Semantic Externalism
Recent papers in Semantic Externalism
In this paper I identify some unexplored implications of content externalism. The implications can be traced to the role that metaphysical realism plays in some of the standard arguments for content externalism. I do not regard these... more
In this essay, I develop an interpretation of Wittgenstein as an advocate of what I call “embedded externalism.” Embedded externalism differs from other forms of externalism in that it treats linguistic practice as embedded within an... more
ProtoSociology occupies an important position in the European intellectual scene, bridging philosophy, economics, sociology and related disciplines. Its volumes on rationality bring together concerns in all these topics, and present an... more
The attack on content-externalism on the grounds that it is incompatible with content-transparency has been much debated over the decades. The first line of argumentation claims that content-externalism undermines the a priori... more
Le séminaire sera essentiellement consacré à une lecture suivie de l'ouvrage de Saul Kripke, Naming and Necessity ( La logique des noms propres). Avec les travaux d'Hilary Putnam, cet ouvrage constitue un tournant dans la... more
A presentation (in Italian) of Putnam's article of 1975, part of a collective work about classical texts in analytic philosophy.
The traditional Web stores huge amount of data in the form of Relational Databases (RDB) as it is good at storing objects and relationships between them. Relational Databases are dynamic in nature which allows bringing tables together... more
Factualismo versus não-factualismo do significado no Wittgenstein de Kripke Saul A. Kripke, em seu livro Wittgenstein on Rules and Private Language, afirma que Wittgenstein desenvolve uma nova forma de ceticismo, o ceticismo semântico. De... more
The aim of the paper is to present the main conceptions in the cotemporary philosophy of mind. The debate is narrated in two ways: The first approach concerns the ontology of mind, with the questions such as: What is the nature of mind?;... more
This paper re-examines how C.I. Lewis’s pragmatic realism in Mind and the World Order (1929, ‘MWO’) contrasts to logical empiricism, and to Lewis’s later An Analysis of Knowledge and Valuation (1946, ‘AKV’), to highlight several important... more
The aim of the paper is to present the main conceptions in the contemporary philosophy of mental (mind). The debate is narrated in two ways: The first approach concerns the ontology of mental, with the questions such as: What is the... more
The Twin Earth scenario assumes reference to natural kinds is unique and never changes (rigid designation), and that we can give justice to the intuition of reference-permanence and things having a deep structure only by pushing meaning... more
This thesis aims at laying the groundwork for a research program in philosophy of mind by arguing for two theoretical positions, internalism and representationalism (intentionalism), which are rarely defended jointly, but which together... more
I offer an explicit account of the underdetermination thesis as well as of the many challenges it poses to scientific realism; a way to answer to these challenges is explored and outlined, by shifting attention to the content of theories.... more
Available via the following link: TABLE DES MATIÈRES 1. « Introduction. Sur l’unité de la pensée de Hilary Putnam », p. 1 Henri Wagner 2. « Un pluralisme pragmatique positif », p. 51 Juliet... more
Abstract: This article uses a semantic externalist method to inquire about the meaning of political evaluative concepts such as democracy. Semantic externalism postulates that the content of what we think and mean is determined not... more
This book defends a conception of the mind that is inspired by some of Descartes's writings. The crucial feature of the Cartesian view defended is not dualism — which is not adopted here — but internalism about the mind. Internalism is... more
William of Ockham frequently mentions a distinction between two modes of cognition: in se and in alio. The aim of this chapter is to show that this distinction raises some important problems for his philosophy of mind and more broadly for... more
The entry discusses all of Tyler Burge's work from a relatively high level of abstraction.
The creative aspect of language use provides a set of phenomena that a science of language must explain. It is the “central fact to which any significant linguistic theory must address itself” and thus “a theory of language that neglects... more
Apesar do externalismo semântico de Putnam encontrar ampla aceitação, nem sempre se vê claramente que as contribuições de Putnam à semântica e à filosofia da mente são frutos de argumentos cuidadosos, em vez de serem frutos próximos da... more
Wie denken und sprechen wir eigentlich über einzelne Objekte in Raum und Zeit? Diese Frage rührt gleichermaßen an Grundprobleme der neueren sprachanalytischen Philosophie und der transzendentalen Phänomenologie Husserls. Unter dem Titel... more
"Recently internalists have mounted a counter-attack on the attempt to redefine the bounds of cognition. The counter-attack is aimed at a radical project which I call ‘‘cognitive integration,’’ which is the view that internal and external... more
ABSTRAKT Praca rekonstruuje strukturę Kantowskiego Odparcia Idealizmu. Pierwsza część dotyczy zarzutów wobec pierwotnego sformułowania oraz wydobywa tkwiące w nim sprzeczności.
In his post-Tractatus work on natural language use, Wittgenstein defended the notion of what he dubbed the autonomy of grammar. According to this thought, grammar -or semantics, in a more recent idiom -is essentially autonomous from... more
In Our knowledge of the internal world, Robert Stalnaker presents a sophisticated new defense of a radically externalist and contextualist approach to mental content. These comments focus on Stalnaker’s claim that fine-grained... more
This paper proposes a relational account concepts and explains how the model fits normative terms like 'is right'. Our connectedness model builds social and historical facts into the foundations of concept identity. This aspect of the... more
In this paper, I argue that an adequate meta-semantic framework capable of accommodating the range of projects currently identified as projects in conceptual engineering must be sensitive to the fact that concepts (and hence projects... more
I will explore some philosophical implications generated from Williamson's thesis that knowing is a state of mind (KSM). By using the fake barn case, I introduce a way to evaluate Williamson's KSM thesis— whether Williamsonian mental... more
The main aim of the conference is to present the new approaches to the problem of consciousness and rationality and to provide an effective dialog between disciplines and the different fields of philosophy, which can be fruitful for the... more
The Realist that investigates questions of ontology by appeal to the quantifi cational structure of language assumes that the semantics for the privileged language of ontology is externalist. I argue that such a language cannot be (some... more
[Excerpts from the penultimate draft. Includes the front matter, the first section of the preamble, and chapter 1.] *Self-Reflection for the Opaque Mind* attempts to solve a grave problem about critical self-reflection. The worry is that... more
Critical discussion of a recent book-length survey of the literature on semantic externalism.
Available via the following link: This essay aims to explore the significance of Hilary Putnam’s reflections on the division... more
In his 1975 paper "The Meaning of 'Meaning,'" Hilary Putnam famously argued for semantic externalism. Little attention has been paid, however, to the fact that already in 1973, Putnam had presented the idea of the linguistic division of... more
There is a wide-spread picture of the mental as something inner—a view whose influence on our thinking about the mind is so pervasive and tenacious that it often goes unnoticed. Even though its impact goes well beyond any explicit... more
abstract Donald Davidson's unified theory of language and action can be understood as a continuation of the traditional analytic approach within philosophy of language and action. In the following we give an outline of some of the main... more