1977) shutting off any aptitude they might have had towards learning English. Speaking : according to Harmer speaking is as a form of communication, so a speaker must convey what she/he is saying effectively. According to Hornby (1995;1140) speaking is talk to somebody about something, be able to use languge and or to say words. Speaking in linguistic term has various definition, in oxford edvanced learner’s dictionary, speak means saying someething to express ideas and opinions. CHAPTER II REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE II.1. Nature of the Study II.1.1. Video Videos, like animation, are a key component of multimedia and result in greater interest and enjoyment for learners when incorporated in e-Learning courses. Although the definition of a video is quite well known in today’s society, it is still important to review how literature describes this type of multimedia. Video is the technology of capturing, recording, processing, transmitting and reconstructing moving pictures, electronic signals, or digital media, primarily for viewing on television or computer monitors. According to Harmer (2001:282) said that the use of video in class is just listening ‘with pictures’. But there are many reasons why video can add a special, extra dimension to the learning experience: Seeing language-in-use: one of the most advantages of video is that the students do not just hear language, they see it too. This greatly aids comprehension, since for example, general meaning and moods are often conveyed through expression, gesture, and other visual clues. Cross-cultural awareness: video uniquely allows students a look at situations far beyond their classroom. Video is also of great value in giving students a chance to see such things as what kinds of food people eat in other countries, and what they wear. The power of creation: when students use video cameras themselves they are given the potential to creat something memorable and enjoyable. Motivation: for all of the reasons so far mentioned, most students show an increased level of interest when they have a chance to see language in use as well as hear it, and when this is coupled with interesting tasks. Using video in teaching and learning process include of the edutainment. Because when the teacher use the video in the classroom, of course the students are interesting and they have motivation in learning English. According to Berk (2009:2) there are learning value of video in the classroom, and there are 20 potential outcomes to ponder: Grab students’ attention Focus students’ concentration Generate interest in class Create a sense of anticipation Energize or relax students for learning exercise Draw on students’ imagination Improve attitudes toward content and learning Build a connection with other students and instructor Increase memory of content Increase understanding Foster creativity Stimulate the flow ideas Foster deeper learning Provide the opportunity for freedom of expression Serve as vehicle for collaboration Inspire and motivate students Make learning fun Set and appropriate mood or tone Decrease anxiety and tension on scary topics, and Create memorable visual images. So, based on the statement above, the researcher can conclude that using video in teaching and learning process in the classroom, the students are more active, focus, enjoy and it can increase the students motivation and decrease the students’ anxiety. II.1.2. Affective factors The affective factor or affective filters is a theoretical construct that attempts to explain the emotional variables associated with the success or failure of acquiring a second language. The affective filter is an invisible psychological filter that can either facilitate or hinder language production in a second language. When the affective filter is high, individuals may experience stress, anxiety, and lack of self-confidence that may inhibit success in acquiring a second language. On the other hand, a low affective filter facilitates risk-taking behavior in regards to practicing and learning a second language. Krashen’s theory provides reinforcement for what most teachers already do in their classroom: engage students at an appropriate level and push them to acquire more knowledge. The Affective Factor Hypothesis thus provides a good starting place for teachers who are looking to refine their teaching techniques and make the classroom experience more enjoyable and productive for their students. Knowledge of the affective filter can assist teachers in heightening their students’ self confidence and motivation, thereby increasing language development, and leading to a consistently positive classroom experience for English language learners. Krashen (as cited in Kristin Krogh Journal :2008) also shows that students who are highly motivated, have a strong sense of self, and enter a learning situation with a low level of anxiety are much more likely to be successful language acquirers than those who do not. Students who have a low level of motivation, low self-esteem, and high anxiety will encounter a wall when it comes to acquiring language and will not be able to progress as naturally or as quickly as their peers who are not blocked by these factors. Acording to Timothy (2011:7), tools that have been suggested to reduce affective factor are movies, games, and music, as these can reduce anxiety while increasing motivation and self-confidence. This study is initiated to investigate the use and success of these tools in reducing affective factor. However, it quickly became apparent that a study of factors which contribute to low affective factor would be more informative considering the venues available for conducting the research. There are three kinds of affective factor, they are motivation, self confidence and anxiety. Motivation Motivation is really needed to acquire speaking skill, because motivation is very strongly related to achievement in language learning. Motivation is a way of how individuals get interested, react to events that get their attention and engage in certain specified behaviors particularly in the learning process. Motivated individuals will involve whole heartedly in the teaching-learning process and they will have an intention to learn more and more. Students can be motivated to perform well because of factors such as interest curiosity, the need to obtain information or solve a problem, or the desire to understand. Learner motivation makes teaching and learning immeasurably easier and more pleasant, as well as more productive. Motivation has relationship with the power to move. It can raise, effort, power, and energy to do something. Boston (2004:50) said that motivation has been defined as the impulse, emotion, or desire that causes one to act in a certain way. Humans strive to actively acquire knowledge, explore, enhance the ego, achieve and identity within a group, and learn about their world Self confidence Self-confidence comes handy in all situations of life. Be it an adult or a child or a student, everybody has lots of tasks to complete and self-confidence is necessary to perform tasks successfully. Take the case of school-going children. With so many subjects, they go through a lot of stress. Class tests, debates, term papers, assignments, presentations the list seems unending. Self-confident students are able to pay more attention to the teacher in the classroom as they develop an inherent will to succeed and outdo others. They are more focused and do not hesitate to ask questions. Asking questions in the classroom requires certain courage to stand up and interrupt the teacher to ask a question, and it requires self-confidence to do that. On the other hand, a student lacking self-confidence might not stand up and ask the teacher to explain once more even though he is struggling to get a concept right. This creates obstacles to their learning, as many things remain unclear to them that require further guidance by the teacher. Teachers are some of the most powerful influences in a child’s life. As a teacher, you can help children increase their self-confidence as you provide them with a chance to build on their achievements and be successful in and out of your classroom. Anxiety Anxiety is related to feelings of self-conciousness, desire to speak perfectly, and fear of making mistakes, and Anxiety is like other feelings of tension that students may experience in the classroom (Boston:2004). Actually it always happent for the students when they are asked by their teachers to speak in front of the class, of course they anxious eventhough they prepare before presentation in the class. There are some tactics for teachers to reduce students’ anxiety, it is adapted from woolfolk, 1998 in Boston, they are” Monitor activities to reduce urdue pressure Give students in competitive tasks a resonable chance to succed. Avoid making anxious students perform in front of large groups. Give example and models of how the task is done when starting a new type of task. Teach skills explicitly and provide study guides. Vary assignments over different modes of language learning. Energize students by giving them a brief chance to be physically active, or by introducing activities that provoke curiosity or surprise. II.1.3. The nature of speaking Speaking is one of basic skills in learning foreign language besides listening, reading and writing. It has been taught since the students entered to elementary school. However, it is not easy for students to communicate in English. They have to think more often when speaking English. Of course students need interaction with others ( teachers or friends) to communicate. 2.1. Elements of speaking There are some elements in speaking, according to Harmer ( 2001: 269-270 ) speakers have to be competent in the speaking skill, those are language features in which contains four points, they are: Connected speech: effective speakers of English need to be able not only to produce the individual phonemes of English, but also to use fluent ‘connected speech. In connected speech sounds are modified (assimilation), omitted (elision), added (linking), or weakened ( through contractions and stress patterning). Expressive devices: native speaker of English change the pitch and stress of particular parts of utterences, vary volume and speed, and show by other physical and non-verbal means how they are feeling (especially in face-to-face interaction). The use of these devices contributes to the ability to convey meaning. Lexis and grammar: sponteneous speech is marked by the use of a number of common lexical phrases, especially in the performance of certain language functions. Teachers need to supply their students with various phrases for different functios in their speaking classroom activities. For example: agreeing and disagreeing, expressing surprise, shock, or approval. So, the students are involved in specific speaking contexts, and they can produce at various stages of an interaction Negotiation language: effective speaking benefits from negotiatory language we use to seek clarification and to show the structure of what we are saying. In addition, Harmer (2001:271) states concerning with other elements of speaking that is necessary to be mastered by a succesful speaker, those are Mental/social processing and the rapid processing skill that involves languge processing, interacting with others, and information processing: Language processing: effective speakers need to be able to process language in their own heads and put it into coherent order so that it comes out in forms that are not only comprehensible, but also convey the meanings that are intended. Interacting with others: most speaking involves interaction with one or more participants. This means that effective speaking also involves a good deal of listening, an understanding of how the other participants are feeling, and a knowledge of how linguistically to take turns or allow others to do soo. (On-the-spot) information processing: quite apart from our response to other’s feelings, we also need to be able to process the information they tell us the moment we get it. The longer it takes for the ‘penny to drop’ the less effective we are as instant communicators. However, it should be remembered that this instant response is very culture-specific, and is not prized by speakers in many other language communities. Types of classroom speaking ability There are six categories production apply to the kinds of oral production that the students are expected to carry out in the classroom, it is stated by Brown (2000: 271-274). They are as follows: Imitative The students are able to imitate a word or phrase or possibly a sentence. And it focuse on some particular element of language form. Intensive The students are able to produce short stretches of oral language or speaking performance that is designed to practice some phonological or grammatical aspect of language. Responsive The students are able to respond a very short conversation, standard greetings and small talk, simple requests, questions and comments. Transactional (dialogue) The students are able to take the two forms of either transactional language which has the purpose of exchanging specific information, is an extended form of responsive languge, like conversation. Interpersonal ( dialogue ) Interpersonal dialogue has the purpose of maintaining social relationships with the transmission of facts and information. Extensive (monologue) The students are able to develop (monologue) in a form of oral production including speeches, oral presentation or oral reports, summeries, and story telling. Here the register is more formal and deliberative. These monologues can be planned or impromptu. II.1.3. Folk Story Folk stories are stories passed on form one person to another by word or mouth. These tales were not written down, but existed only in the memory of mankind. It is only now, as the tradition of oral story-telling is giving way to books and television, that such tales are being collected and written down. Here the researcher use the story of hikayat. Hikayat (Jawi: حكاية) - an Arabic word that literally translates to "stories" - is a form of Malay literature, which relate the adventures of national heroes of Malayan kingdoms, or royal chronicles. The stories they contain, though based on history, are heavily romanticized. This is a list of hikayat. Hikayat is a story that is difficult to accept solace sense and is a fictional story, but it has a message and mandate for the readers. especially in Malay which contains about story, and fairy tales. Generally tells about the greatness and heroism someone complete with oddities, magic and miracles main character. One of the popular hikayat in Riau is Yong Dolah. Hikayat was read as entertainment, solace or to raise morale. Yong Dolah is the name of the artist / entertainer legend ever owned Bengkalis People who live around the range of 1930-1975 ( no definite historical records place and date of his birth ) . According to some sources the real name of Yong Dolah is Abdullah bin Endong ( Bengkalis ordinary people give short names with no other additional like Atan, Bidin, Abu, Minah, Rogayah, Tin origin of the word, Fatimah, daro, siti etc). Bengkalis among the Malay community and already familiar with the title. While Yong is a greeting or title given by the people closest to him, except that there are cat greeting Bat (usually for the same age), Wak (the same as the older), Jang (usually call from the parents to their son) and Pakcik (family relationships), and Encik or Makcik the same meaning as above . Many of the pros and cons of the existence of this figure , but the source of the first people to say he really liked by the people because he told his clever with speech (verbal) concerning folklore (Folk story). so do not be surprised Yung Dolah story through writing less wear funny, because there is no emphasis intonation, expression and pause that is lacking is the hallmark of the story . Even Yong Dolah expertise in storytelling to timeless (unlimited story) does not even use the materials literature (Story board) or referance, so the story just flows like water without dashed, even in a story can be translated into 50 funny stories interrelated according to the level of his skill when he delivered the story . When examined oral narratives delivered by Yong Dolah, it appears that there is a very high message to be conveyed by Yong Dolah. At the very least, there is some value to be conveyed Yong Dolah in the verbal narrative, among other things : First, Yong Dolah shows the high literary style Malay language using hyperbole in his stories. In Indonesian literary approach, the use of the words hyperbole is not categorized as an expression of a story that contains a lie. In the whole story, domination style hyperbole presented Yong Dolah would use words not commonly used to express the words are often used hyperbole society in general. In this case, Yung Dolah proved himself as a rich storyteller figure with the term word hyperbole and show that the Malay literary style hyperbole has a broad and dynamic. Therefore, it is wrong to a lot of people who put Yong Dolah as someone who tells the loudmouth hoax. This is because we do not understand literature as Yong Dolah to be conveyed in the stories . Second, when examined carefully from the stories submitted Yong Dolah shows intellectual quality. He was able to make up stories that make readers and listeners deplete their intellect and imagination. Yong Dolah intellect not only be approached philosophically, but mathematically. Look at how the quality of intellect Yong Dolah when he spoke of the tanker, Stairs Way, Honey Bees, Fish Bilis, Philips Radio, Lime Meter, and so on. Speakers may not be able to make such a story if they do not have a good intellectual qualities . Third, in some stories, Yong Dolah give the high message to the readers. The message will be shown in the following stories, namely : First, Tankers invites us to be active, never give up, mature thinking, and utilizing nature in balance. Second, Chicks give a figure of how an ideal leader. Third, Keker give the message that we remember the service both parents who have given birth and raised us and that the Malay community has high ideals although they had achieved with difficulty. In fact, almost all the stories Yung Dolah has universal messages and such filofis - critical high to be a mirror for the reader. The messages conveyed in the stories of humor has an intellectual strength and moral high. However, due to limited intellectual power and the inability of the reader to understand the substance of his thought, finally the story told by Yung Dolah dominant only understood as a mere joke . Fourth, Yong Dolah capable of presenting a universal story. The story is conveyed not only consumed by children, but also older people, people with low education to intellectually in the Earth 's Lancang Kuning. At the very least, the presence of literary style Yong Dolah form a good reading media, especially in the current state of society which presented many readings are low quality and just sheer indulgence in violence and sexuality . Fifth, Yong Dolah stories have a quality of humor, good style and originality conveyed humor delivere. Meanwhile, when compared with many humorous stories that exist today that have more in common with each other and make the reader less relaxed and intellectually intelligent after reading it. When carefully traced the stories submitted Yung Dolah in his day, then we will remember the figure of Abu Nawas story in the country that decorate the Thousand and One Nights. In his day, Abu Nawas is a smart person who is able to make history come alive this time. II.1.4. The Assumption and The Hypothesis The Assumption The researcher made assumption that the students’ affective factor and their speaking ability are more increasing by using video The Hypothesis Ho1 : There is no significant difference on students’ pre test speaking ability mean scores between experimental group and control group in SMPN 1 Bengkalis. Ho2 : There is no significant difference on students’ post test speaking ability mean scores between experimental group and control group in SMPN 1 Bengkalis. Ho3 : There is no significant difference in speaking ability pre test and post test mean scores in using video in teaching folk story in the experimental group in SMPN 1 Bengkalis. CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY III.1. Research design The researcher use quasi-experimental design, the experimental group A and the control group B are selected without random assignment. Both groups take a pre test and post test. Only the experimental group receives the treatment, Cresswell (2009:160). er to find out the significant effect of using video on the Students’ speaking ability and their affective factors at SMPN 3 Bengkalis. Here, the resercher use two classes; one class is an experimental group which is treated by video, and one class as a control group, and it is taught by using non video or text book. For both experimental and control groups, pre-test and post-test are administered to the students. Pre-test is given at the beginning of the teaching learning in order to identify the students. Then, the experimental group is given a treatment by using video folktales and the control group using non video or text book. During the treatment, the writer is accompanied by an observer, and at last, both groups are given post-test at the end of the teaching learning processes in order to determine the effect of video in teaching folktales toward students’ speaking ability and their affective factors. III.2. Population and Sample of The Research The population of this research is the seventh grade of students SMPN 3 Bengkalis in the academic year 2013/2014. It consist of seven classes and the number of students of each class is 40 students. The total numbers of the seventh grade students of SMPN 3 Bengkalis are 269 students. Table III.1 The total population of the first grade students of SMPN 3 Bengkalis No Class Number of students Total Male Female 1 VII 1 20 20 40 2 VII 2 17 20 37 3 VII 3 19 18 37 4 VII 4 21 17 38 5 VII 5 19 21 40 6 VII 6 20 20 40 7 VII 7 17 20 37 Total 133 136 269 The population above is large to be taken as a sample of the research. Based on the limitation of the research, the researcher took only two classes after using cluster sampling technique. The following table is the sample of the research which consist of 40 students of VII 5 as experimental group, and 40 students of VII 6 for control group. Table III.2 The Populatian and The Sample of the research on SMPN 3 Bengkalis Subdistrict No School Class Population Sample Male Female Total 1 SMPN 3 Experiment group VII 5 22 18 40 40 2 SMPN 3 Control group VII 6 20 20 40 40 Total 80 III.3. Instrumentation Reliability of research instrument Reliability demonstrated in a sense that an instrument trustworthy enough to be used as a means of collecting data because the instrument is good. To determine the reliability of the instrument in this study, researchers used alpha formula, while calculations by using Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) for windows Release 20. validity of research instrument Validity is a measure that indicates the levels of validity or the validity of an instrument. Suharsimi (2012:32) Said to be valid if the instrument is able to measure what is desirable, if the data can reveal the studied variables appropriately. In this research, the validity which is used is internal validity, the validity which is achieved when there is a correspondence between the parts of the instrument as a whole. This research use the grain analyst, to test the validity of each item, there are scores of each item correlated with the total score. While the formula used is the product moment correlation test. While the calculations use the Statistic Package for Social Science SPSS for Window Release 20. III.4. Data collection Technique To collect the data needed, the resercher uses: Test To find out the effect of using video in teaching folk tales toward students’ affective factors and their speaking ability at the first grade of SMPN 3 Bengkalis, the researcher administers the test to assess students’ speaking ability. The test is done into two stages. The first is pretest, it will be done before doing the treatment. The second is post test, it will be done after doing the treatment. The researcher took the total score from the result of the students’ speaking ability test. The instrument of oral test or speaking ability based on five aspects consist of five aspects of speaking ability and its calculate the students score based on Arthur Huges (1989 : 111), there are accent, grammar, vocabulary, fluency, and comprehension. The following marking scheme (using 1-6 point scales) as follows: Rating Accent 1 Pronunciation frequently unintelligible 2 Frequent gross errors and a very heavy accent make understanding difficult, require frequent repetition. 3 “Foreign accent” requires concentrated listening, and mispronunciation lead to occasional misunderstanding and apparent errors in grammar or vacabulary. 4 Marked “foreign accent” and occasional mispronunciation which do not interfere with understanding. 5 No conspicuous mispronunciations, but would be taken for a native speaker. 6 Native pronunciation, with no trace of “foreign accent” Rating Grammar 1 Grammar almost entirely inaccurate phrases 2 Constant errors showing control of very view major patterns and frequently preventing communication. 3 Frequent errors showing some major patters uncontrolled and causing occasional irritation and misunderstanding. 4 Occasional errors showing imperfect control of some patterns but not weakness that causes misunderstanding. 5 Few errors, with no patterns of failure. 6 No more than two errors during the interviewe. Rating Vocabulary 1 Vocabulary inadequate for even the simplest conversation. 2 Vocabulary limited to basic personal and survival areas (time, food, transportation, family, etc) 3 Choice of words sometime inaccurate, limitations of vocabulary prevent discussion of some common professional and social topics. 4 Professional vocabulary adequate to discuss special interest general vocabulary permits discussion of any non-technical subject with some circumstance. 5 Professional vocabulary broad and precise, general vocabulary adequate to cope with complex practical problems and varied social situations. 6 Vocabulary apparently as accurate and extensive as that of an educated native speaker. Rating Fluency 1 Speech is no halting and fragmentary that conversation is virtually imposible. 2 Speech is very slow and uneven expect for short or routine sentences. 3 Speech is frequently hesitant and jerky, sentences may be left uncompleted. 4 Speech is occasionally hesitant, with some unevenness caused by rephrasing and groping for words. 5 Speech is effortless and smooth, but perceptibly non-native in speech and and evenness. 6 Speech on all professional and general topics as effortless and smooth as a native speaker’s. Rating Comprehension 1 Understands too little for the simplest type of conversation 2 Understands only slow, very simple speech on common social and touristic, requires constant repetition and rephrasing. 3 Understands careful, somewhat simplified speech when engaged in a dialogue, but many require considerable repetition or rephrasing. 4 Understand quite well formal educated speech when engaged in a dialogue, but requires occasional repetition or rephrasing. 5 Understands everything in normal educated conversation except for every colloquial or low frequency items, or exceptionally rapid or slurred speech. 6 Understands everything in both formal and colloquial speech to be expected of an educated native speaker. Observation The using of observation in this research is to know the process of teaching and learning English in the classroom, when the teacher use the video, how is the students’ affective factorr and their speaking ability in their learning. And the researcher wants to observe the students motivation, self confident and their anxiety in learning when the teacher use the video of in teaching folk story in the classroom. Questionnaire The using of questionnaire is to get the information about the students’ response to each question. Judging from the mean of each question used by students. The researcher can know how forcefull they are in studying. The researcher can also calculate the effect of video on students’ affective factor and their speaking ability at SMPN 3 Bengkalis. Before writing questionnaire, the appropriate format for each question has to be ascertained. Here the researcher use Linkert Scale, a linkert scale format is usually used to measure the strength of an attitude or an opinion, parmjit singh (2006:139). Technique of data analysis 1). Description of the data, which describes the existing data to obtain data from respondents, to make it easy to understand researcher or others who are interested in the results of research conducted. The analysis used descriptive statistics for calculating the mean average price of each variable of the research, from the calculation it is described in the frequency distribution of scores of each research variable and visualized in a histogram. 2). Do the hypotheses, it use the sample t-test independent then the calculation use Statistic Package for Social Science (SPSS) for indow Release 20. In analyzing the data, the researcher used scores of pre-test and post-test of experimental and control groups. This score is analyzed statistically. Both descriptive and inferential statistic. In this research, the researcher used these formulas: Independent sample t-test To find out whether there is significant difference or there is no significant difference between two or more variables can be analysed by using Independent Sample ttes. Gay added that the t-test for independent sample is used to determine whether there is probably a significant difference between the means of two independent samples. Independent sample t-test was used to find out the results of the first and second hypotheses. They were as follow: To find out whether there is significant difference of students’ speaking ability before giving the treatment by using video in teaching folk story for experimental class and non treatment for control class. To find out whether there is significant difference of students’ speaking ability after giving the treatment by using video in teaching folk story for experimental class and non treatment for control class. Paired sample t-test or Non-independent Sample t- ttest Non-independent sample t- ttest is known also as Paired-Sample ttest. The researcher used this formula to obtain the result of the third hypothesis that is to find out whether there is significant effect of using Video toward students’ speaking ability and their affective factors at SMPN 1 Bengkalis. QUESTIONING: THE STUDENTS ASK AND ANSWER EACH OTHER AFTER THEY WATCH THE VIDEO. 33