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Between the publication of The Bostonians and its eventual exclusion from the New York Edition, a vexed sense of the novel's worth preponderates through James's letters. This article relates James's ambivalence toward The Bostonians to... more
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      American LiteratureHenry JamesLife Writing (Literature)
A special issue of Studies in Musical Theatre offering a range of new critical perspectives on Lin-Manuel Miranda's Hamilton, including: “Is It Like a Beat Without a Melody?”: Rap and Revolution in Hamilton | Jeffrey Severs Rise... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryAmerican HistoryCultural History
US Central Americans are destabilizing, reconceiving, and revitalizing the US Latina/o canon, and in doing so, they are forcing us to reconsider hegemonic ideas about Latinidad. The cultural production of Latinos/as of Central American... more
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      American LiteratureLatino/A StudiesLatin American StudiesAmerican Studies
In recent years, Black poets and other poets of color have increasingly won many of the most prestigious prizes and awards within the majority and historically white field of US poetry. This article traces the interventions (writing,... more
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      American LiteratureCultural StudiesEthnic StudiesBlack Studies Or African American Studies
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryPopular Culture1950s (U.S. history)
Our time is characterized by a crisis of representational practice, fuelled by unprecedented technological and economic changes on a global level. Narrative, therefore, takes a wide variety of forms. This course examines the aesthetics... more
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      American LiteratureBritish LiteratureWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
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      American LiteratureJewish American LiteratureAnzia Yezierska
Abstract: This essay proffers that African American literature, especially that of the contemporary moment, seeks a non-canonical canon, that is, unlawful laws, unruly rules, reading lists that morph and shake serial listedness.... more
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      American LiteratureBlack Studies Or African American StudiesAfrican American LiteratureAfrican American Studies
The Lisbon sisters, Camille, and the "Arminuta" are the daughters and the protagonists of three novels set in three different geographical-linguistic areas: the United States, France, and Italy. "The Virgin Suicides" (1993) by Jeffrey... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureFrench LiteratureTheatre Studies
Pearl S Buck though not Chinese, remained to be the only original source of China, for Americans and other world. Her fiction shows various aspects of China and Chinese life. They portray rural china, a revolutionary China, a changing... more
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    • American Literature
This study analyzes the language used in the construction of the personal identity of Dr. Heidegger through the labels attached to him, both given by self and by others, and his stance-taking. The researcher applies Discourse Analysis to... more
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      American LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage and Identity
SOMMARIO CARLO TIRINANZI DE MEDICI, Breve/lungo. Declinazioni letterarie di due radicali cognitivi 7 I. ESPLORAZIONI STORICO-TEORICHE IRÈNE KRISTEVA, Le fragment: l'opus hoc tenue par excellence 49 ADALGISA MINGATI, Forma breve e... more
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      American LiteratureComparative LiteratureRussian LiteratureTranslation Studies
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesTranslation StudiesPersian Literature
Wendell Berry's decades of reflections on agriculture, sustainability, and poetry have been rooted in weekly sabbaths spent in the woods of his Kentucky farm. Graeme Sharrock's analysis shows how this practice of sacred time in rural... more
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      American LiteratureArts, Literature, and ReligionWendell BerrySabbath
How was it that technology and writing came to inform each other so extensively that today there is only information? Technographies seeks to answer that question by putting the emphasis on writing as an answer to the large question of... more
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      American LiteratureCognitive PsychologyTechnologyMedia Studies
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      American LiteratureMythology And FolklorePoetryPsychoanalysis And Literature
Philip Roth dealing with anti-Semitism, alienation and identity in especially Jewish society is one of the distinguish American-Jewish writers in the twentieth century. Zuckerman Bound recounts the famous Jewish author Nathan Zuckerman... more
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      American LiteratureJewish Studies
A reflection about "Occhio per occhio" and "Superalbo" by Sandro Veronesi. A trailblazer books of 2.0 new journalism born in Italy, focused on the litarary debate arose in Italy between non-fiction and ficion litterature in 1990.
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesJournalism StudiesLetteratura italiana moderna e contemporanea
• This essay explores the literature/digital nexus from a narratological perspective and asks: how does the digital enter the traditional printed novel? The concept of the paratext – with the new categories of material peritexts and... more
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      American LiteratureNarrativeDigital MediaNarratology
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    • American Literature
Teaching in the shadow of the colonial relations in Israel/Palestine, there is, I believe, no more pressing pedagogical issue than exposing the ways in which hierarchies of “being” are produced through essentialist ethno-nationalist forms... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesIsrael/PalestinePierre Bourdieu
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      American LiteratureSexual ViolenceAfrican American LiteratureCultural Memory
"Guavas for Dummies, American Jíbaras, & Postnational Autonomy: When I Was Puerto Rican in the Hemispheric Turn" (2019) re-engages this text after I taught it in Puerto Rico four years. In this 2009 essay, Santiago’s memoir is said to... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryCultural StudiesLatin American Studies
This article was published in LETTERATURE D'AMERICA EN 2001.
It deals with the contemporary expression of gothic literature in the United States through the works of Charlotte Perkins Gilman, Shirley Jackson and Toni Morrison.
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      American LiteratureGothic LiteratureFeminist Literary Theory and Gender StudiesLiteratura
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      American LiteratureWomen's writingPostcolonial FeminismLiterature and Visual Arts
Le figure femminili nella poesia di Poe
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      American LiteratureLiteraturePoetryLiterary Criticism
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      American LiteratureGender StudiesRace and EthnicityAfrican American Literature
This study analyzes the language used in the construction of the personal identity of Dr. Heidegger through the labels attached to him, both given by self and by others, and his stancetaking. The researcher applies Discourse Analysis to... more
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      American LiteratureDiscourse AnalysisLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage and Identity
In both the claustrophobic text of Giovanni’s Room and the tiny room itself, David reckons with his alienating terror of the flesh. This terror, in Baldwin’s words, is “really a terror of being able to be touched” (Goldstein 70). From... more
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      American LiteratureJames BaldwinGiovanni's Room
M isterio y Maneras" es la última obra traducida al castellano de la escritora ame-ricana Flannery O'Connor (1925-1964). Se trata de una recopilación de textos de distinto origen: unos, artículos y ensayos que la autora publicó en vida,... more
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      American LiteratureLiteratura
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      American LiteratureLiteratureAfrican American LiteratureTwentieth Century Literature
a/b: Auto/Biography Studies
Volume 14, 1999 - Issue 1
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesGender and SexualityTrauma Studies
... Lyman Glenny, Howard Bowen, Duncan Mellichamp, Calvin Moore, Richard Jensen, and my colleagues at the Center for Studies in Higher Education (University of California—Berkeley), in particular Arnie Leiman, and also Marian Gade, Diane... more
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      American LiteratureHigher EducationCalifornia HistoryLiterary studies
Langston's Salvation offers a fascinating exploration into the religious thought of Langston Hughes. Known for his poetry, plays, and social activism, the importance of religion in Hughes’ work has historically been ignored or dismissed.... more
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      American LiteraturePoetryHarlem RenaissanceLangston Hughes
Response to Tennessee Williams “The Glass Menagerie”
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      American LiteratureEnglish LiteratureLiteratureNarrative
With the Soviet Union, you did get the sense that they were operating on a model that we could comprehend in terms of, they don't want to be blown up, we don't want to be blown up, so you do game theory and calculate ways to contain.
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesLiteratureCultural Cold War
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      American LiteratureChicano StudiesLatino/A StudiesThe Novel
This chapter is an introduction to the Art section of the book "Bob Dylan and the Arts".
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      American LiteratureMusicologyPopular Music StudiesPopular Music
A Marxist read of the (fairly) newly discovered "Life and Adventures of a Haunted Convict", the earliest extant African-American prison narrative. Focuses on the early part of the book and Austin Reed's transition from home to... more
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      American LiteratureAfrican American LiteratureMarxist theory19th-Century American Literature
A review of "American Pulp," "Illegal Literature," and "The Aesthetics of Middlebrow Fiction." Argues these books all reimagine the modernism/mass culture dialectic for an era after postmodernism.
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      American LiteratureMiddlebrow LiteratureModernism
This outline of the theoretical and historical parameters of my recently published Famine Irish and the American Racial State synthesizes the work of Nicos Poulantzas, Michel Foucault, Antonio Gramsci, and David Theo Goldberg, among... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican HistoryCultural HistoryCultural Studies
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      Critical TheoryAmerican LiteratureLiterary studiesHistory of the American West
... Wideman, John Edgar. ... As Cynthia Selfe (2004: 54) contends, composition studies risks becoming “increasingly irrelevant” if we are unwilling to envision “composing beyond conventional bounds of the alphabetic.” However, this... more
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      American LiteratureFilm StudiesPedagogyEthnic Group
This article reconsiders Richard Wright's Native Son by comparing divergences between the published novel and an earlier typeset manuscript. It argues that such revisions render protagonist Bigger Thomas an icon of global class... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesWorld LiteraturesComparative Literature
12th Annual Green Economics Institute Conference 10-12th June 2017 3 Days St Hugh's College, University of Oxford, Keeping Social and Environmental Justice Alive in an age of Tyranny.. Reforming Economics. Green Finance, Green... more
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      American LiteratureHistoryEuropean HistoryCultural History
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      American LiteratureLiteraturePoetryContemporary Poetry
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    • American Literature
A radio interview panel I participated in with Professor Stacey Peebles, introducing the work of Cormac McCarthy to a nationwide audience on Newstalk FM's literary discussion show, "Talking Books" (2016).... more
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      American LiteratureAmerican StudiesCormac McCarthyBlood Meridian