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We have performed a search for bursts of gravitational waves associated with the very bright Gamma Ray Burst GRB030329, using the two detectors at the LIGO Hanford Observatory. Our search covered the most sensitive frequency range of the... more
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      EngineeringQuantum PhysicsOrganic ChemistryAstrophysical Plasma
To uncover qualitative and quantitative patterns in a data set is a challenging task for research in the area of machine learning and data analysis. Due to the complexity of real-world data, high-order (polythetic) patterns or event... more
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      Machine LearningGraph TheoryMotor LearningData Analysis
The selection of entries to be included/excluded in Branch and Bound algorithms is usually done on the basis of cost values. We consider the class of Depth First Search algorithms, and we propose to use upper tolerances to guide the... more
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      ModelingMultidisciplinarySearch AlgorithmAsymmetry
We report on a case study to assess the use of an advanced knowledge-based software design technique with programmers who have not participatedin the technique's development. We use the KIDS approach to algorithm design to construct two... more
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      Cognitive ScienceSoftware EngineeringSchedulingFormal methods
A major goal for researchers in neuroevolution is to evolve artificial neural networks (ANNs) that can learn during their lifetime. Such networks can adapt to changes in their environment that evolution on its own cannot anticipate.... more
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      Neural NetworkLearning to learnAdaptive behaviorAdaptive learning
Pure adaptive seach iteratively constructs a sequence of interior points uniformly distributed within the corresponding sequence of nested improving regions of the feasible space. Tbat is, at any iteration, the hext point in the sequence... more
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      Applied MathematicsMathematical ProgrammingMonte CarloInterior Point Methods
Traditional single-agent search algorithms usually make simplifying assumptions (single search agent, stationary target, complete knowledge of the state, and sufficient time). There are algorithms for relaxing one or two of these... more
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    • Search Algorithm
... 870 JZC Lai Image and Vision Computing 15 (1997) 867871 Table 2 The execution time of enci ading a real image (tiffany) for 3 different algorithms' Number of codewords Available encoding algorithm (seconds) EAWFC (seconds) E... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceComputational GeometryCoding
In this paper, a novel quantum swarm evolutionary algorithm (QSE) is presented based on the quantum-inspired evolutionary algorithm (QEA). A new definition of Q-bit expression called quantum angle is proposed, and an improved particle... more
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      EngineeringParticle Swarm OptimizationSearch AlgorithmTraveling Salesman Problem
A robot has to construct a complete map of an unknown environment modeled as an undirected connected graph. The task is to explore all nodes and edges of the graph using the minimum number of edge traversals. The penalty of an exploration... more
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      RoboticsMathematicsComputer ScienceAlgorithms
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      Information SystemsApproximation TheoryAlgorithmsArtificial Intelligence
We introduce the concept of “minimal” search algorithm for a set of functions to optimize. We investigate the structure of closed under permutation (c.u.p.) sets and we calculate the performance of an algorithm applied to them. We prove... more
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      Genetic AlgorithmSearch Algorithm
that use space linear in the search depth are widely employed in practice to solve difficult problems optimally, such as planning and scheduling. In this paper, we study the average-case performance of linear-space search algorithms,... more
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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceSearch AlgorithmBranch and Bound
Available in: ... Redalyc Scientific Information System Network of Scientific Journals from Latin America, the Caribbean, Spain and ... A harmony search algorithm for... more
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      Computer ScienceFeature SelectionVariabilityClustering
In this paper the MRL rescue robot team and its robots are explained. We have designed and built three new robots including two autonomous indoor robots and one out-door (rough terrain) robot for different situations/arenas. Our main goal... more
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      Simultaneous Localization and MappingRough TerrainCollision AvoidanceSensor Fusion
Previous work in Query-by-Humming systems has left open many questions. Although a variety of techniques have been explored, there has been relatively little work to compare them under controlled conditions, especially with "real" audio... more
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      Search AlgorithmHuman SubjectsQuery by HummingDynamic Programming Algorithm
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      Power SystemSolar CellSolar EnergyTransducers
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      Search AlgorithmPhysical Properties
In this paper we introduce COV, a novel information retrieval (IR) algorithm for massive databases based on vector space modeling and spectral analysis of the covariance matrix, for the document vectors, to reduce the scale of the... more
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      Applied MathematicsInformation RetrievalData MiningMultivariate Analysis
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      Monte Carlo MethodsProblem SolvingSearch AlgorithmRandom Processes
Smith et al. report a large study of the accuracy of 38 search procedures for recovering effective connections in simulations of DCM models under 28 different conditions. Their results are disappointing: no method reliably finds and... more
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      AlgorithmsMagnetic Resonance ImagingNeuroimmunologyBrain Mapping
In this paper we address the problem of building an effi-cient database management system that allows querying for similar images. This system, which supports image-based queries on a database of photographs taken around the campus, helps... more
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      Data StructureImage RetrievalDATABASE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMNearest Neighbor
In this paper we present a tabu search algorithm for the min-max k-Chinese postman problem (MM k-CPP). Given an undirected edge-weighted graph and a distinguished depot node, the MM k-CPP consists of finding k > 1 tours (starting and... more
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      Applied MathematicsTabu SearchRoutingScheduling
With ever increasing digital data in form of files, there is a need of efficient text searching algorithms with their applications. This paper describes an algorithm for searching any sentence in the given pool of files. The efficiency of... more
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      Search AlgorithmLinear OrderComputer Networks and Information SecurityPattern Search
An algorithm for detecting and analyzing potential enroute conflicts has been designed and implemented within the Center-TRACON Automation System (CTAS). The design uses the 4D trajectories provided by CTAS to produce a set of probable... more
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      Automatic ControlProbabilitySafetyAir traffic control
The goal of this study is to obtain globally optimum shapes for two-dimensional structures subject to quasi-static loads and restraints. For this purpose a technique is proposed, using which the volume (or weight) of a structure can be... more
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      EngineeringModelingSimulated AnnealingFinite element method
This paper develops the multidimensional binary search tree (or k -d tree, where k is the dimensionality of the search space) as a data structure for storage of information to be retrieved by associative searches. The k -d tree is defined... more
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      MathematicsComputer ScienceData StructureSearch Algorithm
Distribution centers location problem is concerned with how to select distribution centers from the potential set so that the total relevant cost is minimized. This paper mainly investigates this problem under fuzzy environment.... more
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      Applied MathematicsNumerical AnalysisGenetic AlgorithmProgramming
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      LawTechnological InnovationNew TechnologySearch Engine Optimization
Cancer leads to approximately 25% of all mortalities, making it the second leading cause of death in the United States. Early and accurate detection of cancer is critical to the well being of patients. Analysis of gene expression data... more
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      GeneticsAlgorithmsData MiningData Analysis
In the past, many methods have been proposed for the inference of probabilistic and non-probabilistic finite state automata from positive examples of their behaviour. In this paper, we introduce a search method guided by the... more
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      Information TheorySimulated AnnealingSearch AlgorithmFinite State Automata
This paper proposed a penalty guided artificial bee colony algorithm (ABC) to solve the reliability redundancy allocation problem (RAP). The redundancy allocation problem involves setting reliability objectives for components or... more
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      Applied MathematicsSwarm IntelligenceMathematical ProgrammingMixed Integer Nonlinear Programming
Abstract—There are many classical algorithms for finding routing in FPGA. But Using DNA computing we can solve the routes efficiently and fast. The run time complexity of DNA algorithms is much less than other classical algorithms which... more
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      RoutingDNA computingSearch AlgorithmTime Complexity
Ray tracing is a well known method for photorealistic image synthesis, volume visualization and rendering. Over the last decade the method is being adopted throughout the research community around the world. With the advent of the high... more
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      Computer ScienceComputational GeometryComputer AnimationReal-time rendering
Bandwidth estimation techniques seek to provide an accurate estimation of available bandwidth such that network applications can adjust their behavior accordingly. However, most current techniques were designed for wired networks and... more
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      Wireless NetworkBandwidth AllocationSearch AlgorithmMultimedia Streaming
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey-II Supernova Survey has identified a large number of new transient sources in a 300 deg 2 region along the celestial equator during its first two seasons of a three-season campaign. Multi-band (ugriz) light... more
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      GeographyPhysicsImage ProcessingActive Galactic Nuclei
A new population-based search algorithm called the Bees Algorithm (BA) is presented. The algorithm mimics the food foraging behaviour of swarms of honey bees. In its basic version, the algorithm performs a kind of neighbourhood search... more
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      Swarm IntelligenceBees AlgorithmsHoney beeSearch Algorithm
Conservation of information (COI) popularized by the no free lunch theorem is a great leveler of search algorithms, showing that on average no search outperforms any other. Yet in practice some searches appear to outperform others. In... more
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      Information RetrievalSearch AlgorithmPrior KnowledgeSearch Space
Grover's algorithm provides a quadratic speed-up over classical algorithms for unstructured database or library searches. This paper examines the robustness of Grover's search algorithm to a random phase error in the oracle and analyzes... more
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      Search AlgorithmError Correction
Most engineering optimization algorithms are based on numerical linear and nonlinear programming methods that require substantial gradient information and usually seek to improve the solution in the neighborhood of a starting point. These... more
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      EngineeringStructural EngineeringLinear ProgrammingNonlinear Programming
Differential Evolution (DE) and Genetic Algorithms (GA) are population based search algorithms that come under the category of evolutionary optimization techniques. In the present study, these evolutionary methods have been utilized to... more
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      Differential EvolutionGenetic AlgorithmSearch AlgorithmMobile Robot
This paper shows a way to speed up search by using an encoding at bit level to model a particular domain. A bitboard is an unsigned integer whose bits have been given an interpretation in the world of discourse. In models encoded in such... more
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      Search AlgorithmMaximum Clique Problem
In this paper the recently developed "Floating Search" algorithms are presented and modified to a more compact form facilitating their direct comparison with the well known (11 r ) search. The properties ofthe Floating Search methods are... more
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      Feature SelectionSearch AlgorithmComputational EfficiencyHigh Dimensionality
Trappy minimax is a game-independent extension of the minimax adversarial search algorithm that attempts to take advantage of human frailty. Whereas minimax assumes best play by the opponent, trappy minimax tries to predict when an... more
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      Computer ScienceIterative MethodsProfitabilitySearch Algorithm
To ensure the quality of the nanoimprint fabricated optical gratings, optical scatterometry (OS) is an efficient and effective mean to diagnose the actual fabricated geometry. To facilitate the diagnosis process, efficient pattern... more
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      MicroelectronicSingular value decompositionNanolithographyEfficient Algorithm for ECG Coding
In recent years, various heuristic optimization methods have been developed. Many of these methods are inspired by swarm behaviors in nature. In this paper, a new optimization algorithm based on the law of gravity and mass interactions is... more
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      EngineeringHeuristic SearchOptimizationMathematical Sciences
The problem of path-finding in commercial computer games has to be solved in real time, often under constraints of limited memory and CPU resources. The computational effort required to find a path, using a search algorithm such as A*,... more
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      Cluster ComputingGame DevelopmentSearch AlgorithmReal Time
Nature is the principal source for proposing new optimization methods such as genetic algorithms (GA) and simulated annealing (SA) methods. All traditional evolutionary algorithms are heuristic population-based search procedures that... more
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      EngineeringGeneticsSoftware EngineeringSimulated Annealing
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      Online AdvertisingSearch AlgorithmHistorical DataReal Time
One approach for utilizing geoscience models for management or policy analysis is via a simulationbased optimization framework-where an underlying model is linked with an optimization search algorithm. In this regard, MATLAB and Python... more
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      EngineeringEarth SciencesPolicy AnalysisReactive transport modeling