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A paternal lineage associated with Nordic Europeans, the Germanic migrations and the Vikings.
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyNordic Studies
Chernov S.Z., Goncharova N.N., Semenov A.S. Results of determination of Y-DNA haplogroups for a medieval Slavic burial site of the 12th century in the vicinity of the village of Degtyarevka, Bryansk region. The aim of the study is to... more
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      SequencingmtDNAHaplogroupsEastern Slavs
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Uno studio approfondito su Reitia, la somma dea dei Veneti, scoprendo le analogie con le dee solari del Nord-Europa. Attraverso mito e archeologia nuove concezioni ampliano gli orizzonti dell'antropologia dei Veneti antichi. Nove pagine... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreAncient HistoryCultural HistoryGenetics
This paper presents and links two stories: the story of Cheddar Man and the story of the Y-Haplogroup I2a-L38. Cheddar Man was a Western European hunter-gatherer who perished around 9,100 years ago and whose skeleton was unearthed near... more
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      GeneticsArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMesolithic Archaeology
Семененко А.А. Махабхарата, генетика и миграции индоевропейцев // Государство и общество: взаимодействие и противостояние. Материалы Седьмой региональной научной конференции (г. Воронеж, 4 февраля 2013 г.) / Под общ. ред. В.Н.Глазьева. —... more
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      Indo-European StudiesMahabharataIndo-Aryans Rigveda Indo-Europeans AvestaIndo-Europeans
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPopulation Genetics
Few academic studies to date have clearly distinguished haplogroup HV0 from haplogroup V for the simple reason that V and most of its subclades can only be identified through mutations in the coding region of the mitochondrion, and that... more
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPopulation Genetics
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPopulation Genetics
Haplogroup N1c is the main paternal lineage of Uralic speakers in Europe.
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric Archaeology
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric Archaeology
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPhylogeography
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPhylogeography
Italy is a fascinating country for population geneticists and historians alike. As Metternich said in 1847 "Italy is only a geographical expression". The peninsula was unified by Piedmont two decades later, but Metternich's remark still... more
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      GeneticsItalian (European History)Population GeneticsPrehistory
A look into the genes of Spanish and Portuguese people using Y-chromosomal, mitochondrial and autosomal DNA.
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyCeltic Studies
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPopulation Genetics
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPopulation Genetics
RJGG 1 ___________________________________________________________ Принята 28 июня 2014; опубликована 7 июля 2014. Связаться с автором по email: [email protected] Нируны и субклад С2а3-F4002 (старкластер) Жаксылык Сабитов Нурбол... more
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      GeneticsPopulation GeneticsMongolian StudiesHistory of the Mongol Empire
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      HistoryGeneticsNear Eastern ArchaeologyPrehistoric Archaeology
A long standing traditional cultural division exists between the Irish, the Welsh and the Highland Scots on one side, who are of Celtic heritage, and the English on the other side, who are of mixed Germanic, French, Celtic and even Roman... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryGeneticsIrish Studies
The origins of the Japanese people is not entirely clear yet. It is common for Japanese people to think that Japan is not part of Asia since it is an island, cut off from the continent. This tells a lot about how they see themselves in... more
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      GeneticsJapanese StudiesJapanese Language And CultureJapanese Linguistics
Book "Illyrians. Origines" seeks to investigate the issue of the origin of the Illyrians using informations from historiographic and mithographic sources and results of archaoelogical and paleogenetic reserch.
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPopulation Genetics
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Mitochondrial haplogroup HV is a Middle Eastern maternal lineage associated with the diffusion of agriculture. Its largest subclade, HV1 correlates with the diffusion of Y-DNA haplogroup T during the Neolithic period.
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      Ancient HistoryGeneticsMiddle East HistoryNeolithic Europe
Haplogroup I is a fairly rare matrilinear lineage, being found in average in 2% of Europeans and under 1% of Near Easterners. Slightly more elevated concentrations are found in Daghestan, notably among the Dargins (6.5%), Chechens (6%)... more
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      HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric ArchaeologyPopulation Genetics
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsPhylogeneticsPopulation Genetics
The Mongolic-speaking Kalmyks currently inhabiting the steppes of the Volga region have Central Asian ancestry and are organized into the tribal groups. The genetic relationships among these tribes and their origin have remained obscure.... more
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      AnthropologyHuman GeneticsPhylogeographyPopulation Genetics
Mitochondrial haplogroup U2 is a very old maternal lineage associated with the Paleolithic Europeans and Central Asians. Nearly absent from Neolithic settlements, it appears to have been re-introduced in most of Europe by the... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryGeneticsArchaeology
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      mtDNAAncient DNAHaplogroups
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryGeneticsPrehistoric Archaeology
We study the major levels of Y-chromosome haplogroup variation in 15 Sudanese populations by typing major Y-haplogroups in 445 unrelated males representing the three linguistic families in Sudan. Our analysis shows Sudanese populations... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyGeneticsGeographyArchaeology
PART 1 (vol.2, issue 3, 2016) and Part 2 (vol.2, issue 4, 2016) of this series respectively dealt with the migration of people speaking Tibeto-Burman (TB) languages into India from the Southwest of Sichuan province of China around 7000... more
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      Southeast Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian ArchaeologyNortheast IndiaSoutheast Asian Linguistics
Mitochondrial haplogroup U3 is a Middle Eastern maternal lineage with a late expansion (Copper Age to Iron Age) and an association with Y-DNA haplogroups J1 and J2.
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      Ancient HistoryGeneticsMiddle East HistoryGenetic Genealogy
The author offers his vision on some problems and issues connected with two Indo-European haplogroups: R1a and R1b. The first question raised will be: «Which nations were mono-haplogroupic and which -poly-haplogroupic, and what factors... more
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      HistoryGeneticsGenetic GenealogyY-Haplogroup(s)
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was investigated in a sample of 299 Latvians, a Baltic-speaking population from Eastern Europe. Sequencing of the first hypervariable segment (HVS-I) in combination with analysis of informative coding... more
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      Population GeneticsLanguageBaltic StatesPhylogeny
As part of the applied material for the study of historical migration and their relationship with historical events in the territory of central Eurasia, the authors investigated the haplogroup C-L1370 of Y-chromosome DNA. Where through... more
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      GeneticsMigrationHistory of KazakhstanHystory
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      GeographyPrincipal Component AnalysisIndiaPhylogeny
This study identifies and describes 38 branches of the haplogroup R1a STR haplotypes which currently exist in Europe or which migrated from Europe to areas in the east, south, and southeast between 6000 and 4500 years before the present... more
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      AnthropologyHaplotypesDNA genealogySnp
Vlad III The Impaler, also known as Dracula, descended from the dynasty of Basarab, the first rulers of independent Wallachia, in present Romania. Whether this dynasty is of Cuman (an admixed Turkic people that reached Wallachia from the... more
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      EngineeringPhysicsChemistryPopulation Genetics
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      AnthropologyCeramicsHaplotypesDNA genealogy
In this paper, based on the analysis of the FamilyTreeDNA database, the results of Geno 2.0 tests and the Chinese authors data on the partial sequencing of the Y-chromosome, a new variant of the structure of the haplogroup C has been... more
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      GeneticsHuman GeneticsPopulation GeneticsMongolian Studies
One of Denmark's earliest Christian cemeteries is Kongemarken, dating to around AD 1000 -1250. A feature of early Scandinavian Christian cemeteries is sex segregation, with females buried on the northern sides and males on the southern... more
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      ChristianityEvolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropology
В данной статье на основе анализа базы данных FamilyTreeDNA, результатов тестов Geno 2 и данных по частичному сиквенсу Y-хромосомы китайских авторов предложен новый вариант структуры гаплогруппы С. Если в плане субклада С1 предлагаемая... more
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      GeneticsPopulation GeneticsGenetic GenealogyY-Haplogroup(s)
Haplogroup J1 may be one of the most interesting genetic markers regarding human history. It’s highly represented in many places associated with the first civilizations (Levant, Mesopotamia and Egypt). The Afroasiatic language family... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsPastoralism (Social Anthropology)NostraticHaplogroups
This article aims at reconstructing the history of R1b ancient migrations between 16,000 and 1500 years before present (ybp). Four thousand four hundred eight (4408) haplotypes of haplogroup R1b (with subclades) were considered in terms... more
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      AnthropologyHaplotypesDNA genealogySnp
This article contains the answer to a dilemma: the rooting and spread of SARS-CoV-2 in Western Europe thanks to Y DNA haplogroup R1b. As the COVID-19 epidemic swept northern Italy, Spain, and western Europe the author suspects that there... more
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      GeneticsWestern EuropePopulation GeneticsHaplotypes
Hearing loss is the most common sensory disorder and is genetically heterogeneous. Apart from nuclear gene mutations, a number of inherited mitochondrial mutations have also been implicated. The m.1555A>G mutation in the mitochondrial... more
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      IndiaHaplotypesHearing LossPedigree
We present a method to distinguish authentic ancient DNA from contaminating DNA in a human bone. This is achieved by taking account of the spatial distribution of the various sequence families within the bone and the extent of degradation... more
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      Ancient HistoryEvolutionary BiologyArchaeologyAnthropology
Mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) variation was investigated in a sample of 299 Latvians, a Baltic-speaking population from Eastern Europe. Sequencing of the first hypervariable segment (HVS-I) in combination with analysis of informative coding... more
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      Population GeneticsLanguageBaltic StatesPhylogeny